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Ignore this post lol.
why people buy iphone ?
@kassle Because it's a great mobile platform?
I wouldn't say WHMCS is 'great'.
because it's only best all rounder hosting billing solution.
works with vps, shared, reseller, emails, proxy and what not.
and it works great.
What's wrong with Blesta, ClientExec, something else?
just like iphone, whmcs may not great for you but:
I'm a huge iOS fan. WHMCS doesn't elicit the same feeling.
well... maybe you're right but when you compare it with other two you mentioned... whmcs is clearly a winner.
WHMCS is a good billing management system. Also, it is a powerful and user-friendly system using which you can easily manage your business and transactions.
However, if you are looking for any other alternative then Blesta is another good billing management system.
Because i already used whmcs before blesta devoloped
Do you guys know if there is any free and open source basic and simple alternative?
Minimal and lacking in almost everything. WHMCS has more modules, more reporting, and more automation that actually works on a consistent basis than any other system of it's type. Look around at who says otherwise and ask them for proof that they do anything close to the scale of what the rest of us are doing with WHMCS, then on the off chance that they are just remind them that what they're really doing is trying to justify using the less capable tool because they no longer have a reasonable ability to migrate.
It's always cool to hate on what's popular, and to talk as though what's popular got there because everyone else in the world is stupid, but that's not how it actually works. WHMCS is on top because it works better and with less time/effort than any of it's alternatives.
look in the mirror and say, "why me?"
@jarland surely there can be something better; looking at the code - it sucks. I'm open to something better. PM me if interested going forward.
Define "sucks." Also, what code were you looking at?
@jarland I've seen the WHMCS 'code' and database. It's not great. I've been in the industry for a long time, since ModernBil was the 'thing'. There is room for better, if you or anyone is interested I'm open to a PM. Otherwise, I'll announce when ready.
How so?
So this is about marketing then.
@jarland Perhaps, it's easy to see it that way. I'm open to discussion.
Whmcs - iphone;
Blesta - nokia 3310;
Clientexec - blackberry;
WHMCS isn't great. Creating someone better isn't hard. But having input from people like @jarland is invaluable.
It really is and I'm sure you can see why. It's quite popular on the internet to try to pretend that you're somehow above the masses and greater than the weaklings that walk the surface of the earth, most commonly by mocking the things they collectively appreciate. It could be a band, a religion, a social network, but today it's a piece of software.
There's nothing new or unique about that kind of attitude on the internet, and it quickly gets thumbs up from people who agree simply because they also want to feel like they're somehow above all of the common people and somehow enlightened. Everyone wants to feel special, after all. But it's often quite meaningless, and you can shine a light on how empty and meaningless it is by simply asking them to articulate logical, reasonable, intelligent points to back what they're saying. Sort of like what I've done with you when I asked you to define "sucks" and then asked "How so" in response to "It's not great."
The results of these asks make me think that I've confirmed my suspicion, that it is in fact empty and that you haven't actually tried to fully articulate your opinion and bolster it with hard facts. How do you expect to sell me something if you can't tell me why I need it in a way that elevates your speech above that of a drunk frat boy ("dude that sucks")?
Cool. Start by telling me why WHMCS sucks.
@jarland You make a fair point. Let me get back to you.
.. at some point never.
@AnthonySmith within a few days. I'm open. Any requests me know.
Open for what? Requests for what? This is a thread about you asking why people use WHMCS.
Now.. I'm quite stupid, I was born in Denmark.. We're stupid by default.
If it's so easy to create a replacement for WHMCS, I wonder why no-one has really done it yet?
Like.. WHMCS says they have more than 35k customers (which is not surprising) - the cheapest plan is $15.95 a month.
That's $558'250 per month, that anyone can make, out of the blue - just by providing a better platform than WHMCS.
How come no one has done it yet then? You know, the world is all in for hiring cheap labour in low-income countries, so you can build WHMCS for maybe 10k USD if it's really that simple.
Then use indian support, and off you go - millionaire within 2 months.
He's open...
adly bends over
@adly, I'm sure it would have been more productive to simply create a thread to let us know more about your project instead of bashing whmcs and then trying to advertise your project in a roundabout way.