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I have nothing but great things to say about @Cam / Gullo's Hosting
NAT Niche -
Pleasant, upstanding guy that provides absolutely rock solid service at low price. Very happy with Cam!
I used to have a couple of servers with Max at Server Factory. They were great - dedicated CPU, very fast, decent RAM, decent amount of SSD, decent bandwidth and very solid uptime. The first few offers were incredible value. I ended up doing a giveaway with them when I bought my Hetzner dedi and didn't need them any more.
He hasn't advertised much recently, I think he maybe found his niche at a comfortable size without much user drama and settled there.
I am trying to find dedi on daily basis based on need from @GTHost . If you taken one dedi, a chance of failure is too high, is not you may need another dedi Or VPS? In my case I need system with high ram. Else I will try to fall back on hetzner cloud shared VPS.
If you are looking for a small provider, I would recommend @RickBakkr
Underrated and great to work with.
I have backups and spare capacity for everything I need to run should I lose a dedi. But in any case, I'm not too worried about my dedis failing - these are my dedi's uptimes:
Ooh nice, that is long up time. Mine going to be short lived like 5 days to 12 days, based on my course to students.
You are looking only for dedicated servers?
For VPS we have a good deal in exotic location, 11.00€ yearly vps
If you also look for Shared Hosting, it starts 1,99€ monthly.
Best Regards,
Maybe that was @DataIdeas-Josh ? He does a lot of raspberry pi stuff and maybe SFF too?
Josh and @jfreak53 both do MicroColos (Pi, NUC, etc...) would definitely consider that unique.
THIS 💯 ↓
These days true low-end is already a niche.
The provider is small and the stability is unique, considering how good the prices are.
You're absolutely right. @Cam is the true embodiment of "Low End" without being garbage.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about that and wondering if I did the provider poll wrongly. I put the not-so-much low-end players that are established that I'd trust for serious work, and not the little players whose VPS I had fun with but wouldn't risk with production yet.
You may still have time to edit the vote - I don't think the count has started already.
I've been voting for @Cam at least since 202{0|1}:
Have two VMs with him for no less than 5 years and there's no way I'd cancel those voluntarily.
He's rebranded as Heartbeat IT -
He's still great :-)
@PulsedMedia for nuc's
Good day,
Yes, we have our Micro Colo (RPi's NUCs. mini Dell PCs etc.) Basically if if can take a wifi or ethernet connection we will colo it.
Micronode by @natvps_uk: When you purchase a 1024 MB RAM resource pool, you can split it into smaller instances, such as 512MB × 2 or 64MB × 16, and deploy them across multiple locations.
Didn't expect to see so.much love for the small guy
glad I posted now, littlecreekhosting has been great for me so giving a shout out. I don't have much need but electricity is iffy in my country so most of my homelab is random vps and idlers from black Fridays.
This post came because I've had some big providers be dodgy(looking at you contabo) and some small providers be rock solid, and it's really hard to google the small guys! Lowend rocks!
Try @MannDude for a host who supports privacy, anonymity, and freedom of speech. His prices may not be "low end," but the quality of service and the nicheness of his market makes every cent count.
also seedboxes -- and the only one in that niche with "full" vertical integration (from networks, to dc, to servers owned and operated by us).
They are minis, no actual NUCs 4x4" ... yet
Your garage doesn't count as a DC - cheap vps and vpn
I'd say they qualify as small and unique. I think they have a 2Gbps fiber connection from Verizon. Might be good for IPs that need to look residential?
LowHosting has some proprietary DDoS filters for video games. Currently using it.
Thanks for the shout out, much appreciated.
@Calin is in the downtime niche
Entirely self-developed control panel, super easy to use, cheap, ignores DMCA, no KYC.
Has an actual community on Telegram and Matrix too.
How this all comes together, I'd say it's a pretty unique experience.
That is a really pretty website and seems entirely in fitting with the first thing talking about minecraft servers. Nice recommendation.
..can I put my bed next to yours..?
How did you find out about them?
Very basic site, barely any info. Looks like it's owned by Penetrum LLC (which seems to be owned by some guy called Thomas).
Servers are in Virginia and VPN is apparently in New York?
Pretty is an understatement. Prem.