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CloudBlast -- FREE LIFETIME UPGRADE FOR LET !! -- 3.6€ Hourly VPS With 10 Gbps, DDoS Protected, NL - Page 3
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CloudBlast -- FREE LIFETIME UPGRADE FOR LET !! -- 3.6€ Hourly VPS With 10 Gbps, DDoS Protected, NL



  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    Windows Server OS RDP is pretty smooth ... even for youtube video playing at 720p

    With respect to pricing structure, hourly is a great feature but with monthly price in mind, you should consider to review your pricing with LET providers that are highly rated

    Personally, I will be, as a customer, inclined to your services if storage was bit more
    20 GB on first plan and 32 gb on second plan

    VPS has a low latency from London, England, UK (about 6-8 ms) and therefore it can be used effectively for trading

    Here is a screenshot with Windows Server OS on VPS with 20gb storage. The CPU utilization rate is at 1% when idle during Windows RDP is great.

    Overall, if this VPS had 32gb storage instead of 20gb, would make a great RDP VPS under 5 euros/month.

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member
    edited June 30

    one more thing, I use standard Microsoft link to install Windows Server 2022 OS.
    The template in the vps control panel is not very good. Have you tested it yourself?

    Here is screenshot for youtube video playing at 2k resolution in RDP session

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    The panel memory usage does not match with the actual usage in VPS RDP

  • lukast__lukast__ Member

    @dev_vps said:
    The panel memory usage does not match with the actual usage in VPS RDP

    Maybe Windows doesn't add filesystem cache to the displayed consumption. (Like free used column.)

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @lukast__ said:

    @dev_vps said:
    The panel memory usage does not match with the actual usage in VPS RDP

    Maybe Windows doesn't add filesystem cache to the displayed consumption. (Like free used column.)

    vps panel shows same memory usage for windows rdp even when rdp at reboot just using 1.2 gb memory

  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider

    Yes, that's our parent company even tho the hands on management is separate from cloudblast.

    I honestly don't get the claim "sketchy" for absolute no reason. The brand 3rdShift has operated as agency and marketing company for years with a good reputation in the space providing super normal marketing services, including brand reputation which is basically press releases and such..

    Some other brands (VCMatch) is an internal project that never launched, and cannot be accessed indeed, it's just a landing page with 0 traffic basically.

    I don't really see where is the issue, clearly someone that doesn't want us here it's trying to ruin our SEO.

  • FazzilFazzil Member

    @cloudblast youre not in hostingbusiness until the lowenddetectives hit you in the nuts.

    Thanked by 2cloudblast kait
  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    My convey vps panel is totally broken.

    Can not install OS or even kill the server instance

  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider

    Would be curious to know the guy ban reason

  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider

    @dev_vps said: My convey vps panel is totally broken.

    Could you please refer this in the tickets / live chat? so someone can check it for you?

    Thanked by 1dev_vps
  • @cloudblast said:
    Would be curious to know the guy ban reason

    You just worry about what has been brought up about you and your parent company :D

    Thanked by 1kait
  • shmp9675shmp9675 Member

    Server ID: 96b03f70
    Please add 20TB Extra

  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider

    @shmp9675 said:
    Server ID: 96b03f70
    Please add 20TB Extra

    Done :)

  • VexeliaVexelia Member
    edited June 30

    @cloudblast said:

    Yes, that's our parent company even tho the hands on management is separate from cloudblast.

    I honestly don't get the claim "sketchy" for absolute no reason. The brand 3rdShift has operated as agency and marketing company for years with a good reputation in the space providing super normal marketing services, including brand reputation which is basically press releases and such..

    Some other brands (VCMatch) is an internal project that never launched, and cannot be accessed indeed, it's just a landing page with 0 traffic basically.

    I don't really see where is the issue, clearly someone that doesn't want us here it's trying to ruin our SEO.

    Many of your social accounts appear to be banned from their respective platforms. Additionally, you offer shady services that generally should be reserved for lawyers. Respectfully, the “removal services” you sell are questionable, and I often see these services used maliciously/illegally. While there is no evidence that you are removing other people’s content without proper ownership, this soils any reputation of your parent company and gives a shady look to your host.

    Do you colocate with RoyaleHosting, rent from RoyaleHosting, or use RoyaleHosting for transit? You seemed to have dodged my question when I asked this on Discord.

    Oh, and this directly violates TrustPilot’s Terms of Service and undermines the validity of any TrustPilot rating your hosting business may have, as you are also selling services to remove negative reviews.

  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider

    @Vexelia said: Do you colocate with RoyaleHosting, rent from RoyaleHosting, or use RoyaleHosting for transit? You seemed to have dodged my question when I asked this on Discord.

    We are colocated there, I have no problem being honest on everything.

    Cloudblast is a different entity with a different team.

    @Vexelia said: While there is no evidence

    Exactly, so it's useless to continue repeating the same things over and over, it won't lead anywhere.

    Keep this thread friendly

  • VexeliaVexelia Member
    edited June 30

    @cloudblast said:

    @Vexelia said: Do you colocate with RoyaleHosting, rent from RoyaleHosting, or use RoyaleHosting for transit? You seemed to have dodged my question when I asked this on Discord.

    We are colocated there, I have no problem being honest on everything.

    Cloudblast is a different entity with a different team.

    @Vexelia said: While there is no evidence

    Exactly, so it's useless to continue repeating the same things over and over, it won't lead anywhere.

    Keep this thread friendly

    I’m not a lawyer and haven’t consulted one about this, but wouldn’t it be more accurate to consider it a “brand by FOMO CREW FZCO” rather than a “separate entity,” as you claim?

    I am not looking to cause drama. I’ve clarified this to the LowEndSpirit thread OP, who seems dedicated to defaming your reputation.

    Thanked by 1cloudblast
  • kaitkait Member

    Looks like they also run/ran SonicFast LTD, the disolved company was owned by the Co-Founder/Owner at Fomo Crew but got dissolved in late 2019 (running under the .io TLD) and got incorporated again in 2021 and is currently owned by someone else but the status is Active proposal to strike off aka they haven't done their filings and will be dissolved soon as well (I think they are running on the .org but have references to .io).

  • malignifymalignify Member

    @kait said:
    Looks like they also run/ran SonicFast LTD, the disolved company was owned by the Co-Founder/Owner at Fomo Crew but got dissolved in late 2019 (running under the .io TLD) and got incorporated again in 2021 and is currently owned by someone else but the status is Active proposal to strike off aka they haven't done their filings and will be dissolved soon as well (I think they are running on the .org but have references to .io).

    Statement @cloudblast ?

    Thanked by 1kait
  • cloudblastcloudblast Member, Patron Provider
    edited July 1

    What statement do you expect? you guys are talking about a company made 6 years ago... The story with SonicFast is public (I sold the company after few years, after that I don't know what happened.).

    But I believe is not even correct to associate it with CloudBlast anyway as It's just me (Mauro) that was working on that and the current CloudBlast management is totally different.

    If you are just curious about my personal career, yeah go ahead. It's pretty much all public.

    I can share my CV in DM's if u really wish, instead of de-railing the conversation which should be about the product indeed.

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