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IPv6 hits 40% at Google - Page 2
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IPv6 hits 40% at Google



  • @zed said: ive not ever had a prefix change

    They're called "pronouns" these days

    Thanked by 1risharde
  • risharderisharde Patron Provider, Veteran

    @dahartigan said:

    @zed said: ive not ever had a prefix change

    They're called "pronouns" these days

    Heh, now that was funny!

  • babuumbabuum Member

    @dahartigan said:
    Give everyone a /48 so we will face the same relative shortage of IPv6 as we have with IPv4 when you give every early bird an entire /8 or something stupid.

    The number of /48s you can assign in IPv6 is 281 trillion that's a little bit bigger than the 256 /8 you have in legacy IP.

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