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in Help
Hello everyone. I have a NAT IPv4 VPS laying around from LES and I would like to put it to use... Specifically, I'd like to install Nginx/LightHTTPD, PHP and MySQL/MariaDB. I have tried multiple tutorials online and none have worked. I am usually able to follow the guides normally or use centminmod to install LEMP stack but am unable to do so in this situation as I have only 192MB of RAM and 2GB of storage. I am looking for someone to do this for me on CentOS 6 and I'd be more than happy to send you some money via PayPal for your help... Let me know
apt-get install lighttpd php5-cgi php5-mysql mysql-server && lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php && cd /etc/mysql/ && mv my.cnf my.cnf.bk && cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.5/examples/my-small.cnf my.cnf && /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart && /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Wouldn't I have to do any custom configuration?
You mean specifically for LES? No idea, I think you can just use cloudflare for IPv6 -> IPv4 or you can edit /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf to change the port to one of the ones assigned to you
Actually I just saw you're on centos. That command is for Debian only, sorry
This has nothing with what you will need to deal with LES, but it will install without sketchy scripts
specify the help you need, more important, the money :P
If he's being stingy enough to actually try using a 128mb LES vps.... i really really doubt he'll send enough to even buy a beer.
Not everyone uses LES to save money.
What else would you use it for?
I don't know, testing, learning and all? Trying to save money is not always equal to being stingy.
So a guy testing and learning stuff is asking someone to set it up for him? Seems legit.
If your thinking I'm poor because I use LES your wrong... I simply do not like your attitude and find it offensive. I currently own around 10 VPS from OVH, Ramnode, Host1Plus, and a dedi from Kimsufi. You have no right to judge me and think I am stingy with my money. If you are going to be useless and start a flamewar I'd rather have you leave. All I did was ask a question. People like you make LET like LowEndFlamewar.
Try documenting what the issue was in your post, and then people can help you solve that particular issue. Did you have an error message? Was it yum failing in a low memory environment?
reinstall it to debian and
I host static website on my 64mb LES with that script.
Fot centos :
I havent test it yet on LES but it should work.
Use your host reverse proxy, or cloudfare 6to4
Normally installing LEMP stack in a LES, is an easy task. In Debian/Ubuntu is almost an "one click task", but it is easy also in Centos. Although, I wouldn't use Centos in a 128MB box, because with the default installation, it needs more resources. Is there any particular reason to use Centos?
Also, what errors did you receive when trying to install a LEMP stack, and what tutorial did you follow?
Centmin Mod may have some hacks/tweaks
I am just used to CentOS, it's more of a personal preference. Although Debian and CentOS aren't much different I should just invest my time in learning Debian. I am going to try @emperor tutorial and I might not need help after this.
Technically I have every right to judge you. Just like you have every right to insist I'm being rude. I just found it hilarious that you mentioned payment for someone to configure a $2/year server.
The CentOS script worked successfully! I have a couple questions now... How would I create/view existing MySQL users? I usually use a panel like VestaCP. I am creating a forum and I need my username and password for the database and I couldn't help but notice that I didn't see a field to create a username.
mysql mysql
>show tables user;
You can install vestacp with some hacks, to listen to a port assigned to you and not the 8083 default. As of handling via terminal, just google a little. There are several tutorials to do it. When installed mysql, you gave a root password there. You can use it to enter to mysql and do all the tasks from there.
I'm guessing I do mysql mysql (password)? When I do that a bunch of lines come up, which command do I use to create a user and a password as I am hosting multiple sites. I have created the vhosts already.
Is cloudflare able to redirect to a non-standard port?
I am using the reverse proxy provided by them in the SolusVM panel. So it's running on port 80.
Theese are the last lines you see when installation is finished. Now run that to set up root mysql password and after that enter mysql and do your thing.
So the MySQL username is "mysql"? I need to create multiple sites, therefore I need multiple users and when I do the MySQL secure installation it only asks me for a password.
Didn't know they offered that. neat!
No. Cloudflare does redirection from ipv4 to ipv6 box only to port 80.