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OpenVPN, ShadowSocks, Cypherpunks GoVPN, Secondary DNS, Backup MX. Average daily traffic ~10GB
Why do I have the feeling that you've started making all of these fairly pointless threads recently outside of "Off Topic" to post your sig?
Because at this point, it's sort of become the norm here with people wanting to continue @Traffic's legacy.
Remember when posting links with hidden affiliate codes would get you in trouble?
Just so you can trust me. I've disabled my signature. It isn't the case. I want to move to another provider. Had some VPSs ($3.5/1GB RAM) with Buyvm now I'm considering Vmhaus but they are a little bit more expensive. So I'm thinking to buy 512MB for $3/month. That's why I'm wondering what others run on that small VPS.
You can easily run many tasks in 512MB, and since VMHaus uses KVM only, you can add swap, so you don't completely crash when you run out of space. They have a dual IPv4/6 stack natively, so no messing around like you would have to with CC based resellers.
I've run my dynamic blog on less than 1GB, but I don't suggest doing so unless you setup your WP installation to create static files (WP-Supercache, et al).
Also, your sig is still there, but it doesn't matter.
Thanks for the answer. When it comes to signature, I've disabled it like I said. I really cannot see it.
That means you don't see them, not that you don't have them.
@WSS seems it hides it just for me when I'm logged in. Thats strange
@WSS got it
It's not a big deal. Personally, I'd wait for @vmhaus to get their US services available- I bet there will be some great deals then (and possibly for their UK instance as well). 512MB is fine for lower-end stuff, but if you expect to run a dynamic blog with it which takes traffic and isn't heavily modified with caching static pages, et-al, it's a little tiny in 2017.
@WSS I have visitors from all around the world 33/33/33 US/EU/ Asia, so I thought the UK would be a good location. BTW: I have tested the node and the HDD is extremely fast as well as CPU is much faster than the one I had with Buyvm
You're thinking of going from a BuyVM 1GB to an unknown 512MB in order to save 50 cents?
basically just shadowsocks, and you can setup a simple wordpress site if you want.
I ran a webserver for as few years on a 512Mb VPS. It had a few domains. One was Drupal, one ZenCart and the other DIY. VPS had Webmin running and mail and all the stuff that related to websites. All on CentOS with Apache. And it worked.
One point so, the SPAM/Virus checker had a high memory demand and from time to time and sometimes brought the whole VPS down. With out server side SPAM/Virus check it could run for a long time.
If you are thinking of 512Mb and some websites think slim server and go for Centminmod or some other slim nginx based servers. They get probably more out of your RAM than Apache.
what?! you can run drupal with 512mb VPS? is it old one? v5 below?
I'm use mine to cook food, change the oil in my car, take out garbage, run my jet, change motors on my boat, you know the usual.
WPScan NMap SQL Ninja.
only seedbox and VPN. Don't have any for production. I'm not even working in IT. And testing stuff I code. Linux is a fun hobby.
I am sure someone will point out and say "Ha-ha!" (ala Nelson from Simpsons) as I just got a couple of 512MB VPS from snip to learn how to setup DNS servers & point all my non-production domains to this setup.
But hey! I don't mind spending $6/year to learn this. I think a 512MB VPS is great for running PowerDNS and PowerDNS-Admin
porn, all of it...
cPanel DNS only, OpenLDAP and another one for VPN (but it runs on my 64MB box too)
Last time, I use my 512mb vps for running Owncloud, rTorrent, a moodle, vpn, squid, and... forgot the rest.
Usually I just use the 384mb vps, or the 50mb vps.
blog bbs some sites some pages proxy net disk done.
A wordpress site with ~4-5K visitors per day, a mail server with ~500 in/out mails per day (with clamav/spamassassign), an onwcloud installation with a ftp server and more. 512MB memory is not too low if you optimize a little the setup.
Other than Gitlab and similar Rails monstrosities (Discourse?) I can't think of any typical VPS applications that need more than 512MB. It's more like what can't you run on a 512MB vps?
Is this your real usage or just an example what you can run there? I'm asking because I was unable to run SpamAssassin on a VPS under 1GB.
Yes, real usage. And, in this case, not only spamassassin but a vestacp installation with exim/dovecot, clamav and spamassassin (though, the panel is being used not for hosting website but just the interface -rainloop- of the mailer and the mail server itself, for easiness on creating - deleting mails). The load is <400 most of the time.
RAM load (400MB)?