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Good for you. But that doesn't erase the fact that you tried to write it off as yours.
He hasn't just ripped code, he's added more download locations. more information (HDD), Will be adding further IO testing functionlity too, but there's no reason to bounce on somebody who had good intentions and was just trying to learn. I don't see him putting this up for sale, or harvesting all of your data. We should be encouraging creativity in this industry and providing help & tips on improving coding ability and scripts alike.
Have you even read it?
He hasn't given any credit whatsoever, and he's not handing the same freedoms he received with the GNU GPL v3 license.
His intentions may be good, but I'd expect the thread to be something like "Better Benchmark script, credits to Hidden_Refuge for the original bench script"
Intentions may have been good, but credit should have been given where it was due... I'm guessing that after this thread OP has learnt his lesson (the hard way).
Creativity should be encouraged, but by not giving credit OP was no different.
Low. End. Drama.
" sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our LET..."
I've created new scripts from scratch, with help of Hidden_Refuge. Still working to improve. And this upgrade will have all-in-one, no extra code for ubuntu.
@MCHPhil @FlamesRunner you have anything to say?
Yes. All we asked of you was to include credits to him on your original script.
Yet you ignored us, and made a new one.
We're not the ones at fault here -- your ignorance led to you ultimately creating a new one, which we'd never told you to do.
Have read all of comments here, i guess OP is just like me, learning / recreating from the other's script, the difference was just the credit (i from the beginning was clearly giving credit to LNMP and also credit to my friend who helped me recreated it, because it is a code we have to respect, anywhere on the internet).
But if he has now giving credit to the script he recreated, let's just leave this off i mean his intention is good, to learn, to share (i know that feel), it is good to give encouragement for them who's learning something, rather than let them down continously.
Besides, i believe in the theory that there is no real originality in this world, internet is just who post it first, and being cached / promoted / known first, will be the first, you know what i'm saying The idea may come from another people who hasn't publish or just won't write / share on internet, maybe like small conversation that becomes an idea, something like that.
For me personally, things like this, recreating script in 2012 - (from LNMP script which at that time was just an auto installer script with a little options, and now i'm shocked that LNMP script is greater and includes lots of options, and the idea of them doing that might come from the script which i recreated from theirs too, LOL, because at that time i guess there was only LNMP, ruchira script, and the one i recreated, or maybe the old centmin without mod) - is just a way i could learn, help, and share. I was ready if later someone will remake, recreated, redo the script i recreated without me having to feel like stealed or something like that.
Because the intention was / is pure sharing, helping, and learning.
PS: And because this is internet!
Yes, don't steal other people's work and try to pass it off as your own. Even if you added 3 lines and a fake copyright.
Respect is one thing, giving credits where credits are due is a nice thing, but licencing software is something completely different.
First, this software is distributed on without any mention of the licence:, have no mention of any licence terms whatsoever either.
And here you are referring to some license you added to the code 22 days ago
@sayem314 @MCHPhil @Hidden_Refuge @FlamesRunner @luissousa @vedran
I started this script, not freevps.
Freevps just took it and added a few download links and started advertising it his own and afterwards maybe did more modifications.
If freevps thinks he didn't receive the credits he deserved then he should have given credits to me on the first place
@vedran The license is for the 2.0 version based on what dmmcintyre3 posted on where I am an administrator since 2012. OP has asked me on FreeVPS if he can use 2.0 as basis for his new script. I said yes as long as he just gives credit and does as GPL 3 says.
The license is nowhere mentioned as I'm far away from having it finished. I have some ideas that I've no added yet. And the topic you found on FreeVPS is in SPAM/Testing --> I needed some testers for newly added functions.
@camarg I've no idea where it is or was from. I joined in 2012 when the script was there already on FreeVPS.
Start blaming me much for stuff I didn't do (in terms of using camarg's script as I've had no idea where it was from at all)? And I think I can very well license the changes I added to the script and all improvements. dmmcintyre3 was credited because I've had no idea that camarg created it.
Now I know who made the original and will update the credit and link to the original inside the 2.0 version. And hey since I have access to the server I will even update the copy of on FreeVPS.
Y'all happy now?
Here you go.
Github license file:
Github description:
FreeVPS Benchmark Scripts thread:
FreeVPS 2 thread:
Can you put the actual url of my blog post, instead of the shortened url?
Thank you
@camarg Sure. I used a short URL in order to keep the comment section short but ok as you wish. I will add the original link tomorrow.
You posted this script first on 28th Nov 2011, but 'dmmcinytre3' posted on before you posted on 18th Oct 2011! So what do you say @Hidden_Refuge?
@sayem314 I don't have a clue... Didn't bother to check the dates. But now as you say I see that it was posted a lot longer ago on FreeVPS than it was on LET and on camarg's site.
@Hidden_Refuge yeah, I didn't check dates before also, but today as I was writing articles for new scripts I had to check all post and dates. And I found that @camarg didn't just copy it in 2011 he claiming he writes it! You should remove his site address from all scripts as he just takes an advantage to promote his site.
Who cares who made this script? It's nice and it works. Upload the to your own webserver and you won't need to touch anymore.
@sayem314 That seems so. Not really nice...
@camarg Your say?
@GM2015 you're signature is pretty much against the rules, just a small FYI. The point here is that sayem314 used from FreeVPS without any reference to FreeVPS and claimed he made the script totally by himself. He then asked me if he can use a new version I am working on and I gave him permission as long as he includes credits and generally follows the GPL 3.0 I have on Github for the newer version with more features.
Apparently camarg/akamaras made the script, so he claims. But the script on FreeVPS was posted longer ago than the script posted by camarg/akamaras here and on his blog. That is... sayem314 just found it out as I didn't really pay attention to dates but he did for the copyright notices.
So camarg is either a liar or I don't know... But they way it is he didn't make at all. He copied the system info and DD I/O test from the script that dmmcintyre3 made and posted on FreeVPS longer ago than camarg's version.
I will remove any single reference to copyright for camarg... A shame... That I even wasted the time to include him just because I didn't bother to check dates of the posts.
I made the script. If you look at the thread I gave you earlier dmmcintyre3 says :
I'm in bed ATM. I will look at the dates of the threads sometime tomorrow. You can ask dmmcintyre3 if you are in touch.
@camarg That sounds plausible but the date thing is...
dmmcintyre posted on the 18.10.2011
You posted on the 28.11.2011
Something isn't right somehow but I actually want to stop caring over some shell scripting lines...
The thread I posted (and dmmcintyre3 posts in it) is pretty much self-explanatory.
@sayem314 Is probably talking about this threads date
If you start reading the posts you'll understand that the initial first post of that thread was talking about another script or other more probably another set of tests like geekbench and maybe more. At some point the first post of the thread was probably modified to have my script modified by dmmcintyre3
Any old LET members are welcomed to comment as well
Please read the thread you linked in your post above. On the same day the thread was made a user "iCarrot" reported that the JP download was down.
It was on the same day 18.10.2011! So actually the script as is on FreeVPS was already there on the 18.10.2011 while you posted yours on the 28.11.2011.
Maybe there was some wget command or there was some script that would download lots of test files. I never had something like that. I only had the cachefly test file in my script, I didn't like the idea of downloading lots of test files since it's the upload speed I'm interested in not the download
In my thread it is clear from the test results that people are posting that we're talking about the same script.
In dmmcintyre3 thread it is clear that they're talking about something else, you just have to read all the posts. they're talkiing about something else!!! It's all about geekbench and ioping, nothing to do with my script
As I told you earlier, if you're in contact with dmmcintyre3, you can ask him.
But if you had cachefly and dmmcintyre3 added the rest later... How the hell could the JP mirror be down like a month ago on the same date on that dmmcintyre3 posted his script, about a mont earlier than yours? Read iCarrots post. The JP mirror being down has no relation to the ioping file.
Time travel?
If I can reach him I will ask and see what he says about it all. @dmmcintyre maybe mentioning you helps even if I highly doubt.
I made a stink due to the copyright being way left field. Sorry for what came from it.
@camarag you should confess the truth. @Hidden_Refuge see the pic.
@sayem314 A bit late you are with that. I tried explain that to @camarg already but he ignores it... It's now more fishy than before from him to act like that.
I doubt it was "time traveling" :P