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Caasify; a marketplace for Web Hosting industry!
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Caasify; a marketplace for Web Hosting industry!

caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider
edited May 3 in General

If you are a web hosting company, you may know that providing diverse services is a challenge.
Your clients may require VPS from different regions with specific configurations, or ask for services such as Kubernetes, Database, or S3 that possibly you could not offer to them.

How do we solve the problem of your hosting company?
Our platform (Caasify) is a Gateway that can integrate with any product or API within an hour, such as a Hetzner API, Virtualizor API, Kubernetes API, etc.
Our WHMCS module can connect your hosting company's client area to this Gateway, allowing you to offer a variety of services on your website. For example, you can start selling virtual machines from Hetzner, Vultr, and DigitalOcean on your website right away.

In the Caasify marketplace, service providers determine the prices for their services. Hosting companies can add a commission to the price, allowing their customers to order services at a marked-up rate. Additionally, Hosting's customers can easily add funds to their accounts from the WHMCS client area and order services on an hourly payment basis (pay-as-you-go model).

We are eagerly awaiting your questions, comments, suggestions, or any criticisms, and we sincerely appreciate you in advance for your valuable contribution.

Thanked by 1mrTom


  • from your docs:

    By installing the Caasify module in WHMCS, you'll be able to offer various services from many data centers like Digital Ocean, OVH, Hetzner to your customers. This selling process works as follows: (...)

    could you add / create a list on which provider are now currently supported?. also check for obvious typo in your documentations, it just look less professional

    Thanked by 1armandorg
  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

    @ScreenReader said:
    from your docs:

    By installing the Caasify module in WHMCS, you'll be able to offer various services from many data centers like Digital Ocean, OVH, Hetzner to your customers. This selling process works as follows: (...)

    could you add / create a list on which provider are now currently supported?. also check for obvious typo in your documentations, it just look less professional

    Thank you for your response.
    Our platform is designed to allow service providers with API services such as OpenStack, Virtualizor, or any other platform, to easily integrate with the marketplace. This integration enables hosting companies to sell the provider's resources.

    We have not yet started selling, and we would appreciate your feedback on the project. Our website is still under development, and some documents may not be complete. We have integrated the APIs of Hetzner, DigitalOcean, and Vultr. Once we launch, your customers will be able to order VMs from these providers based on hourly payment.

  • LeviLevi Member

    Ou, fellow lithuanian. Marketing language is not suitable for this community. Do your research about what kind of people breed here… If you need help, pm me.

  • @caasify said:
    Thank you for your response.

    You mean "Thanks for your feedback.", right?

  • chakraxzzchakraxzz Member

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @caasify said:
    Thank you for your response.

    You mean "Thanks for your feedback.", right?

    does it really matter? both are generic ways of responding

  • @chakraxzz said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @caasify said:
    Thank you for your response.

    You mean "Thanks for your feedback.", right?

    does it really matter? both are generic ways of responding

    Yes, it does. A lot. This is LET and here you need to use "Thanks for your feedback.".

  • JosephFJosephF Member

    After opening an account with Caasify, how do you go about integrating Caasify to sell services?

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

    @Levi said: fellow lithuanian

    @JosephF said:
    After opening an account with Caasify, how do you go about integrating Caasify to sell services?

    We plan to launch the system on Monday and will contact you as soon as possible.

    Stay tuned for the Caasify WHMCS client area video showcase!

    Thanked by 1JosephF
  • xvpsxvps Member
    edited May 7

    @caasify said:

    @Levi said: fellow lithuanian

    @JosephF said:
    After opening an account with Caasify, how do you go about integrating Caasify to sell services?

    We plan to launch the system on Monday …


  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

    The Caasify video demo is now available. Contact us through the ticket to schedule a live demo.

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

  • BoltFlareBoltFlare Member, Host Rep

    @caasify Ticket #TJW-307865

    Thanked by 1caasify
  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

    @BoltFlare said:
    @caasify Ticket #TJW-307865

    Thank you for reaching out to us. We will get back to you shortly.

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider


    We are excited to announce that our marketplace is now live! If you're interested in installing the WHMCS module or would like to explore our services with a demo account, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    With the Caasify WHMCS module, you can effortlessly sell VM from top providers like Hetzner, DigitalOcean, Vultr, and many others, covering over 50 locations worldwide.

    Looking forward to helping you enhance your offerings!

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider
    edited May 22

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

  • Mahfuz_SS_EHLMahfuz_SS_EHL Host Rep, Veteran

    There are other WHMCS Module which I can purchase in one-time/monthly flat fee & can directly sell to my end customer from your mentioned service provider. Why would I go through you & give you 5% commission ?

  • caasifycaasify Member, Patron Provider

    @Mahfuz_SS_EHL said:
    There are other WHMCS Module which I can purchase in one-time/monthly flat fee & can directly sell to my end customer from your mentioned service provider. Why would I go through you & give you 5% commission ?

    You don't need to pay us a 5% commission. We take the commission from the providers.

  • kevindskevinds Member, LIR

    @caasify said:
    You don't need to pay us a 5% commission. We take the commission from the providers.


    @caasify said:
    is a Gateway that can integrate with any product or API within an hour, such as a Hetzner API, Virtualizor API, Kubernetes API, etc.
    Our WHMCS module can connect your hosting company's client area to this Gateway, allowing you to offer a variety of services on your website. For example, you can start selling virtual machines from Hetzner, Vultr, and DigitalOcean on your website right away.

    How are you taking a commission from any product's API?

    How can your product integrate with another product or API within an hour? It usually takes me more than an hour just to read a product's API documentation for the available commands, nevermind start doing anything useful with them.

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