All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Stay away from PieLayer.Suspend vps without reason and bad service
################# Ticket 934435
View Ticket #934435
Client 28th October 2014 (09:38)
I am so sorry to tell that I don't this vps now.The I/O is very slow and the load of the vps is high too.I can't move my website here.
Therefore,I decide to ask for a refudn.Please approve.
Thank you.
Haris Pajalic
Staff 30th October 2014 (01:49)
Your request for refund is denied. Main reason is because you dont qualify for a refund. We give refunds only for hardware fails and network problems ( caused on our end not from end user ) which is not the case.
Best regards / Beste Grüße / Lijep pozdrav,
Haris Pajalic.
PieLayer Hosting Solutions
Client 30th October 2014 (06:52)
I have read your tos.You offer a 5 days refund.And the reason can't be late deploy of vps.
But this is a hardware issue.The hardware you provice is bad.You can check the I/O or install some software then you will know.This can't be claimed as a vps,and it won't support a website well.If the infrastrusture is not in good quality,I don't think it can't be refunded.This will affect your fame though your ticket system is very fast.
We customer just want to buy a ransonable and suitable hosting.Not to trouble you deliberately.I belive in you,and I belive you provice stable service,so I choose your service.
Thank you.
Haris Pajalic
Staff 30th October 2014 (20:28)
Network and hardware fails ( such as hard drive failed etc ) are eligible for 5 days refund policy and that is clearly stated in our advertisements to avoid any misunderstanding.
While I do understand your concern there is no hardware fail as everything is working fine. It may be low I/O from time to time but that is not qualified for a refund. I have gave you proposal in your ticket before. Feel free to update us on that matter.
Best regards / Beste Grüße / Lijep pozdrav,
Haris Pajalic.
PieLayer Hosting Solutions
################# Ticket 437513
View Ticket #437513
But what I see is still very bad I/O.
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync
^C2+0 records in
2+0 records out
131072 bytes (131 kB) copied, 2.85583 s, 45.9 kB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync
^C2+0 records in
2+0 records out
131072 bytes (131 kB) copied, 4.62181 s, 28.4 kB/s
And when I use yum update to install software,it is very slowly too.Do you have another node?
Thank you.
#################Ticket 270033
View Ticket #270033
28th October 2014,They suspend my vps without any reason.And they didn't reply to my ticket #270033 titled "VPS is suspended,what's wrong".
Upload a png Image file here:
They have suspend my vps for half a year!!!!!
What I want to say is that the provider PieLayer has bad service with bad I/O.And they didn't give a refund even in an hour you bought the service.So please don't say that they offer 5 day refund policy.
What's more,they suspend your vps without any reason and don't reply to your ticket any longer.
I won't choose PieLayer any longer.
That I/O
Fastest floppy disk I ever saw.
Wow, they are worse than 123system...
What's worse?They didn't give me a refund and suspend my vps later without any reply.I see they post new offers,so I point this out here.
Epic io thanks for sharing
Let's give @harisp the chance to defend against those accusions and explain what happened here. I see that is a Frankfurt IP and I was actually about to order that plan, but now I'm not sure.
@boke168 By the way posting your stuff in the Offer section is wrong as you don't have anything to offer
Sorry to post the stuff here.It's my first post in let and I don't konw where to post and choose this section before.And I have no access to edit this post now.
I recently just made a post (A few minutes ago) and I did a bit of digging on this guys name.
There's a Spamhaus report: which contains his name as a known 'alias' for this user.
The whois on their Pieserv domain states this:
Registrant Name: HARIS PAJALIC
Registrant Organization: PING KINGS
Although I can't find any reviews on Ping Kings.
Their other site seems to be Queryfoundry which has a listing posted on this site:
I also found a new site or well fairly new domain registered about a year ago called JDR Hosting(
The malicious IPs in this users name don't end here either. There's also one with ColoCrossing -
There also seems to be a domain registered to a relative of Harisp called Pajo-Servers (PAJO-SERVERS.COM) under the organization of 'JDR Hosting'
Registrant Name: ADMIR PAJALIC
Registrant Organization: JDR HOSTING
Theres a lot more out there too... just do some searching.
(Seems they also previously owned
@AnthonySmith could you move this to the correct section please?
At first I was like "low I/O is no reason for a refund"
and then I saw the I/O
I bought this vps to set up a website.And I don't think this I/O can serve my website well.Also,the load is bad too.
in ticket #437513:"The load average: 0.56, 0.19, 0.06 is high too,I just use execute yum update for a while.And the update is still unfinished."
The vps can't serve a website well even it has 1G RAM.So,why don't you offer a 8G RAM vps with $20 a year?And you won't give any refunds.You cheat all the customers.
The I/O is as good as GVH.
Better than GVH.
low I/O isn't likely a hardware issue. overselling, poor configuration, poor network maybe. could be many things, but unlikely hardware.
really what they're saying is "slim chance we will refund you"
When I ask for a refund.The tos isn't like "We have a 5-day refund policy ( valid only if there is hardware issue )".And it didn't contain the words "valid only if there is hardware issue" as I remember.
@boke168 Are you saying when you signed up, that statement wasn't there? If that's the case, you can try wayback machine and pray that they cached that page.
The tos is on and I have read it.What I mean is that the tos isn't mean like "the refund policy is just valid only if there is hardware issue" but with "no question ask".So I bought it.
Moved to reviews.
is the host represented here, cant say I know of them?
I dont think the op provided much info to the host or in a structured way but I suspect that is launguage related.
Host is pieserv/Pie Layer on forums
I've already found some shady stuff and I found all of that in about 15 mins.
Hello everyone, I would like to use this chance to explain in details what happened here.It took me a while as I had to investigate mentioned tickets and the client service in question:
@boke168 For the ticket#934435: You have requested refund and noted reasons for the same and we notified you that you were not eligible for refund.
Ticket 437513 You again reported low I/O and we investigated issue. Unfortunately you did not had patience and sometimes this take time ( as at that time we did not had Nodewatch nor any other ant-abuse scripts we have today implemented ), we offered you transfer to KVM node for free, same configuration ( 1 GB package ) and same price till end of the rent period ( $19,99/year ) so you dont have to pre-pay anything else as a thank you for staying with us. You accepted that and service was moved there. After that no complaints from your end and ticket was closed.
Just to point out that ticket 437513 and 934435 were raised in October, 2014
Reason why your VPS was suspended at that time is that you used all of the traffic and it got auto suspended. You never, till today, notified us about the problem so we could not act properly.
For the last ticket mentioned, you bumped it several times with replies and it got your ticket down to the end of the queue, meaning you waited even more for initial reply. I have replied to your ticket and hopefully we resolved the issue now as service is restored. If there is anything else you would like to add or suggest please do it in ticket as LET is not our helpdesk :-).
@IThinkUFailed Let me answer and elaborate your claims/statements a bit more:
. If there is anything else I would be more than happy to answer.
I didnt knew about this spamhaus listing and I will get that resolved ASAP. I think I know why my name is on there, in the past we were with providers who did not pass on the complaints to us so we could not properly manage every IP address allocated. At the moment we have everything in place and any abuse reported is dealt with in matter of 24h usually.
As for the brands, Ping Kings is mostly game hosting related brand that is why you cant find review about VPS or similar , JDR Hosting was acquired one year ago and continued to work on it, as for Pajo Servers I have plans for it but it will be announced as the things progress
I'll tackle my questions now in order.
Your spam stuff seems very suspect as it's all under PieLayer/PieServ and Ping Kings and QueryFoundry... All of these are your brands.
If the OP still has an issue and the IO speeds are 100% correct then you should of honoured a refund for him. That's just insane.
I've never had a VPS with IO that slow, it's just unacceptable.
Can you please provide ticket evidence that this is what occured and OP accepted these terms because it seems to me that he just didn't want to deal with you guys after this incident and therefore asked for a refund.
My vps has been suspended for half a year.I think they had removed my vps half a year ago and they didn't reply my ticket.Now,they recreate my vps with new IP begin with 91.108...(The IP is changed and the data is lost.)
For asking for a refund,I was not satisfied.You are not very friendly in your ticket that you insist that "No refund!".And the truth is that you node in bad performance at that time.I have no messure so I have to agree.Then I order another provider's service.After about two months,I see my service with you was suspended and I raised a ticket on 13th December(Ticket 270033).But you didn't reply to me any longer.
There is three facts as follows:
First,I was not satisfied with your service.And you didn't approve my request to a refund in the same day I order this service though you have a 5-day no question ask refund policy.
Second,you suspended my vps without any reason and didn't reply to me ticket any longer about this issue on 13th December.
Third,you recreate the vps for me,the IP address is changed which proves that my vps was abandoned months ago.
Yes,those two tickets are on October.And I choose another provider for europe vps.And I didn't use his service for sometime.I don't know when they suspend my vps.It was on December,when I login to their whmcs system,I saw my vps sas suspended and unavailabile.
Then I submit a ticket for a reason.They didn't reply to me.
Oh my, lots of replies. Just read them all. Took a few mins but basically you explicitly told them you will want a refund if the performance is just as bad as the OpenVZ you were currently on. The performance was still terrible yet they did not agree to refund you. You decided to just give up and use the VPS for very basic things which even that it would struggle with and you check a couple months later after getting a suspension email or finding one and your VPS is still suspended yet you've used no bandwidth at all for 2~ ish months. When you question it you get a new IP and all your data is wiped?
Sounds to me like they deleted your server due to inactivty... You paid $20, correct? Not acceptable at all even for $20 a year...
Have I got that all correct?
In my opinion,their kvm as well as ovz node,are in high load.Therefore,I give up the vps and choose another provider at that time.
Okay but did I understand correctly?