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[2024 EXTENDED] Black Friday / Cyber Monday: FLASH SALE & MEGATHREAD
This discussion has been closed.
teen tor it s un cooliest guys it s history of lewd nd talks
Actual start time is Fri 12am EST. I can only finish preparing at Thu 12pm EST
This is the thread that needs all the hype in LET.
Where are those thread spammers???
tha t it s first powsting time s ?
my i t s here
So thats 06:00 CET morning
We need wake up early here
It's not an official thread until Rajat @visualwebtechnologies is here.
@OVH_APAC everything is forgotten if you give @FAT32 a chance to order the KS-A
How about tomorrow?
ah yess

We will see what future brings us
that'd it s no cools
@tentor more like tendoesnotmakemepoor (because I'm not buying because no $7/yr)
Do one for the giggles. May be half a stock. So two people can use one server for 2.6 euro per year 😉
I had a call with them and after some back and forth, nothing happened
They didn't managed to make anything special for us...
That sucks, would have been such a fun thing to have OVH posting something custom here even if it's nothing close to the KS-A
You have to summon @Murv properly, with an appropriate GIF:
@Murv when waking up to 15 emails about being tagged on LET:
Dunno if @FAT32 has an EU ovh account but if he does... I have a KS-le-b (LIM) waiting for him.
Nothing special.
Just thought of giving away random domains ✌️
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Fuck it, I'm joining this as well is running a €2.02/1st year .COM deal, but they add huge setup fees on top
I know a promo code that removes it all, making it €2.02 for real
I don't want this to leak since I'm using it A LOT for .SE domains
But first 3 people to DM me asking for it gets it
No, no, no APAC... it's 55€ there, @FAT32 will go broke.
Woah. This is awesome. Not sure who got it. Tried the xfr... whomever receives it, please make use of it. Or give it to me.
Lmao, gone already!
Huge amounts of people lurking here