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Virtualizor? Should we convert?
Alright so quite often we get dogged for our control panel. It seems some people hate hyperVM. I understand why some people dis-like it, but its no where near as backwards (IMHO) as solusVM. We've been thinking about switching to virtualizor, while it isn't free its affordable and it looks nice. However I'd like general consensus of the community:
HyperVM vs. SolusVM vs. Virtualizor... who takes the title?
Virtualizor (their client WHMCS integration is good).
Sending you a PM about something else you could look into
I'm working on something that I hope puts a knife in SoluaVMs rein.
But SolusVM was good, but its got pretty crap now.
We were not impressed by the support offered by Virtualizor.
I tried Virtualizor from @Damian's IPXCore, don't know they still use it or not, it has better UI than HyperVM imo.
We are using a lot of interface, for our HA clusters we use vmware own interface, Citrix for xenserver and RHEV manager for the KVM cluster. None of the above integrate in WHMCS
When I was evaluating the lowend market a few months ago, SolusVM/OpenVZ was the easy way to go. Now I'm looking to a non clustered xen or kvm line of product, do you think SolusVM is still the best whmcs integrated solution?
Pretty much all panels for KVM etc that aren't SolusVM/Virtualizor are more aimed at cloud/virtual data center's from what i have seen.
When testing for our KVM line we tried oVirt and Convirture, both were good software to administrate but not so friendly for end-users.
Both xenserver and RHEV didn't have delegated VM access. Citrix added it in a tricky way (you had to run a dedicated appliance) and RedHat added delegation only in RHEV 3.0.
For my datacenter company I'm looking at Ubercart and RHEV isn't supported (nor it will be in the near future) but they do support solusvm...
Not impressed with them also.
We are sticking with SolusVM.
solusvm and kvm are working fine with centos 6.2?
I cant see why not.
One of the selling point of virtualizor fans was that kvm development on solusvm wasn't on par with xen/openvz, while virtualizor was focused on kvm since start.
One of the selling point of virtualizor fans was that kvm development on solusvm wasn't on par with xen/openvz, while virtualizor was focused on kvm since start.
The issue that put us of with virtualizor was an issue regarding the automatic KVM-Bridge set up. Whenever IPv6 was enabled it was breaking all connectivity. I spent hours working on fixing this, the guys at Equinix also tried, in the end we contacted virtualizor and even submitted a bug report on the forums.
They contacted us for the root details and then never got back to us, so as you can imagine we were not impressed.
Here you go >
The bug report, still left unanswered.
Thank you for sharing, so it seems like solusvm even with all the criticisms is still the best option...
@BlueVM why did you exclude solusvm?
Lmfao, i hope not.
I would rather use the free OVZ Webpanel than hypervm.
isn't virtualizor priced more or less like solusvm 9$/server?
Pay 15 USD for SolusVM, its peanuts!
It is 10 dollars a month for solusvm ... well that is what we pay.
The only bad thing about solusvm was their support ... for me. But, they have extra people now and take care of everything within 30 minutes.
The only thing we would consider other than solusvm would be onAPP.
I don't know about you, but they have resolved our issues rather quickly.
Well you shouldn't be contacting SolusLabs each time your server breaks, I know a lot of host do that.
What programming language?8
One of the main reasons why I did not pick up a BlueVM VPS is because of the HyperVM control panel.
Well when its there software that fkd the server up they should fix it in my eyes. Yet they always blame it on your hardware its never there shitty coded solusvm.
I have to be honest and say that HyperVM is absolutely horrible to work with from a client perspective. Whereas SolusVM has a very simple, clean and intuitive interface with only the necessary things, HyperVM has a very bloated interface that tries just a bit too hard to 'look cool' by introducing an overload of graphical elements and widgets. Simply put, it's a mess. In the way it functions, HyperVM is alright, it's just that the interface is horrible to use. Even a different skin might be able to change this.
EDIT: Completely forgot to mention Virtualizor. I have no experience with it, so can't really say anything about it.
EDIT2: Hmm. The interface is definitely better than HyperVM, but it still suffers a bit from the same issue of stuffing too much things into the interface to make it look cool, like the 'dock' thing at the top right corner, and menu items for small things like 'CPU' that really don't deserve to take that much space in the menu.
There is not much that SolusVM can cause problems with virtualization wise. Its only PHP/MYSQL scripting, other than the BW limiting of course.
@Damian (ipxcore) uses it on his servers.
Bah I keep spelling names wrong.
@Daiman? Who is he? New employee? :P
If I had outsourced support and saw that answer, they would be fired on the spot, and sued if they had any relation with Smart Server Management. But it also raises the question, what was this or any ticket about? I've only ever had the need for using their support a small handful of times that were not bug reports or licensing concerns. While not as robust as cPanel's forum and wiki, SolusVM has nearly every problem that could arise covered in their wiki or forum. With the exception of their many bugs.