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BuyVM turns 10! New Stallion features launched: BGP Sessions, ISO Uploading, & 2F Authentication!
Just sent this mass email out:
Like all good parents, we forgot our child’s birthday – woops. A little over 10 years ago we took a gamble on a new product line: BuyVM. Between datacenter moves, power outages, DDOS attacks, and one too many networking configuration fat fingers, we’re still here! Thank you!
Now, onto the presents!
The past 2 months have been a development marathon for us starting with Backups & Snapshots in May/June. We’re happy to announce the availability of three new features: ISO uploading, Two Factor Authentication, and last but not least, BGP Sessions!
Automatic Backups & Snapshots
To recap the last email we sent: All KVM Slice’s in Las Vegas now support optional automatic backups. These backups run on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday with 2 weeks of backups kept. Backups can be purchased at by viewing your service, going to “Configurable Options”, and enabling them.
Snapshots are free to all users but have a limit of 5 per account. You can use snapshots to make a template of one VM and clone it to many others easily or have a rollback point you take before a big upgrade.
ISO Uploading
You can now upload your own ISO’s without any staff intervention inside of Stallion. All customers get 15GB of media storage with a 5GB file limit. ISO’s are automagically synchronized to all locations as well. A “share code” system also exists so sharing your ISO’s with other BuyVM users is easy and instant.
This feature is completely free for all customers with KVM based plans.
Two Factor Authentication
After countless requests and at least two petitions, a TOTP based Two Factor Authentication system is available! No special apps are needed, it works perfectly with Google Authenticator, Authy, WinAuth, etc.
BGP Sessions
Have your own IP addresses that you wish to use on your KVM Slice’s? Now you can! BGP sessions are available in both Las Vegas and Luxembourg. We expect New York to be supported in a month or two when our new router arrives.
Once your ASN is approved we can register any manual prefixes you have an LOA for. All prefixes signed with RPKI for your ASN will automagically be imported. BGP communities are also available allowing you to block prefixes from being announced to certain upstreams, prepend routes, and null route IP addresses.
DDOS protection is not available at the moment but in the future, we may offer it as a fairly priced monthly cost. Past that BGP sessions are completely free and have no minimum term or setup fee. Customers just need to open a ticket with us to get their ASN approved.
I know we say it every time, but we truly mean it.
Thank you for the patronage.
Since some people are probably curious, here's a shot of what a BGP session looks like:
Happy birthday!!
Please please please get us backups in NY sir :-)
Happy Birthday! nice features especially the snapshot!
Happy Birthday
Some premium stuff right there.
Happy Birthday BuyVM & Well Done @Francisco !
Happy Birthday @Francisco be nice to see slabs in LU hint hint...
Not my birthday, that's in October
I literally bought the drives for LU slabs right before Rona.
Congratulations @Francisco !
512MB Ryzen slice = Premium Windows XP VM, thanks to the custom ISO feature
Congrats @Francisco !!
Congrats,you offer rock solid service!
Many more succesfull years to come.
Congrats BuyVM! Maybe it's time to expand the awesomeness to... Singapore? @Francisco
happy birthday BuyVM
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday BuyVM @Francisco
enjoying my vm since last 1 year
any presents for DA resellers of buyshared?
Ryzen soon
Already got the latest node on ryzen, just have to update the others.
From where I can get that IP address?
ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, lease it from someone
All depends what you're wanting to do.
Wish you very Happy Birthday. @Francisco
Hopefully the next 10 years are even better than the last 10 years!
Happy birthday. Btw, there are promo birthday?
Congrats! BGP is working stable for me in LU
wow. thanks.
Congratulations on the anniversary. 10 years are an impressive feat anywhere in this industry, but specially in this segment.
Props also for not offering "more of the same" and always working hard to differentiate the product from competitors.
I'm too late but congratulations World's biggest LowEndProvider.
Now please make Stallion opensource..
Is there any chance hourly billing will happen in the future?
never say never, but as of right now we aren't planning/building it.
Happy to Birthday
And a small but useful feature I whipped up last night, you can now 'paste' on the virtual console.
Great for those times you need to copy/paste over a ssh-key or some ridiculous password.