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Shared/Reseller offers facilitated by cPanel - N̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶n̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶o̶w̶e̶d̶

Hi everyone,
Due to the current state of uncertainty surrounding cPanel pricing and the industry as a whole (more specifically the low end segment) new offers facilitated by cPanel are no longer allowed to be posted.
This takes effect immediately and will be reviewed as time passes.
This decision was not easy to make and was made in consultation with other long standing community members.
Thanked by 57niceboy AnthonySmith uptime RossG FHR feezioxiii teochristian dahartigan FAT32 hostdare MikePT donli angstrom Azenot RickBakkr lazyt HostEONS sayem314 plumberg Falzo Shazan mikho dedotatedwam Ympker BeardyUnixGuy leyton PremiumN WebProject jvnadr sanvit poisson nullnothere taubin vovler jh HostBastic Ozoneflare Tr33n imok johnxenspec DreamCaster kassle FrankZ mpkossen roast SSDBlaze netomx 0WebHost coreflux Janevski projectadmin eva2000 ChrisMiller desperand Mathias dallas007 [Deleted User]
Even as someone who sells cPanel hosting I fully support this, nice way of doing it i.e. leaving the door open in case they decide to stop biting the hand that feeds them.
Nice to see LET taking some preemptive action to stop people getting burned any further when shared hosts start failing right left and center.
Seems change is coming.
Winter is coming my friends!
The way I understand this, correct me if I'm wrong:
"We don't think many hosts posting cPanel hosting offers here will be able to handle the situation/price change (they'll take your money and go bust still)".
I too would expect cheap shared hosting providers to be hit by this price change very hard. Hope I'm wrong.
Fix-priced/year unlimited resellers are somewhat problematic under the new pricing scheme.
I agree.
As are many current limited reseller hosting offers. If you use all the available cPanels, license costs will be higher than the monthly hosting fee with many providers. Unless they have still some valid yearly cPanel licenses and have stopped offering year, or two-three year plans at the stated prices.
Good move, hope to see more changes
direct admin shit hosts in bound
Respect for the statement and I’d rather drop the cPanel license and stop offering it then let it bring down the whole business.
Wonder how companies like buycpanel will react to this.
It went something like this.
Me: can you still offer yearly licenses if I pay today?
Them: yes no problem.
Me: even with the new pricing from cPanel?
Them: What new pricing?
Me: link
Them: (5 minutes later) I will open a ticket on your account and get back to you we only just found out.
When an LET post knows an hour before the biggest license re seller they have... you know someone fucked up!
Then we had someone who said he had no problem with the new license structure and bragged (begged) people to buy his unlimited CPanel reseller plans ($2.99) from him.
Have you got a response from buycpanel yet?
Hi Anthony,
As we also just learned of the pricing specifics (distributors were not given early notification), we're actively working with cPanel and discussing internally to determine all aspects of this change.
We can see that IP XXX has YYY accounts on it, so here is a breakdown of how cPanel's Pricing will be affected (before our discount is applied)
Previously: $20 for VPS
cPanel's new pricing: Over 100 users is the $45.00 tier (up to 100). $0.20 Additional
Now, there will be room for a discount off that price (we are not able to confirm what the final price would be at this time), and prices go into effect September 1st - 15th.
We intend to honor licenses paid ahead, but will only allow a single iteration of that license to be paid as we will also be billed on the account quantity and on a monthly basis, per cPanel's announcement.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist with.
Highest Regards
Thank you,
Adam S
BuycPanel Customer Experience Manager
Sucks for buycPanel, even they are vulnerable. They can't charge in advance for something they don't know the charges for. So I can see hosts getting a significant bill one month and just running leaving BuyCpanel with the bill which I can't imagine cPanel will let them walk away from.
You already stopped selling shared hosting. You don't sell cPanel hosting as you said yourself today.
10 days ago you said:
So, any hand holding for clients is pansy except when it out right takes their right to choose a cPanel hosting because... Yes, indeed... cPanel is bad and there is a lot of whining going on.
Keeping price limits is hand holding, banning cPanel offers to prevent being burned is not hand holding? Absurd.
Is it an absolute truth that all cPanel providers are math handicapped bad business decision makers? Do all of them offer unsustainable "resellers" plans that get bite you in the ass?
Now not for Ant in particular but to @all in general
This leads to my final and most sad observation. I saw some, not all, but some providers being very tongue-in-a-cheek vocal in the past about all those clients opening negative review threads about providers suddenly raising prices. They providers, rightly pointed out that there was ZERO obligation to keep the price because no contract was written with fixing prices between the parties.
The examples are plentiful. Most vividly comes to mind the case when MailChannels put El Cheapo (and all others MC's "partners") in that situation and some LET providers wisely rubbed in that it's all his fault to depend so much on his 3rd party supplier and not having a contract with price guarantees. Today I see that only a few like @Lee are being level headed and objective about this.
It's been a long time since I observed double standards among providers and as long as echo chamber works this won't change. Do I care much? Maybe yes, maybe no. But it definitely looks unsavory. I know my message won't be taken pleasantly.
I put things out of stock to 'take stock' myself.
As for the rest of your post... wat?
It's not like me, amirite?
But in all seriousness, I have always had a fear of dependency on others on the basis that the dependency could bring me down. Now I never ever dreamt of cPanel doing what they have this week but I have always thought "what if they increased pricing significantly?".
I am sure you can find years old posts of mine on LET and WHT warning of the dangers of complacency around dependency leading to the demise of providers. And here we are, exactly what I was talking about.
Which point of mine should I try to make more clear?
Yes, you were right. And providers who said that expecting monthly price to never change is foolish and near sighted were also right. It's unpleasant truth but people has to swallow it. Now when tables turned on them, and their providers did the same thing - it's the end of the world situation where only cPanel gets blame for their greed (aka profit pricing pivoting) and their clients are not taking responsibility for their own business decisions.
I've been to this rodeo many times and that's one of the reasons I like to self host as much as reasonable and use plain JS over framework of the day, etc, etc. Sometimes it's a good choice, sometimes it's not, but I sleep better at night.
I will read it again in the morning and try and find your point.
Hey providers- remember to cancel your paypal recurring billing if you are cancelling your cpanel licences. We certainly wouldnt want to have you get eviscerated by the LET masses if you come whining about being billed after Sept 1. Also make sure to cancel with cPanel- not paying is not the same as cancelling. But of course you know all this after many customers get hit with the same logic. Can't wait for the first week in Sept. we will find out all the zombie hosts and resellers who have their accounts on autopilot.
This person certainly gets what I'm talking about.
Can someone tl;dr what cpanel changed?
Is there a competitive product for hosts to switch to?
If not, is it time to develop one?
Monthly/Yearly fixed -> Monthly only $45/100 cPanel accs + $0.2/additional cPanel accs
Direct Admin seems pretty good for now
Thanks, I found the other thread. I've never used direct admin. I've used cpanel and it has a lot of stuff that would be a bunch of work (not exactly difficult, just a large volume of features) to re-implement. Is DA missing anything significant? Is it vulnerable to the same kind of pricing change? How much money is in this industry anyway, to potentially develop a new, extortion-free panel? Maybe this is the wrong thread to discuss this. The other has 500 comments that I've skipped the middle of though.
There are several Open Source Web panels, including VestaCP, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin.
and this LET thread:
There is time for a new one to be developed, until the middle of august. But it depends on the features you need.
DirectAdmin is not really the best, but it remains an alternative. Last year I was contacted by someone to fix it, after it crashed because of an internal error.
Is there a quick description of DA pricing and do customers get source code so they can fix/extend it? I know some LET hosts are using it. To make something new it's obviously best to start with an FOSS one.
Ah nm about DA pricing, I found it:
Does that pricing mean each host pays 200/year or 299/life and that handles unlimited machines to run it on? Or is it per machine, or what?
We are all depending on someone/thing else in one way or another.
I can only speak for myself and as I offer cPanel hosting as a complement to the other services, I would rather drop it like a hot potatoe then letting it bring the whole company down.
I’m still doing the math on what my expected costs would be after Sept 1st.
To early to tell which way to go.
Fully supporting this.
I am waiting for Cloud Linux to do the same.
Well of course, but it is the far-reaching effect on a single dependency that is the issue, not lifes dependancies in general that are the concern.