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A few domains up for grabs [,]
Well, I have a few (what I would consider premium) domain names up for grabs.
Thought I'd offer them here since I'm presuming at least one of these domains could catch the attention of someone. Who knows!
The reason I'm selling them, is that I genuinely have no real use for them.
Registered them, thought 'this will be a great idea', then never got round to doing it.
le domains: [SOLD]
Anyhoodle, post here if you're interested, or PM me.
Thanked by 1DeletedUser
Comments, I'll take it howmuch?
We have a fanboy here Guys! Let the bids begin... I'll take it for $30.00 Mr. Elliot.
Thanks for the interest guys
I don't want to seem money grabbing, or over-pricing them, but the registry fees from Hexonet cost roughly £29 per year.
Would it be alright if you started the ol' bidding from there?
Yeah, I'd take it for 30 Quid. If you can wait untill next tuesday(It's payday) then I will take it elliot. is awesome.
Just wanted to put that out there :P
@Jacob, unless there's any advances, sure
@Francisco, precisely why I bought it. :P
I'm sure it'd be a great domain for an IRC network though. No hints there at all.
@DotVPS, beat Jacob's bid, basically.
Just sign up at, and I'll push the domain to the winner's account. Simple.
I'm not going to release much info on what I am going to do with it yet but I have quite a few Ideas... I shouldn't really though, I have enough projects but I guess you can never have too many! :-)
Sometime ago I wanted a domain for image hosting, seems good (me>personal gl>gallery) so it could work
how much are you willing for it?
I used for a short while with AWS Route53. Bit of a clone.
It worked well, until the viagra spam started flowing. is, in my opinion, the most valuable domain out of the three.
Serious offers only
PS: The bidding for is still open.
75.00 USD = 46.8116 GBP from me.
Damian, You just started a war....
Is there a buy-it-now price?
With no raise from you it seems he just won a war....
Well, since it's bidding at the moment, I'd like to keep it that way.
Unless you have some insane offer that you'd like to throw on the table :P
Haha then is there a date/time when the bidding ends?
I'm a loveable snuggly somethingorother!
Midnight, 4rd April. BST (GMT+1, UK Time)
That should give people from other timezones a fair chance to have a look, and also give you guys time to think about your bids.
That's fair, I think?
You are supposed to get higher with the bids, not lower
I'm gonna figure out how to pay that 0.0016 too...
It's 5:30pm here AND it's a beautiful day out! Unless something happens, I won't be going to bed for awhile :P
I got confused with the dates, Sorry. Fixed.
It ends in 24 hours and 30 minutes >_>
Works for me! Here's something to keep us entertained in the meantime:
@miTgiB I'm on a budget ya'no..
@Damian I could think of another name...
@ElliotJ Noo!, I just should have showed no Interest at all.
It's all my fanboys following my trends...
Awaiting payment for from @Seraphkz
Thankyou to all who bidded
@Jacob: Game over, man! Game over!
I hate you all...Especially @Seraphkz.
God Damn Fanboys...!
Aww, crap
I wanted
love you all
Payment through, transfer issued!
Cheers @Seraphkz!