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What is your budget?
Your not going to find 1Gbit unmetered in the USA, let alone Asia, within the LET price points.
Maybe if your budget has five digits.
you are very lucky if you can hit 5mbit in single connection from china(most provider I tried will average 0.5-2mbit from my CT connection), especially peak time. some place may give you better speed, but at the cost of worse ping, and it also depends what service you are trying to access.
Actually, It's also fine if it's 100Mbps@200GB or similar. My point is it should have good network speed to China users. thanks.
We have 1Gbps @ fair share and located in Los Angeles. Great connectivity for Asian users.
Then it's very different. DigitalOcean SG is pretty good option, although I am not 100 % sure about how are their routes to China ATM.
Try Russian providers KVM (Not OVZ) with 100Mbps unlimited port. Its best you can find.
Thanks for the reply. I tried DO SG before. it's good from the ping result. but the real download speed is terrible.
Would you stop spreading this b/s already. As much as you would wish otherwise, most RU providers especially in Moscow or SPB are not the best choice for Chinese users.
Almost every provider fine. Try for example Do not pickup OVZ.
I got 25-35Mbps to HK and 171 Ping from Moscow DC
Check out our looking glass here:
If that works decently well for you, our packages are here:
You are more welcome to setup a vpn, private proxy etc. on our services as well.
Good luck!
1) HK is not China (c) (tm)
2) Mkay if measuring to HK, Japan is within 45ms, Singapore is 35ms.
Do I need to explain where you can insert your 171ms, or maybe you have imagined already?
What you mean? Russian providers has a best connectivity for our tests, I just confirm that
I not affiliate. If not, your suggestion?
Your DO and Linode sucks against, isn't?
Then your tests are obviously wrong.
From Japan to HK ping 250-350Mbps, isn't? Much less distance than from Moscow.
Ah yes.. your LA ,,Asian Optimized,, has a better tests. Show me.
Current best routing is CN2 (Telecom Next Generation Carrying Network). Krypt SG routes through that, but way above low end price. Also, this route is for China Telecom -- it doesn't secure speed to China Unicom or China Mobile.
OneAsiaHost is fast most of time (>90%) when routing through PCCW HK, but sometimes jams at peak time.
Most other VPS just jams most of time.
China is not like other countries in Asia (or unlike other countries on the earth). Even VPSes in JP or SG will route to US and then to China. So "good connectivity to Asia" has nothing to do with "good connectivity to China".
Again I not affiliate and not sell something, this is my personal opinion, you can agree or disagree, this really not matter.
I would suggest OneAsiaHost, they've got direct transit to China, 80ms~.
Services are also quite reliable and stable. They've been in the industry for quite a number of years so they definitely know what they are doing.
I never said anything about Los Angeles which is just a poor man solution, unstable and basically crap. Singapore is a much better option and not really expensive.
Singapore show much less performance than. Physical location in same region not meant best connectivity. Also I believe not only ping matters..
Much better to go with Russia -> Europe -> US routes then. Even Rostelecom does this from time to time.
Thank you all for the comments.
I test more than year ago, ping been 450Ms to HK, no idea what going on but looks like some -brics tricks- exist?
India also really improved
Plz test your VPS on around 10pm(UTC+8).
As mentioned above, HONG KONG IS NOT CHINA in terms of Internet.
That only simple speedtest to central mainland China
russia often have decent speed to china, which is why many seedbox that is used in china are near RU region. The problem is how good is a russia vpn when you need to access content at USA(which most of the time the area you want to reach).
HK to japan direct is mostly 45ms when i test. But problem is many China connection goes thru the great wall which many of it's traffic pass thru beijing(up northern china).
Simple speedtest to Moscow, Chita, Vladivostok, Kemerovo, from Shanghai Telecom (20M downlink, 2M uplink).
None achieved >1Mbps downlink. Only Vlad has fast uplink.
Ping at
Ping at
GFW is distributed at all nodes at boundary, whether Shanghai or Guangdong. No need to pass thru Beijing.
For example, ping from Shenzhen to HK is usually <20ms.
that's why I said many. For my case I am in Guangdong, if I connect to HK (assume they have direct peer) I will get as low as 8ms, however if I connect to some US west, japan or singapore, they will go thru Beijing.
Once again, ping has nothing to do with speed, so it depends what kind of client OP is going after. And my conclusion with China is whack a mole, people in China often have multiple link, and they will rebalance if one link is saturated. I can have decent(5mbit) speed to japan, and next day same hour the link is barely workable. Same as Quadranet AO IP, I have both AO and standard, one will perform better then other in some day.
The only exception to this is HK link which most of the time I will max out the link they provide and sustainable, however unless you put your house in mortgage you will most likely end up with a 2-3mbit package.