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Proxmox Help
I recently brought a OVH server with 1 dedicated ip I also purchased a subnet of IPv4 addresses. I installed proxmox version 4.0 and I installed a windows ISO version I wish to use. Everything is working perfectly up to that point. Now I am trying to configure the network inside the virtual machines.
Main Server IP: 158.69.**.180
Add-On Subnet: 192.99.***.64/26
It is showing on proxmox that I have a Linux bridge already configured:
My question is do I need to create another bridge for KVM? I have tried to configure the network inside of the virtual machine already but nothing seems to be letting it connect.
This is my first time using proxmox or any kind of machine so I'm literally blind with what I am doing just trying to go based off some guides through the internet.
You need to create virtual mac first,
Did you assign a virtual MAC in the OVH control panel to the IP address you're using?
I'm using Realtec RTL8139 as my driver
Under hardware tab in Proxmox for network device, you can set the OVH virtual MAC
Will assign the mac address now. So I need to install a mac address via OVH GUI for all of the IP I am going to be assigning right?
Going to assign them right now.
@robohost I have assigned a mac address to one of the IPs for testing purposes now I am creating a VM. Assuming this is where I put the mac address but no option to enter the ip address here so would I still be needing to configure the network inside the virtual machine?
The image on the guide seems to be a bit different
Would I need to assign a static IPv4 address also for the virtual machine?
You're using 4.x and I'm on 3.x so that screen is different for me.
I'd try it without setting it in Proxmox then assign the IP within the VM
I assigned the virtual mac
Will try to configure the network in the virtual machine now.
What Windows version are you installing? I used Realtec on Windows 2008 which has got me better results. I want to say theres a reason why I don't use E1000 but can't recall why
Windows 2008R2
Same here, if E1000 gives you issues try Realtec.
Do you use the gateway of the main servers network? Also what do you use for the DNS with OVH?
Also yea I was thinking of using Realtec after reading up on it by google.
The IP block assigned to you has a gateway. You can use Google DNS /
So do I use the main servers IP gateway or the /26 gateway? That sorta confuses me because the main servers IP is what the virtual machines are currently configured to.
You do not use the main server's gateway unless using the default/base allocation's IPs. If you order additional IP blocks, there is a gateway on each IP block.
I believe you help me solve it man. Going to restart the VM now and see if it all connect correctly.
That's because that's the networking template for containers in the screen shot above your post.
With the configurations you gave me its showing that the network is connected inside the virtual machine but its actually not connecting to the internet physically.
I pmed you the current network configurations inside the virtual machine.
This is with E1000 right?
Switch to Realtec in Proxmox and reboot the container
Isn't virtio the recommended driver even for windows?
But it's need to be "installed(NetKVM")" during installation of windows.
It's a Ford vs Chevy type debate with VirtIO vs everything else. I've used Realtec because it's what has worked the easiest for me in Win2008 at the expense of my sanity. I might try it one day but I'm pretty much too busy these days to play with it. It just simply works for me.
True. Stick with what works. I said that because proxmox wiki is recommending it everywhere.
They also say that windows 08 r2 works with e1000 as well.
Me, I don't care what my "ethernet drivers" are called. Got internet or not is the point.
Switched to the other driver its showing its connected to the internet but not allowing me to psychically connect to the internet via browser.
Is this the norm do I need to do another step?
@doughmanes helped me through pm its working now thanks a load man.
I've been with Proxmox about as long as Debian. I wish more people would give it credit versus slam it over the silliest reasons.
The fix was the gateway wasn't set properly on the 2nd IP block purchased.
Love me some Proxmox. Just about every one of my servers runs it!
OpenvSwitch + Proxmox = life