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Looking for Beta Testers for Free of Charge VPS (Ukraine Hosting)
We are looking for beta testers, about 8 slots will be available.
Each beta tester will be provided a Qemu-kvm powered Virtual Machine free of charge for a month with the following specifications:
- 1GiB RAM
- 50GB Storage
- 1 IPv4
- /64 IPv6
- 100Mbit/s bandwidth
Each VM is connected to the Internet at 100Mbit/s, the bandwidth is unmetered as long as fair-use is respected.
We can setup any O.S that is x86_64 compatible.
We operate our own network in our own facility in Kiev, Ukraine.
UrDN is very keen on Net neutrality, freedom of speech, expression and opinion and does not care what you do with your VM as long as the usage is not intending to jeopardize our and other networks. Scam and spam are disliked.
We intend to work with our users to maintain our organization as a friendly ISP and hosting provider.
The test should last a month but could be extended.
Please send your candidature via PM, we only need an email address. You will receive a notification within a few days if you've been selected.
You can also visit for further information.
Thank you!
Looks good, sent you a PM
and after that it costs a huge $28 a month!
and no peering with russia either
Do you have a CP for like, OS reinstalls?
Our upstreams peer on several pop in Russia although it is true that you might experience higher latencies with ISP which have more restrictive peering policies.
As for the price, I'm sorry but we're not as big as OVH or something like it. Although we're planning to change pricing soon. $11, $22, $44.
Not for this beta but for the next one we'll look for beta testers to test our user control pannel.
Sent you PM.. :-)
maybe one also in LET's requirements?
How do you accept Paypal? As far as i know Ukraine can only send payments, not receive.
You cannot withdraw the funds to a bank in Ukraine but if you have a bank account in a country which Paypal accepts it's ok but please screw paypal. We already had frauds and the charge backs happened 3 months after the payments were made.
This can be done even within 180 days after payment made by new PP rules. If ordered physical delivered item buyer even no need return back for get refund from PP if they not like it, perfect for fraud
Yes of course, and when it happens there's a form where they ask if this has cost you some hardware but they just don't care about it, they return the money to the retard who has let anyone access his account.
Just screw sellers to get more money..
If you're not going to offer a LEB-priced VPS, what you're doing here is simply exploiting this forum for some free advertising of your company, probably think you found such a clever way to get around its rules.
Bet he/she gets a shock when most who signed up leaves after the price hike.
We're not advertising our site anywhere. I am reading the guidelines and I don't see where we've done something wrong.
All the machines dedicated to VM are out of capacity and we've assembled a few more just for the beta test.
It looks much more like you with such critics trying to make us change the prices.
If you say so...
Well, please tell me what price hikes you're talking about since the prices mentioned on the site are the same for a year and have never been higher?
the fact is you come on to a forum with a $7 limit, you ask people to trial more expensive servers. it appears to be a B&S
surely you can come up with a $7 offer (maybe a 128mb vps?)
Of course we can, but that's a beta test, we're asking some people to try out a VM for free but some people suggest that's it's an advertisement...
i would be more than happy to trial and review the service.
Are you xentime?
No, different network, different people.
We did have a post a few weeks back for a trial from a Cloud provider with prices well above LET limits. Plus that trial required a credit card.
We do not require any payment card neither any form of pre-payment.
768 MB - $7 / 512MB - $5
The beta has started, therefore it's not worth sending applications anymore.
Thank you!
I just got one, it's running nice!
Test to UK digital ocean:
According to the traceroute:
China Telecom->Level3 (Los Angeles, US)->Level3 (Frankfurt, DE)->Your DC.
China Unicom's route is same as China Telecom.
Latency 350+.
Some european DC have peer to China via GTT, NTT or Telia, these will not route the USA, so they'll just have 200 ping, such as
China Mobile->HKIX->HE (London, GB)->HE (Amsterdam, NL)->HE (Paris, FR)->Your DC. Latency <300ms.
As we all know, China Mobile's International port is located @ HKIX. They have best connection to S.E.Asia.
I don't think latency stands for all things.
Local speed:
Test to Beijing Telecom:
(It's okay, as we know that China's int'l port is crowded due to huge population.)
Testing experience, will be back soon.
It's not because of the "huge population", it's because it's voluntarily centralized and degraded.
You can easily get 100Mbit/s on both direction with a host in China that has access a true Internet, like in some universities.
wget -O /dev/null -4
--2015-01-15 18:02:49--
=> `/dev/null'
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD (1) /debian-cd/7.8.0/amd64/iso-dvd ... done.
==> SIZE debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso ... 3972317184
==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso ... done.
Length: 3972317184 (3.7G) (unauthoritative)
13% [============> ] 532,142,200 13.1M/s eta 5m 12s
China's ISP firstly grantee Int'l connection speed for IDCs and Universities during the peak hours.