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Need Free Trial 2GB KVM for a week
Hi all!
I'm looking for a free trial 2GB KVM VPS to check out Official Zentyal 4.1 installation. May need it for a week or so, and can assure the VPS will be used sensibly only. No public facing services will be running at all!
Any providers/members here to help me ?
Many Thanks
This discussion has been closed.
ClamHost can offer you this.
PM me and I'll provide you with a 2GB SSD KVM VPS for 2 weeks.
+1 @clamhost
@mehargags we could potentially help you out. Get in touch via PM.
Err.. DigitalOcean/Vultr/Linode all have hourly billing and plans to suit your needs.
Thanks for the offers... for the moment I'm thankful to @rauppe31 for the free trial... Looking forward for my practice!
You could sign up to runabove from ovh. Just sign up under someone's code and get a $10 credit. The 2GB KVM is $2.50/mo so should be free for 4 months.. You need to link your PayPal thought.
Well, a suggestion for next time maybe..
OP request fulfilled? Should we not close the thread?
This member has a fraud record listing for SPAM
I thought that would be all that you are using it for. Yet you requested Ubuntu / Debian if you was going to actually use it for Zentyal then ClamHost would be fine with that. But since you changed your requirements and you have a Fraud record listing we are unable to offer you with the Trial.
Any unsolicited email being sent from our service is a no go and we will terminate anyone breaching this part of our ToS and we also deny anyone who has a Fraud record listing for SPAM or Hacking
+1 @clamhost
That's shocking to know I'm a FRAUD listed... but the Screenshot you posted doesn't mention that anywhere. I'm already signed up with many Credible Providers, like Ramnode and UltraVPS and ahave always asked for any experiments duly before even trying out anything on their VPS. This leaves me disheartened and I take this as personal blow to defame me without any suggestive proof.
I tried to use the promo code only once - and Singed up and sent you a mail.
you are indeed too jumpy in concluding things... please don't ruin people's reputation without a proof.
Good luck
and I'm already running a VPS with @rauppe31 and have been configuring Zentyal with him (almost successfully setup now). He can confirm my request was genuine and not any undue intentional abuse.
... cba
Thank you for pointing out that, I never knew those links
I don't know hellolocal at all may be they are Wholesales's 2nd company. Wholesale Internet, Inc. is the one I contacted a few months back and they refused for that project of Mass mailing which I duly have discussed on this forum.
I don't know why they put me as a FRAUD while I duly asked from them.
If they are putting up business with 2 names, they are cheats and I am not. I hope you understand... my point here.
If that explains your doubts. I'm not a spammer/scammer/fraud and nothing of what you presumed of me.
And Thanks @clamhost for pointing that FraurRecord listing to me. I'm certainly not going to spare that and leave my name there without a genuine proof.
I understand that providers can discretely refuse to services, but they certainly can't defame someone with genuine record and proof.
in an attempt to claim back my reputation, I've contacted Fraud Record with the following email...
I'd appreciate if other seniors here can assist me in getting my name out of that listing.
Mail to Fraudrecord
so you're a 35 year old sysadmin with a business, but yet you cant afford to buy a 2gb kvm which probably amounts to no more than $7/mo.. wow..
I do can afford... but this was just for a personal test, and just needed it for a week or so. It doesn't make you a shabby guy if you don't want to spend (any) amount, there are free give-aways from companies including amazon. Don't try to embark something that isn't the point of discussion. If you can save $7 or $10, what's wrong in it ?
there is a difference between taking someone up on a free offer vs asking for a free service.. essentially you are asking another busines to fork the cost of your business venture by which you gain to profit..
I thought you were in high school / college kid and hard up for cash.. that i can understand.
It's unusual that this thread was opened by 35 years old sys admin. Just my personal opinion.
There's a different between 35 years old sys admin with 1 year experience, compared with 30 years old man with 10 years experience.
Back to the topic, if you want to save some money, use Vultr with their promo credit and use Custom ISO for installing the Zentyal 4.1
@ErawanArifNugroho he is 35 yr old Experienced Sysadmin running a credible company for last 13 years
@comXyz for running spam company?
With his age and experience, he should have spare money to waste. $100 for a 13 years experience should not difficult right?
YES I do have spare money to waste... and Yes I am a professional, yet new to the LEB community (8months). I wasn't going to make money out of this KVM VPS, it was for practice and mere practice only... I would have paid up if I intended to use it to make money... and got a subscription from provider for long term use.
I did this because I "sensibly" read many a times, many a threads where people are having spare servers lying unused. It was a call for them, not to the providers. If you read my Primary post mentioning:
I accept it wasn't professional enough for me to ask for "Free" service, another lesson learnt from this great community... Many thanks.
Thanks, for the Vultr pointer, but I find them a little confusing, unless I'm overlooking a new unknown promo code. Would appreciate help.
poor OP
Maybe contact hellolocal?
last i check FR requires multiple input field such as phone name email address ip to work. if it's a strict inquiry from WSI they shouldn't have your address. Something doesn't add up here.
Glad you found someone helping you, but as a SYSADMIN for 13 years asking for a kvm and no public facing service instead of just run local instance this really doesn't make sense tho. Hopefully you got your FR resolved.
Clamhost did nothing wrong here, he offered a trial for you, then found you have some weird record that just don't automatically show up from nowhere. And does not feel safe for his own investment...
Ok, No Hard Feelings.
Here.. Enjoy this nice cold Bud on me.. YUM!!
@earl .. thanks Mate! no Hard feelings at all.
@belinik... No public facing service because its a "TEST"... a test server not serving any real people. I hope I was able to clear it up.
Never said ClamHost did anything wrong, but yes something is wrong, but first offering the whole thing, then suspecting it suddenly in open thread wasn't professional either... It does hurt, when you are try to do things honorably enough. It could have been a little private---that is more professional IMHO. Still thankful to them to let me know
Also regarding the Fraud Record, I have recieved a reply from them and they said they'll investigate it. I will surely get this removed whatsoever!
Yes, I would just fire up Virtualbox/Vmware/KVM locally/etc. But to each his own.
You can't run and Successfully "TEST" a mail server without a public IP (at home). Hope that urges to read the cause of this thread more carefully !
The services to be tested are public facing (DNS, Mail, SOGo, OpenChange) just without any "public" using it for now, the Idea is to test, cure, mature this server, and probably put it in use after duly purchasing it.
Wasn't something out of the world that I was asking...!
Wait, wait, wait - your ISP doesn't provide you with a public IP? Now that's news for me!
You can always forward the ports required...
typical 3rd world "professional"... a day late and $7 short.