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I'm actually wondering about that too.
Using the default us.debian mirror on my buyvm boxes, and its slow as hell.
If u are using buyvm, try their mirror.
OVH or leaseweb for EU
Im trying internap and seeing how that goes.
if you're in the united states, my school provides a pretty good mirror:
It also mirrors a bunch of other distros:
Ok, seems broken
Install CentOS and let fastestmirror decide.
I need a "dislike" button
Didn't know we were on facebook!
Even I don't have an account n_n
fastestmirror? you mean ICANHAZALLYOURRAMS?
Where is your VPS/server physically located?
if you have a box in my country ^^
they even have backports
and another ton of stuff
i'm assuming he wants a central us server according to his other posts.
I only have trouble with the fastestmirror plugin on non-vswap openvz with less than 128mb free ram. Yum with fastestmirror works better on my 64mb inceptionhosting Xen than apt-get on deb 6 did. (always had issues with dpkg failing to update the kernel even with 1gb swap)
Since when should a package manager use more than 50 MB of ram. Seriously.
That made me choke on my water
Your "goat" server working fast to me, thanks
This is the netselect top10 from Kansas City:
From Chicago:
rit is the best mirror hands down. east coast, central, even eu.
not sure why illinois is so far down.... they have redundant fiber to chicago lol
Using the default us.debian mirror on my buyvm boxes, and its slow as hell.
The -pve kernels have a bug in them that makes IPv6 traffic dog slow
We've been rolling pony6-3 to any box that gets tickets about it. has AAAA records so it takes those. For people that don't feel like ticketing we just tell them to either disable IPV6 or to just use the internal mirror.
We could schedule a reboot of everything on -pve, but that'd just annoy people :P
I'm on the hostigation lax node. So Chicago would be fine.
Heh, maybe. In any case, here's a top 10 from "LAX", a box 6 hops from Hostigation:
And a quick and dirty script to find the top10 from anywhere (must have netselect installed):
It's worldwide because (a) I'm lazy and (b) notice no. 5 (NZ) above. For Ubuntu, from a VPS in San Diego, NZ mirrors rank no. 2 and 3 among "up to date" mirrors.
If the speed issue is IPv6 related edit /etc/gai.conf and put (uncomment) this line:
This will make ipv4 preferred over ipv6 (by default ipv6 is preferred).
Between Francisco's insight and rds100's fix, I was able to apt-get my cajones off tonight.
seikan where are you? Malaysia? I don't know if kambing has broad bandwidth to outside Indonesia. Since international bandwidth is expensive here :-/
@NanoG6 around 5-10mbps, this one of my prefer repo. but the first one is always ugm repo.. :P
Wheres your VPS located? If your server hosted on IIX or even JIX of course that'll be your favorite :P
hahaha fremont and i live in Jogja.. so i can get 100mbps or even 1gbps to ugm repo with some tweak.. (use it only for my macbook with debian) :P
Mind to tell me?