All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Free $1.50 credit for all new signups (2 hours only)
Hi Guys,
For the next 2 hours any new signups will get £1/$1.50 credit automatically added to their account, this can be used to deploy 1 x 512Mb VPS only, any other plans deployed with free credit will be destroyed.
Also please note once the free credit is used up, the VM will be destroyed automatically unless you have topped your credit up during the trial period. (There will be no suspension period for trial VM's)
Don't signup using a VPN
Don't signup using a 10-minute email service/fake email.
Don't DDoS, torrent or do anything illegal, please just use normally.
You must use your real full name, no aliases.
One account per person!
Enjoy and please do not abuse this!
PS: Also please note all our services are un-managed!
Website is offlineis online but Pricing Page: 404 Page Not Found1.50, like seriously? how many hours do I get to use the vps with?
with just 1:30 you can change the world ,,, u know
Sorted sorry about that!
Its for testing our services...
And on the lowest plan, close to 300 hours.
Anyway, how many hours/days do we get to use the vps with the credits?
333 hours of the lowest plan.
Seriously, it's a free offer. If you don't want it, walk away - there are plenty who will be grateful for this offer.
Were you born without a brain?
Please send me the balance :)
Successfully got £1.00 and deployed the lowest plan.
Not sure why it didn't automatically apply to your account!
Does it require a credit card or anything similar to claim that free credit?
Nope, just a real email, full name and thats it!
Strange it changed from 1.5 to 1
£1 = $1.50
Got £1.00. Thank @Zare
But only UK Location availble?
My IP belong to Hydra Communication.
Hail Hydra!!
Thank @Zare
I cant believe im not the only one
Here is the bench:
CPU model : QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6) Number of cores : 1 CPU frequency : 2299.998 MHz Total amount of ram : 494 MB Total amount of swap : 127 MB System uptime : 21 min, Download speed from CacheFly: 56.7MB/s Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 7.48MB/s Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 3.99MB/s Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 5.62MB/s Download speed from, Rotterdam, NL: 23.0MB/s Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 28.5MB/s Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 4.14MB/s Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 5.41MB/s Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 4.28MB/s Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 15.1MB/s I/O speed : 441 MB/s
you mean Hydra snackbar
Nope, this one
Sorry OP, back to topic
Just got one...Looks good btw..
Thanks @Zare , what kind of virtualization is it ?
Zare busy as a bee
What is your control panel? It's really impressive.
Could I use $ to add fund? Paypal charged $4 for £2.5.
BTW, credit is still £1 after fund.[Edit:credit has been added]
I think it's custom. Is it @Zare?