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@BinaryLane - can you update your comparison page with ZettaGrid as they are most reliable provider (together with Ransom IT
) in Australia?
Marketing tip number one: Never mention good competition
Well as a proper 'cloud' PAYG type platform I think their only competition in Australia is AWS anyway.
They will expand sooner or later...
@gbshouse Zettagrid appears to cost more than AWS. We are trying to show the options individual developers will be considering, rather than an exhaustive comparison
The top slider adjusts the amount of RAM, not CPU count.Apparently 1 core no matter how much RAM you pick.
upd: but the CPU count increases if you select more storage.
Actually it's not as simple either, all I can say from dragging these around is that the CPU count is "somehow related" to all three sliders, and to which plan you select initially as your preset.
@0xdragon maybe it just needs to sync faster.
@rm_ ah yeah
@BinaryLane Why no PayPal
@BinaryLane Do you have an IPv6 test IP?
@trewq our test site is available on both IPv4 and IPv6 ( / 2404:9400:1:0:216:3eff:fef0:2c )
Rackspace, HP and Softlayer should already be there, and I think Azure's doing the final buildout in two DCs down there. Still, it's good to see BinaryLane help move the competition along - and they're the first ones I've seen at this price point
Rackspace has been in Australia a while now, closest Softlayer DC appears to be Singapore, HP I cant find the info on their website, and Azure should be online in Australia by the end of the year.
Like you say though @tchen , we are trying to bring true cloud VPS to the low-end of the market that's currently dominated by direct-attached storage.
HP's site kinda sucks.
That said, they're in the Aurora DC in Sydney
Not cool, the GlobalSwitch or Equinix DC's are much better.
@BinaryLane My bad on Softlayer. IBM is planning on building out in 2014, but I mixed that up with their usual hard sell and assumed they were already there.
great pricing for Aus.
dont need another vps just now - what do people use 20+ vps for?
im using one for whmdnsonly to backup and provide some redundancy on my WHM servers and another using whmeasy to backup same whm servers and another windows one for testing purposes only.
i am interested in the Windows option if you can pay by the hour - how does that really work? if i run up a 4cpu/4gb windows server and only use it for 20 hours a month do you really only pay $2/month? what about paying for the HDD storage when you are not using it? Surely there must be some minimums here?
You still have to pay for servers that are turned off. Only destroyed servers have no cost. So if you destroyed your server every time you stopped using it, and only used it for 20 hours, I guess it would only cost $2.
thanks - that makes sense
@BinaryLane please do post an update once you have PayPal. I almost ordered until I got to the part of entering card details. I'd rather have such recurring payments managed by PayPal or manual invoice payments.
+1 ^^
I havent got one myself but where in Australia and what DC?
Pricing looks too good to be true (I have multiple $150+ servers here - in Australia).
I think they are at NextDC in Brisbane.
Thanks, Any chance you have a test IP of a proper vps service?
My investigation had them pinned as NextDC but I was thinking Sydney due to the apex networks connection.
Confirmation? Any chance of a Melborune or Sydney POP?
Unfortunately interstate routing sucks here, I am currently looking for a replacement for Exigent Sydney (within the next 6-12 months) for one of my clients.
I haven't tried their service. They will surely provide a test IP for you if you ask though.
@Oliver - Offtopic: thanks for them PM. Love your SIG
We are in NextDC Brisbane, we aren't looking at any additional Australian DC's at this stage - next deployment will be US east coast.
There is a test site here