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Content in the offers posted on LEB
There are alot of comments around here about the quality of the posts on LEB.
- Missing information, test IP/file, DC location etc ...
- Offers from bad providers
- Only offers from established providers
- Not enough new providers.
I would like YOU to reply here about what content do YOU want in the post.
What is missing, what shouldn't be there.
Is it enough with CPU, BW, space or should there also be results from cachefly, I/O etc ...
I'm not really interested at this stage about which specific provider that should/shouldn't be listed ... more of like an interest in what information should be provided in the post.
I'm only trying to get a grasp of what to provide to the people who read on LEB.
thank you in advance for constructive critisism and good responses.
I bit of research, otherwise it looks like right now that its just been copied and pasted from the email.
LowEndBox > Posts scam hosts = People complain that LEB are letting people take their money.
LowEndBox > Posts established hosts = People complain all the offers are from the same providers.
I wouldn't like to be @Chief. It seems he cant make anybody happy.
I would recommend to enforce any provider who wants to be listed to provide test IP/files accordingly, if I were in the market for a VPS I would not buy one without testing the latency from my main area/audience and testing the network and etc. Unfortunately I have seen quite a few posts without test IPs.
Could you give examples of what type of research you would like to be done?
basicly what I read now is that you want more information about the provider but you don't tell me what you want to know.
After the last month or so the last thing i would want is my IP ranges plastered all over the front of LowEndBox
Use the datacenter's test IP/files.
What happens then? "I want a test IP of your server, not the datacenter"
There shouldn't be a reason a datacenter speedtest isn't acceptable, its on the same network.
P.S. Constantinos sent a ticket into our helpdesk saying "I don't like your company" a few days ago.
The one who shan't be named.
God forbid one should use foul language.
In support tickets or public announcements? Sure. On a private Facebook account? Not necessarily.
That shows.. you need to get out more.
I never realized that was a requirement to use foul language. How now, brown cow?
Just add what you think would be useful.
Test IP's, test files, is IPV6 available? IRC? RDNS controls?
If there was an interesting discussion about the company (good or bad), you can bring that up.
You should be trying to get a decent paragraph and a bit of text but if you're grasping for straws, maybe try another provider that you think will flow easier, or just do some digging on their site. I know LEA had some posts that were quite short just because there wasn't a whole lot of information he could find
This is exactly my problem with you, all you do is swan around putting people/the place they live down or how they write on their own facebook page?
Its none of your business, i would put good money on you been a conservative :P
Do you stick an episode of Jeremy Kyle on and laugh about how well off you are?
Why don't you both just agree to disagree? It definately depends on who the person is, not just because he or she says a few curse words doesn't always mean it might not be someone you want to host with. It fully depends on what context it was used in, and why. It could be used for something casual, such as "today was such a ****ing awesome day" - how is that bad?
Either way, I think going to Facebook to look up the host owners might be a little too much, alot do not mix business with personal and have a separate lifestyle when it comes to business and we all have our personal lifestyles as well.
It can if they can't form a sentence without using it. I like to think that anyone on my staff can speak freely and how they like (@Aldryic will speak his mind, always), but when it comes time to be professional, they put on a tie and away they go.
This part i agree with. My point is just that people who own company's have a life too, we only get one!
I drink/smoke/swear and was in trouble a hell of a lot when i was younger, but i still turn up to work every week and provide a decent, honest service.
One of my favorite hosts of the last decade was a one-man-show who used to tell annoying clients to publicly fuck off on his forum. I enjoy hosts who don't put on some front and play "Mr. Professional". I have no problem telling a client they're acting stupid. In fact, the customer is not always right... they're almost always wrong, annoying, and a pain in the ass.
First, I want to thank MikHo for taking the initiative to create this thread. Excellent work on getting LEB back on track. (I want to apologize for my lack of activity which has probably been noticed both on here and LEB, things should be changing for the better as of tonight.)
Second, I've started a dialogue with the other LEB staff in hopes to get this ironed out so that we can have some consistency in the posts and hopefully please as many people as possible (unfortunately we all know you can't please everybody and those who aren't pleased will be the most vocal so we'll try our best but there are no guarantees).
And god forbid they have a sig in any of their forum posts...our BOFH will put on his sig nazi hat and yell "NO VPS FOR YOU!!!!" :P
I agree LEA handled posts completely different than we do. Our main focus is the visitors of LEB and we've accepted the fact that we cannot please everybody. I did proof read the offer but the 1 typo did slip past me (as many more will in the future I am sure because to err is human). We had people complaining before that posts were to detail oriented, then they were filtered for fraud, then they weren't filtered for fraud, then we implemented to many rules/restrictions, then we didn't have enough restrictions, then they were to long, then they were to personal, then they were to factual, then they were to infrequent. It'll never be perfect, it wasn't perfect when LEA was running it either but we're trying to make it work by adjusting when possible.
We're trying to find a balance but since this is a public website the balance will never be there so we're trying out best to put out something that the visitors want which is hard because visitorA wants something that visitorB doesn't want and visitorC thinks A and B are crazy while writerA tries to adjust his posts for visitorB and writerB adjusts for visitorC and reviewerA thinks the post looks good for visitorB...
We really appreciate the feedback but we just hope people understand that there is no magic bullet so it will take time to fine tune LEB to find as close to a balance as possible. I also feel it is unfair to compare LEB now to LEB when it was only run by LEA as it is a completely different animal then it used to be and rightfully so.
datacenter's location, test IP/files are nessesary
I am responsible for the NQhost post and I agree that I should have re-read it again and again before submitting it. The flow in the text is not as good as I would like it to.
You should watch some of George Carlin's work. The man was absolutely brilliant, and so long as you don't try to convince yourself that he tries to use foul language as his comedy, it becomes pretty easy to see how someone can speak the 'lower tongue' and still come out shining.
That being said, there is a time and place. Anyone who's been in our IRC channel for a couple of days can attest to all of us at BuyVM being completely off our rockers... but those same folks find that we put all of that silliness away when it comes time for business.
There's a time where it's acceptable to play around, and then there's the time when a client expects you to take them and any problems they might have seriously. I don't drop the "HAHA DICKS" while answering tickets to try and be 'Mr. Professional', but rather to let the client know that they have my undivided attention and that we're here to look out for them, not just act like a bunch of clowns. Nobody wants to submit a ticket inquiring about node trouble just to receive 'lol that sux' in return.
There are times that you have to break the sad news to a client that the fault lies with them. However, having a WINNING attitude about it is one of the worst possible approaches you can take, especially when it only takes two minutes of your time to simply and efficiently explain something. That can make all the difference between a lifelong client and someone that will troll your postings and bash your company every chance they get.
It would be nice if the supported payment methods are listed too.
@MikHo, regarding first post in this thread - you can't always get all requested informations, but don't worry, we're more than capable to ask for TEST IP or something like that (like we always did) in case of interest. I am afraid that some people here expect too much hand holding and have unrealistic "written in stone" expectations. So what if from some reason you can't find out supported methods of payment or something... it does not hurt to ask host later in case of someones interest. It would be really shame to not post some potentially interesting discovery just because there some semi-relevant info is mising. Since when it's too hard for community itself to make research or simply ask host in case of interest?
Bad providers? Just because part of community consider someone as bad provider there can be always other part which from some reason still use them. My experience is not same as yours and "bad" isn't necessary scam, rip off, etc.. but just less valuable service for few bucks and nothing more than that.
I absolutely have to second this.
I think it's ridiculous to expect someone running a hosting business to 'be his job title' in his own time in his own space, we're all human beings in the end and I fail to see what the issue with that is.
While all Authors try their best but still there are chances of slippages and this cannot be blamed on LEB
We have seen it happen here though, right? I remember the UptimeVPS offer in particular. People were screaming to high hell, "LowEndAdmin why are you keeping this offer here so he can steal our money"