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AIO IP-Related (IPv4/IPv6/ASN) Thread. Only Providers/LIRs are allowed to post offers.
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AIO IP-Related (IPv4/IPv6/ASN) Thread. Only Providers/LIRs are allowed to post offers.

JordJord Moderator, Host Rep
edited October 2022 in General

  • SELLERS: You must be the DIRECT owner of the IP space you are leasing. No reselling of others IPs, no reselling of bulk market providers.
  • BUYERS/RENTERS: You must post valid, truthful justification with your request. Don't waste provider time.
  • BOTH: You must follow all other LET rules, especially NO PROXIES/SHOES/ABUSIVE SCRAPING/STREETWEAR/ANYTHING THAT WILL VIOLATE OTHERS' TERMS OF SERVICE. This will result in a permanent ban for requesting or offering for these purposes.

Hi everyone,

Here are a few businesses that rent out & sell resources. Only members with Provider or LIR tags are allowed to post offers in this thread.

ARIN - North America
IPv4 Leasing
HostUS - $90 per /24
GarrisonHost - $70 (+$70 Setup) per /24

IPv6 Leasing
HostUS - $35 per /48
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 8 per /48 - Annually
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 49.99 per /44 - Annually
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 19.99 per /40 - Monthly
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 100 per /36 - Monthly

ASN Registration
RIPE - Europe
IPv4 Leasing
SinaVPS - 100CHF - @Patrick7 - Contact about stock & prices
@malek - € 80 per /24 - monthly
@Access2IT - € 125 per /24 - Monthly 
@Access2IT - € 105 per /24 - Quarterly
@FHR - € 75 per /24 - Monthly
@dfroe  - € 80 /month per /24 - Quarterly
@AlexBarakov @AlexBarakov - Contact about stock & prices
HostUs @AlexanderM - $70 per /24 - Monthly
Bakker IT @RickBakkr - €85 per /24 - Monthly
ServPerso @ced1202 - €80 per /24 - Monthly

IPv6 Leasing
SinaVPS - 100CHF - Annually - @Patrick7 - Contact about stock & prices
@malek - € 25 per /44 - Annually
@Access2IT - € 9 per /48 - Monthly
@FHR - € 49 per /42, € 99 per /40 - annually
@dfroe  - € 60 /year for IPv6 PA or 120 /year for IPv6 PI - Yearly Paid
@AlexBarakov @AlexBarakov - Contact about stock & prices
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 5 per /48 + $5 Setup Fee - Annually
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 30 per /44 - Annually
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 10 per /40 - Monthly
Free Range Cloud @freerangecloud  - $ 100 per /32 - Monthly
Bakker IT @RickBakkr - €20 per year RIPE PA IPv6. 
Bakker IT @RickBakkr - €85 per year RIPE PI IPv6. 
ServPerso @ced1202 - €20 /44 - per year
ServPerso @ced1202 - €60 /44 + ASN then €20 per year.

ASN Registration
SinaVPS - 80CHF - One Time - @Patrick7 - Contact about stock & prices
@malek - € 60 - One Time.
@Access2IT - Contact about stock & prices
@FHR - € 99 - One Time
@dfroe - € 100 one-time (50 EUR when combined with IP leasing)
Bakker IT @RickBakkr - €40 - One Time
ServPerso @ced1202 - €50 - One Time
APNIC - Asia Pacific
IPv4 Leasing
HostUS - $90 per /24

IPv6 Leasing
HostUS - $35 per /48 - Annually

ASN Registration
HostUS - $35 - Annually + $10 setup.

Please tag me in a reply to this thread if this OP needs updating. All future IP related commercial requests or questions are to be posted in this thread.



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