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US VPS with a good connection to NL
Hello folks,
Looking for a cheap-ish VPS in the US with a good connection to The Netherlands. VPS will be used for a VPN. Looking to get a ping below 90ms.
Specifications don't really matter, as long as it's capable of running OpenVPN Server (so 64MB RAM and 1 CPU core should be more than enough).
Bandwidth: 100GB (or more) @ a minimum of 100Mbps
Can pay either monthly or quarterly, not gonna pay yearly.
@joodle this time you sing up with fake identity too ? Fake account ?
Are you fucking retarded?
Here is our test ip:
Latest Offer:
nope , just asking what you usually ...
Bit too high.. To be honest.
Go and take some english classes.
yah ... , i take my clses for english but you take clases of politeness ?
Not gonna happen. I'm nice to people that are nice to me, you kid, are not nice to me.
@joodle how about this?
What happened bro?
Too bad it's from Germany
@comXyz usualy he use fake name , next scan from the vps , and next is chargeback ! undesired guy !!!
You told me I should open up a dispute @ PayPal, so that's what I did.
How about this
and when i tell him not dirty my thread offer he do not stop stop
The location in US that I found with best latency to NL was Washington DC at around 80ms. Sadly the only cheap provider I knew there just Deadpooled (heroicvps)
Seems like ICMP is not enabled...
Well... That really sucks
Ramnode NYC, BUYVM NJ.. these will give you your 90ms
if he really did do this why not report him?
you aint going to get much less than 100. the likes of dacentec will have good ping (and speed) to NL
@TarZZ92 you can see shomething in this thread
Could you please get lost? Already asked you numerous of times to come up with REAL PROOF. But you didn't.
I have posted the real Proof stupid , only i got the mistake to accept your payment with the fake name thinking is for privacy.
No you didn't post real proof. And I'm not stupid, the one that's stupid right here is YOU.
@joodle you can ask here in let if Have shome person who have bad experience with us . YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON . Never mind Succes i dont alocate more time for you ! AND i tell you i am here to give good services no stolen from my clients. But if the client is a bitch .... is normaly tu Fuc...k them . Have a good night
I'm gonna say it one more time, ENGLISH CLASSES.
yes i dont have my english , but you dont have Respect .
Correct, I do not have any respect for you.
I have a dedi with Dacentec and pinging Inception Hosting in NL gives me 97ms. Dacentec to INIZ in NL gives 111ms.