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  • The Chinese New Year is a festival that lasts fifteen days and starts on a different date every year, following the phases of the moon. It begins with the new moon that usually occurs between the end of January and the middle of February.

  • 125+ Million – Number of Americans who will travel for the New Year’s holiday this year, with more than half of them driving to their destination.

  • 64% - Share of Americans who spend at least $50 on New Year's Eve food and drinks.

  • 51% - Share of Americans who plan to celebrate New Year's Eve with family or friends. Only 32% will eat out or order food for pickup/delivery.

  • $872 – Average cost for a couple to enjoy dinner and a show on New Year's Eve in the three largest cities (New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago).

  • 360+ Million – Number of glasses of sparkling wine that are drunk each New Year's Eve.

  • 10% – Share of emergency room visits on New Year's Eve are drug/alcohol related.

  • 0.095% – Average BAC on New Year’s Eve, making it the most drunken night of the year.

  • The new year is a time to celebrate courage in the face of uncertainty

  • In every step towards the new year, we find valuable lessons about life

  • The new year is a call to seek meaning in every journey and experience

  • Every new resolution in the new year is a commitment to create positive change

  • On New Year's Eve, we celebrate the freedom to break free from the shackles of the past

  • The new year is an opportunity to rewrite the story of life with the ink of happiness

  • On New Year's Eve, we celebrate the goodness within ourselves and others

  • Each resolution is a commitment to grow as a better individual

  • Over 50 tons of trash are left in Times Square after New Year’s Eve celebrations.

  • The confetti dropped in Times Square is holding secret messages.

    The confetti in Times Square has thousands of people's wishes written on them. In 2015 "wishfetti" became a part of the tradition. People write their wishes for the new year and submit them to the Wish Wall in Times Square (or online) and those wishes are turned into the confetti that falls over the crowd at midnight.

  • Many Brazilians welcome the New Year at the beach.

    It is considered good luck to make seven wishes while jumping seven waves — so you can count on a good old New Year's beach party down in Rio de Janeiro!

  • If you hear plates breaking in Denmark on New Year’s Eve, it’s considered good luck.

    The Danes hold a tradition of throwing plates at the front door of family and friends’ homes to welcome good fortune for the new year.

  • Every prayer spoken on New Year's Eve is an expression of gratitude and hope

  • ABC's 'New Year’s Rockin’ Eve' show is a long standing tradition.

    Dick Clark began hosting the show in 1974. In December 2004, Clark suffered a stroke and Regis Philbin stepped in at the last minute to host. In 2005, Clark officially handed hosting duties over to Ryan Seacrest.

  • In every second of the new year's transition, we are reminded of the limitations of precious time

  • The new year is a call to embrace change as a natural part of life

  • With every step towards the new year, we celebrate the ability to grow

  • The beauty of the new year lies in the opportunity to create unwritten stories

  • The new year is a time to celebrate strength in weakness and success in failure

  • Most New Year’s resolutions aren’t taken too seriously.

    Nearly 80% of resolutions made at the beginning of the year are forgotten by February. So no worries if you need to restart!

  • You can thank a pope for making our new year start on January 1.

    The Gregorian calendar was introduced in October of 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a revised version of the Julian calendar. It took almost 350 years for the world to get on board. Turkey didn't make the switch until 1927.

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