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Solus / Control Panel URL's
I hate to check the welcome email for the SolusVM url. I like RAM Host, BuyVM and Inceptionhosting for having the URL to their respective control panels on their website.
So, for all of you who also hate it, I'm collecting SolusVM/Control Panel urls:
Please, reply with any missing url's, the ones I have are either because I have a VPS with them or they provide it somewhere on their website or via live chat.
We link to it within the WHMCS interface.
ShoveHost is
@Raymii we also provide direct links on the website.
We're a smaller provider than the others you've got listed there, but by all means consider adding our URL if you would like: (SolusVM)
@turbovm @shovenose @GetKVM_Ash
Added all three, thanks
For the user it is just easier to find it in WHMCS or via a button/link than via the welcome email...
Our solusvm is linked within whmcs and can only be accessible by active clients. Not really interested in posting logins on public places for various reason. Thank you for your offer though
Security by obscurity will always work.
Something better then nothing. If it was me, I would even add two-factor authentication for solusvm client area login.
@NHRoel It takes only one client to leak that URL and your "policy" is invalid. The below simple google query lists a lot of solusVMs:
So please explain your "various reasons".
Also, HTTPS is a must for SolusVM or a billing panel, I don't use providers who only provide http on that part. Two factor authentication in SolusVM (or WHMCS) (or ssh) is also very nice, maybe @soluslabs will implement a Yubikey or Google Authenticator Solution.
Where's @George_Fusioned. Stealing our SolusVM name :P
What he was doing is exactly the definition of security through obscurity. Aka let's keep something secret in the hopes it will enhance the security of it.
@GetKVM_Ash @George_Fusioned
Who was first? Funny to see that, double :P
Who was first? Funny to see that, double :P
I think we were, not sure though
Great minds and all that..
I'm not sure now, his domain is older than ours but i don't know how long they have offered VPS.
Haha! Imagine if I had called it or, then I'd have a lot more providers after me...
But to be honest, I didn't "steal" it from @GetKVM_Ash, I "stole" it from VPS.NET
( used to be a few years ago)
Haha. I was scrolling through and saw it like WTF :P Like i said, great minds think alike.
... guys, I agree with what someone posted above over how there's a difference betweek hiding it, and making your full list of urls available for a DOSer just to have at it... I'm also wondering how many people will register the domain names with the missing dot and set up phishing portals.
Exactly! -> :P
Wow, that's a genius idea, you just gave the bad guys ideas
@BronzeByte - The difference is I'm a good guy. I don't recommend posting links publicly; it's just opening them up for attack.
So is @Raymii, you are giving bad guys ideas, solus links should already be protected, it's so easy to just guess the link.
If anything happens to ours they will have @AnthonySmith to answer too :P
Guys, this is frankly silly unless you all have DDoS protected IPs for your SolusVMs. SolusVM is the second thing skiddies attack after your home page itself. You're just begging to be hit.
Im starting to think you know more than your letting on [DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A JOKE].
Well, if they're going to attack me then they will just sign up for a $2 VPS and get the link. So who cares?
Exactly, unless you're dealing with a skid that bought a shitty booter and is attacking random people
@BronzeByte which would suck
But it's hosted off net so if it's offline for a minute or too whatever.
Meh, these shitty random attacks are like 500mbps UDP, cloudflare doesn't really mind such an attack
When I read @Raymii's post at the top of this thread...
I. Jizzed. In. My. Pants.