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50% Off + SUMMER GIVEAWAYS | Unmetered Ryzen 7900/7950X | Atomic Networks - Page 4
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50% Off + SUMMER GIVEAWAYS | Unmetered Ryzen 7900/7950X | Atomic Networks



  • Awesome offer and server, already bought one :D

  • Count me in!

  • let me to test your service

  • @Atomic_Networks said: Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps

    any FUP ?

  • suutsuut Member

    @Atomic_Networks said:

    @suut said:
    Nice offers!

    Congratulations @suut, you have won a KVM 4 Premium VPS in Miami! We have reached out with info on how to redeem.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway. <3

  • Nice offers!

  • Great offers

  • count me in, thanks for the giveaway :)

  • Count me in too.

  • No one should be left behind.

  • suutsuut Member
    edited June 2023

    A performance monster! Thank you for your giveaway!

    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes
    Processor  : AMD Ryzen 9 7900 12-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 3693.062 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 3.8 GiB
    Swap       : 0.0 KiB
    Disk       : 59.9 GiB
    Distro     : Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    Kernel     : 6.1.0-9-amd64
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline
    IPv4 Network Information:
    ISP        : ReliableSite.Net LLC
    ASN        : AS23470 ReliableSite.Net LLC
    Host       : IPXO
    Location   : Reston, Virginia (VA)
    Country    : United States
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 412.03 MB/s (103.0k) | 3.94 GB/s    (61.6k)
    Write      | 413.12 MB/s (103.2k) | 3.96 GB/s    (61.9k)
    Total      | 825.16 MB/s (206.2k) | 7.91 GB/s   (123.6k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 4.82 GB/s     (9.4k) | 4.87 GB/s     (4.7k)
    Write      | 5.08 GB/s     (9.9k) | 5.20 GB/s     (5.0k)
    Total      | 9.91 GB/s    (19.3k) | 10.08 GB/s    (9.8k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 789 Mbits/sec   | 1.72 Gbits/sec  | --
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 928 Mbits/sec   | 860 Mbits/sec   | 102 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | 1.77 Gbits/sec  | --
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 847 Mbits/sec   | 878 Mbits/sec   | --
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 954 Mbits/sec   | 81.3 Mbits/sec  | --
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 928 Mbits/sec   | 6.47 Gbits/sec  | --
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 897 Mbits/sec   | 3.31 Gbits/sec  | --
    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 3018
    Multi Core      | 3019
    Full Test       |
  • Great offers !

  • Atomic_NetworksAtomic_Networks Member, Patron Provider

    @supremasi said:

    @Atomic_Networks said: Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps

    any FUP ?

    Hi @supremasi, you can find our Acceptable Use Policy here:

  • supremasisupremasi Member
    edited June 2023

    @Atomic_Networks said:

    @supremasi said:

    @Atomic_Networks said: Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps

    any FUP ?

    Hi @supremasi, you can find our Acceptable Use Policy here:

    Man... I dont have plan to abuse your network.
    I just want to know what exactly boundary of acceptable usage.
    Some vendor have policy after x TB bw will limited to y mbps, that is still categorized to unmetered bw, do you have those things?

  • Atomic_NetworksAtomic_Networks Member, Patron Provider

    @supremasi said:

    @Atomic_Networks said:

    @supremasi said:

    @Atomic_Networks said: Unmetered Bandwidth @ 1Gbps

    any FUP ?

    Hi @supremasi, you can find our Acceptable Use Policy here:

    Man... I dont have plan to abuse your network.
    I just want to know what exactly boundary of acceptable usage.
    Some vendor have policy after x TB bw will limited to y mbps, that is still categorized to unmetered bw, do you have those things?

    We don't have a specific monthly BW limitation, we only enforce the Bandwidth section of the AUP when we notice a user's usage on a node affecting other clients negatively.

    In cases where there is overuse, we do everything we can to prevent cancellations and refunds. Feel free to drop us a message with more information about your use case, we can tell you whether or not we would be able to support it on our network :)

    Thanked by 1maverick
  • Atomic_NetworksAtomic_Networks Member, Patron Provider

    @NFSC said:
    Nice offers!

    Congratulations @NFSC, you have won 1 Budget Chicago KVM 8, we will reach out with details on how to claim your prize.

    Everyone who comments within the next 24 hours will be entered to win 1 of 5 Yearly Shared DirectAdmin Webhosting packages with the following specs..

    5 GB NVMe Storage
    100 GB Bandwidth
    10 MySQL Databases
    2 Sites/Domains
    Free Custom Email
    Softaculous Auto-Installer Included

  • NFSCNFSC Member

    Nice offers!

  • Nice offers!

  • Nice offers and hoping for the giveaway!

  • suutsuut Member

    Nice offers!

  • Atomic_NetworksAtomic_Networks Member, Patron Provider

    @suut said:
    Nice offers!

    Congratulations to @NFSC, @lala_th, @Kdknohito, and @suut on winning 1 Year of Shared DirectAdmin Webhosting. The next person to comment will receive the last package. We will contact all of you with details on how to claim your giveaway packages.

    Everyone who comments within the next 24 hours will be entered to win a giveaway for 1 KVM 4 Premium in Miami. Best of luck to all who enter :smile:

  • NFSCNFSC Member

    Nice offers!

  • Nice offers!

  • Nice offers!

  • suutsuut Member

    Thank you! Nice offers!

  • Sweet! Count me in for the giveaway :)

  • Nice offers!

  • youliyouli Member

    是否 支持支付宝付款

  • Com..Comm..Comment

  • Thank you!
    Nice offers!

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