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2021 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Official Megathread + Flash Deals ⚡ - Page 285
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2021 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Official Megathread + Flash Deals ⚡



  • @Shakib Are who had got the 7 dollar offer still eligible for participating the 1 dollar event?

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member
    edited November 2021

    @FAT32 said:

    This is a megathread after all

    I disagree.
    This is a juggernaut thread

    The deals were simply amazing. And your efforts are greatly appreciated @FAT32


    Thanked by 1Shakib
  • @nullnothere said:
    Dear @FAT32 ( and "interloper" @Nekki ),

    Thank you for your incredible hard work and putting up with us Low Enders (and Providers and every one in between) over the past 4 days.

    You guys truly represent the community spirit (along with many others including the many providers who have been so generous with their time and spontaneity in putting forward some unbelievable and of course I-wonder-how-they-sustain-them deals) and have made this yet another memorable BF/CM event).

    May your tribe increase and keep this place as it has been (over the past few days).

    Everyone one of us has been on literally living on the edge, making peace with the Internet (from every corner of the world it seems, IPv9 not withstanding) trying to snag the next big worthy deal, sacrificing sleep, work, family, first borns (and even natures calling it seems!).

    The balance has been restored and there are just as many (if not more) idlers as there are work horses.

    All is well at last and may the peace continue till the next madness seizes us.

    Cheers and here's giving Thanks to you both (and the entire community!) for making this yet another wonderful-I-don't-know-where-4-days-disappeared event (along with many of us now having to resort to some serious book keeping to figure out what we've purchased from where and of course how to name them VMs...)

    May the Force be with you.

    Best Wishes...

    Well said, I also wanna give a shout-out to @Murv for their anime GIFs throughout this thread :smile:

  • @FAT32 said:
    Btw, to keep things exciting, this thread will still be open for another 2 DAYS and provider can still choose to post any deals they want without any price restriction. :)

    This is a megathread after all

    Thanks @FAT32 for your effort,

    we'll make it a million views, just dont' close this thread yet..

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • @RecD said:
    @Shakib Are who had got the 7 dollar offer still eligible for participating the 1 dollar event?

    Probably yes

  • @dTQzBen8 said:

    @user123 said:

    @nullnothere said:
    Dear @FAT32 ( and "interloper" @Nekki ),

    Did you mean @Nikki?

    Is @Nekki not @Nikki

    @Nekki or @Nikki, Potaahto or Potayto or Tomahto or Tomayto, let's just remember a @Nekki by anyother nick still stinks just as much to the high heavens...

    Of course I missed crediting the "FAT32-Bot" ( @FAT32 - is that what is is officially called? ) which has worked really well this year.

    Let's not forget the droids and how invaluable they are in the grand scheme of things (despite the other bots that are the very bane of snagging deals).

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • Thanks @FAT32

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • @Lain said: give a shout-out to @Murv for their anime GIFs

    Absolutely - and I'm sure there are many worthy folks who have all egged everyone of us on.

    I've just called out the "top 2 regulars" who have put aside a lot and have put up with a lot for the sake of the community.

    The entire thread bears witness to the multitudes who have done their bit (however large or small!)...

    Full credits to everyone.

    Thanked by 3_MS_ Lain Murv
  • Thanks FAT32, thanks Nekki, thanks all the providers for amazing deals.

    Thanks to that guy(s?) that makes this website run - we hardly ever had any problems with accessing LET, totally different experience than last year BF, good job!

    Thanked by 2FAT32 equalz
  • Big THX @FAT32

    Thanked by 1mrTom
  • @nullnothere said:
    Dear @FAT32 ( and "interloper" @Nekki ),

    Thank you for your incredible hard work and putting up with us Low Enders (and Providers and every one in between) over the past 4 days.

    You guys truly represent the community spirit (along with many others including the many providers who have been so generous with their time and spontaneity in putting forward some unbelievable and of course I-wonder-how-they-sustain-them deals) and have made this yet another memorable BF/CM event).

    May your tribe increase and keep this place as it has been (over the past few days).

    Everyone one of us has been on literally living on the edge, making peace with the Internet (from every corner of the world it seems, IPv9 not withstanding) trying to snag the next big worthy deal, sacrificing sleep, work, family, first borns (and even natures calling it seems!).

    The balance has been restored and there are just as many (if not more) idlers as there are work horses.

    All is well at last and may the peace continue till the next madness seizes us.

    Cheers and here's giving Thanks to you both (and the entire community!) for making this yet another wonderful-I-don't-know-where-4-days-disappeared event (along with many of us now having to resort to some serious book keeping to figure out what we've purchased from where and of course how to name them VMs...)

    May the Force be with you.

    Best Wishes...


  • 123

  • 998.8k

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy
  • 1.1K views remaining till 1M

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • so **PARTY **is over .
    thanks @FAT32 for your awesome service , hopefully we can u see in 2022 BF .

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • 999k yo

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • 999K <3

    Thanked by 2FAT32 webcraft

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • 1K

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    Thanked by 1kalimov622
  • @tototo said:

    Purple daddy : 959.3K views vs @Fat32 999.1K views

    Thanked by 1webcraft
  • lol

    @zcorps said: Purple daddy : 959.3K views vs @Fat32 999.1K views


  • Go go go! 300 pages!

  • Now 999.3K

  • Just another post thanking @FAT32 and @Nekki for taking the effort to run this thread.

    Also like to thank @Murv for keeping things fun by posting anime gifs - hope you'll stick around here!

    Thanked by 3FAT32 nullnothere Murv
  • bring this thread to 300 pages?

  • Thank you @FAT32 & @Nekki for all your effort and hardwork.

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • have a try to 300

  • Let's try harder.

This discussion has been closed.