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DO is the king. The rest follow.
DO -> Linode->Vultr ->RamNode-> Amazon???
I've only used DigitalOcean and Vultr.
I would go with Vultr because they have better hardware. Downside is their Hypervisor is down at 3-4 times in few days when the new SGP location launched in the past
DigitalOcean. They put food on the table. Suppose they're cool people too :P
Vultr has free snapshot, it would be useful when sometimes you need few hours VPN from one of their 15 locations.
That question is super subjective, and I have not tried everyone but here is my two cents.
Vulter, Linode, and Digital Ocean are backed by some more money so they are more likely to last (according to somebody from LET).
Amazon is Amazon and I see it being successful for a long time even After the founder retires.
Ramnode is quite good on LET and is like one of the best low end providers. Bonus on my end is that I somewhat know another blind person who managed to use their services (including the pannel I hope).
Digital Ocean has by far the best 'how to' pages. Never used them as host though.
Ramnode simply works like s Swiss clockwork.
Linode has a good collection also. Am using both helps.
I don't think vultr's helps are as good as Linode's or Digital ocean's helps.
But I still feel like a crazy monkey pressing keys randomly on the key board. Haven't broken anything yet but I probably will.
I wish their was a good book that explains linux better.
Only used DO and Vultr, ive mainly stuck to vultr because of their Sydney datacentre
Vultr performance is pretty good, but you risk data loss on their awesome Shitraid 0. +1 for custom ISOs.
DigitalOcean has great articles yes, and their virtual servers are good performers too. Still needs custom ISOs.
Ramnode: That Swiss multitool you have in your pocket. Versatile, fast and reliable.
For production, I'd pick up a handful of Ramnode KVMs and scale with Vultr/DO in the backend.
(Ramnode = 99.9% SLA but hasn't gone down once, smaller compamy, better support; DigitalOcean = 99.99% SLA, only down once in the year I had a VPS with them, decent support; Vultr = 100% SLA, down twice in a year, decent support)
I'd rank them: RamNode ~= DigitalOcean > Vultr > Amazon Lightsail >
ChicagoVPS123SystemsAny CC sub-brandin 3 years from now, emerging Alibaba Cloud will overtake all these providers. Its just a matter of time.
I use all the listed providers and some more with exception of Amazon Lightsail (resource contention issues). I also do benchmark comparisons for all VPSes I use so can keep track of each web hosts relative VPS offerings (post #5 how to guide)
Ramnode use to be my preferred but ran into a handful of cpu utilisation warnings/reminders.
Vultr used for their network/location choices i.e. Sydney
DigitalOcean best snapshot system, reduced servers there down to use 1 VPS now due to slow system performance compared to Linode
Linode is my preferred with relatively better performance to price ratio - newer cpus Xeon E5-2680v2, E5-2680v3 and E5-2697v4 but with best price point for US$10 per cpu thread/core i.e. US$40/m plan was 4 cpu thread/cores and my preferred USA West Coast location and their server cloning/back/restore and server datacenter migration features are very handy to have.
Even created an official Centmin Mod LEMP stack Linode stackscript allowing you to install Centmin Mod on Linode VPS just by filling out a HTML based web form
Out of all of those I prefer Vultr, but I got 50$ of free credit on DO, so thats what Im currently using.
Also, give VMHaus a try. They are pretty good.
From my experience Vultr -> RamNode/Linode -> Digital Ocean
Have had the best time with Vultr, awesome hardware and uptime.
Second, Linode and RamNode. Great hardware, was down a few times for me. RN had a few random reboots w/o notice.
Then Digital Ocean, average hardware.
No exp with Lightsail.
Tutorials doesn't really have an impact on my choice of provider. Generally speaking, tutorials in DO works for Vultr and so forth.
I don't think so.
You forgot the /s for sarcasm.
I too don't think so in the short run. But it will definitely in may be 10+ years.
If I don't want DDOS protection then I will go with Vultr.
But if I need protection then I will go with DO. As we don't have to pay extra $ for DDOS protection in DO.
Ramnode is decent but, I was their customers for few years but left them just because I have to pay for my VPS for the whole month, as they do not have hourly billing.
DO and Vultr
A service from China would be my first choice when it comes to privacy and support.
yeah avoid USA for their NSA surveillance.
If you want NVMe, DDoS Protection & LET Support. Go with VMHaus
Also, we are bringing our NVMe VPSes to USA real soon!! :P
What locations?
US West Coast, Server + NVMe & Network gears are en-route
Fully owned equipment and own network, VMHaus going big boy!
@vmhaus Very nice!
Digital Ocean is getting better over the years which I didn't use them for production in the past. Lightsail is quite limited to certain regions.
For a little more money, Softlayer is one of my best choice.
You might also want to check alibabacloud in future (let them mature more) which is almost or similar pricing as DO.
Linode|Vultr -> DO -> RamNode-> Amazon
Linode JP and Vultr JP is good for Asia .
I have used all with the exception of RamNode. I used AWS standard EC2 more these days due to needing more resources.
For me, DO, Vultr and Linod all works the same. I have seen slightly better performance with Vultr for small VPSs. (They are cheaper as well for CPU/RAM ration)
I wish DO would have their presence in Sydney location as well. (Or anywhere in Australia)
Was with Linode for about 4 years (till 2014) and was very impressed, but switched to for a dedicated comp for the same price. I've looked at Ramnode, DO, and Vultr a couple of times but been wanting stupidly cheap prices because I don't exactly need another server.
@VMHaus curious to see if you have any offers coming up