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Looking for a vps under 20 euro dmca ignored no kyc
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Looking for a vps under 20 euro dmca ignored no kyc

yuriikotyuriikot Member
edited January 9 in Requests

VZ Type:

Number of Cores:1 minimum
RAM:better to be more than 6-8 gb
Disk Space:at least 30-40 gigs
Disk Type:any but fast

Bandwidth: more than 4 tb
Port Speed: 1 gigabit min

DDoS Protection:
Yes a good one (not like aurologic[old combahton] it didnt do nothing against attacks)

Number of IPs:
at least 1 ipv4
at lesat 1 ipv6 (optional)

any (better be good ping to europe optionally)

22 usd or euro

Billing period:

DMCA ignored



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