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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Looks this time it will work.
Well, if the request gets rejected, the request will stay in the database.
Until the cronjob will delete it, which is in a few minutes.
To be fair, its technically a delay but a small one.
I updated the backend, to clean up the request on delivery.
Means if you click on Try again, you can instantly try again without any delay anymore.
For some reason, LET did not issue a token in the first place.
I added a cronjob which takes care of refreshing it, but as I said, it will only reduce the error rate, not fully remove the issue.
Thanks a lot, it has been deployed successfully
Back on track...
Singapore IPv6 has been fixed, enjoy.
Is there any chance to get more storage (SG)?
What do you need?
You could upgrade from micro to tiny.
Already on tiny, currently 1.6GB left. Need about 2-3GB more to move my blog there.
Its not planned and there is not such a thing to upgrade a individual container yet.
But, I thought about upgrading the packages.
Means micro gets 1.5GB instead of 1.3GB, tiny gets 3GB instead of 2.5GB.
Additional, a 384MB Package, with 4GB but only available in Australia, Netherlands and Norway.
You could snag a storage one, if it gets available at some point.
In about 2 weeks, the system will check for certain activity on the containers.
Means for you, you should have logged into the panel or container before this update is released.
After this update, you have to login every 60 days, either ssh into the container or login into the panel.
If you fail to meet these requirements, your container goes into a 7 day grace period, afterwards it will be stopped, 7 more days and your container will be deleted.
The reason why I did choose a login based activity is, depending on your use case you may have low traffic,memory or cpu needs, so we cannot really pin it down by that.
We will see how this works and it might be changed later but for now it should be fine.
What is the goal of this project? Final stage. Is it going to be monetized?
Steal our precious fluids
I was interested and still are, to play around with LXD (LXC), thus creatus est microLXC.
The about page brings it quite to the point.
monetized? could be.
Thanks, very smooth activation!
NL is currently asleep, working on resolving it.
edit: Maintenance, Node is back online.
Sorry for the late response.
The images are now preloaded on all nodes, please try again.
Any chance that Singapore might be restocked soon? Thanks for doing this!
can I have one. I only have 47 posts 😓
SG has been upgraded, I do a reboot tomorrow, more stock will be available by then.
These are the minimum requirements so no.
@Neoon It's taking quite a bit of time to try and deploy a VPS... is it stuck by any chance? It seems I can log into the account that was created with another browser tab but there's nothing set up and it's forever stuck at the deployment stage...
If this is normal, please ignore this!
Nah, its not normal.
I did a reset on the job and it ran through.
So you can login and start using it.