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Anyone try a heyderdahl free VPS?

I signed up back on 26 January. Got it today. Promises a 512MB VM with 30GB storage.
Logged in to Proxmox and the Ubuntu 20.04 CD is mounted. I guess I have to install the OS. OK...
My first two install attempts failed. I got a few steps into the installer and then it stops responding. Attempt #3 was stuck at "downloading and installing security updates...curtin command in-target" for about 15 minutes but it finally completed. Maybe that's usual for Ubuntu? I don't know, I always use Debian but that ISO seems hardwired in PVE.
So after boot, I was kind of expecting a pubic IP address...
The welcome email said:
So I guess at the moment I can login and use it via console, but I don't think I can ssh to it from the outside, unless I'm missing something.
Is that a Pakistani provider? Misspelled Hyderabadi?
There is a deleted thread about them, maybe you can tell us what happened:
That curtin problem you had, is because the RAM for the installer is way too low. I know, because I had the same issue in the past.
Not much apparently
@angstrom dumped it because they didn't get permission to run a giveaway. I guess @Exanteros is hyderdahl so perhaps he can update us on their network.
That's what I was assuming. The docs say you only need 112MB to install Ubuntu 20.04, but don't say how long it will take
Actually, now that I look, this is a 1GB VPS with 16GB of disk, not. 512 with 30.
There is only one answer:
sh -c 'while true; do ./; done' &
, close console and leave.Considering how long the first yabs is taking to run, I'm not sure the loop is necessary.
And then naturally it finished moments after posting that snarky comment.
WTF? Is there any point to this?
Hey, I also got to say something about this. As mentioned above, we provided everyone with 1GB of RAM to get the installer going and start in the adventure with us.
As I am looking at this thread, we‘ll increase this to 2GB to get you satisfied.
We currently face IPv6 issues with our provider so we gave everyone a custom Heyderdahl sub-domain and a log-in to a reverse proxy in order to enable remote ssh from outside. We are trying to fix that asap.
The disk is indeed 30gb. I am sorry, but there only remains 17 of these 30 after the install.
For qemu and kvm virtualization, it is normal to show the processor inside the vm as processor with QEMU virtual cores.
And what did you think of the free virtual machine in the first place? That it will break records with one virtual core and 1 GB of RAM?
We are also are eager to help everyone. Please write an email to us at [email protected]
And guys, don’t forget something: it’s free, so please, if something isn’t perfect directly, it will get fixed shortly.
Hope I could help.
Is Ubuntu really that fat these days? This is madness!
Not really. Well, at least as long
-cpu host
is used, which i see no point in not using.Inside a Qemu VM (sorry i'm not connected to any Linux VM right now and i'm lazy - just pretend it's
cat /proc/cpuinfo
The irony in the email address
Haha good point. 😂
I thought you roasted him
Like me and my boss sometimes ask each other to please send updates to like [email protected] or [email protected] etc
Edit: or invoices to wontpay@
Nah, ain’t joking. Got this email forwarded to my private account. Should prob. change it.
i only have hyperblast vps!
Yes.. Screenshot says IPv6.. So you are missing an IPv6 address..
Maybe it needs to be statically configured. Maybe DHCPv6.. Did you enable Auto-IPv6 in the Network Manager?
Is this new? or am I the only one who misses this technology?
We are working on a solution. 🚢
I got a free VPS yesterday. It's a LXC container with 1 CPU core, 512MB memory, 512MB swap, 30GB disk and a IPv6 address. Before running YABS I updated Ubuntu 20 to Ubuntu 22. This took some time but worked. After updating Ubuntu 1,1 GB of 30GB disk were in use.
Looks like the service we offer on our website.
"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K" ?
Not to be that guy ...but the 2600K is not really made for virtualization, since it's missing VT/d.
In the end, might not be a dealbreaker. That CPU was a powerhouse!
Source: (I owned a i7-2600k) and
Free vServer setup €5.00
is there coupon to get rid of setup fee?
Updated YABS. My container was recreated on a new node. (Proxmox 7)
What do you need that for, in a VPS hosting? It does support VT-x (so of course KVM guests run fast), that's enough. VT-d is for GPU and PCI devices pass-through, not used in providing VPSes.
This item is currently out of stock (9999)
Got this mail. Looks like free VPS offer is discontinued. You now need to pay 1€ per month.