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Client area is also down now!
Status page:
Dont believe a status page!
If Cov=Coventry, my Coventry service is up
I have 4 at Coventry all down
Mine is on EPYCROMEUK2 according to client area
Client area is also down for me
Please try from a different browser instead. There is an ongoing issue with a node, we are working on it already.
I guess the client area is trying to connect to that node (for me) and timing out, so it's either very slow to respond or runs into a timeout error from cloudflare.
Singapore node down, too.....
Mine is up
I think Client area is very slow, unable to load some pages.
There is no issue in Singapore.
My SG is still up and running (DC1)
their email claims:
That's interesting...
Yes, received the same.
Next time you can ask them to put in different server
The downtime is quite long, maybe should let us failover our accounts to another server first that we have before OS reinstall.
But maybe it cannot even boot up so OS reinstall is a must immediately, not sure.
Cannot remember, anyone know greencloud VPS servers have what raid levels?
Not sure if all servers are same raid levels too.
I would expect that relies on space availability.
In the meantime I am configuring other options for when it comes back online.
I tend to ditch anything that has any type of issue with a lengthy resolution. Simply not worth my time
My idler down for 7 minutes. I've just added some other IPs of Greencloud SG DC1 into my monitoring tool to futher monitor their network, I just do not trust their status page.
My monitoring picked up that Coventry was down and I informed support. Until that point they had no idea.
If that's true, why don't they have monitoring themself, like approx. every serious provider?
Edit: seems like they have their own monitoring
We have the node’s OS and VPS data on different drives: RAID-1 for the OS and RAID-10 for the VPS data.
The status page is for monitoring the whole location’s network. And when your VPS’s down it does not mean that the whole location or your node is down. Better to check via VNC first.
We have our own monitoring and have been working on the issue from the beginning already, trying to fix the kernel issue but not successful so we have decided to reinstall the node’s OS.
I hope I am missing something, but wouldn't reinstalling the OS install the same kernel again with the same issues?
Going to assume here that someone updated the kernel causing the issue.
Over 6hrs and they don't have any idea when they will have it resolved.
This is way longer than six hours
8hrs and counting. The last response from support was rather rude and short. Basically, it will be completed when it is completed fuck off type of attitude.
@NDTN could you share on update on the progress as the email mentioned
Did the OS reinstall fix the issue you were seeing on the node?
OS reinstalls don't take 9hrs...
I don't believe a word they have stated on this so far.