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LET Providers used in Production - Page 3
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LET Providers used in Production



  • @MrLime said: Almost exclusively using LET providers for production purposes. You cannot go wrong if you purchase from a reputable company that is also active on here.

    same here. No idiling of servers. all used for production purposes, including i've won in giveaways.

  • @JasonM said:

    @MrLime said: Almost exclusively using LET providers for production purposes. You cannot go wrong if you purchase from a reputable company that is also active on here.

    same here. No idiling of servers. all used for production purposes, including i've won in giveaways.

    No idling? Did I login to the wrong forum?!?! Please tell me I'm hallucinating.

  • @loay said:

    @Mustafa said:

    @loay said:

    @Mustafa said:

    How do you define truth?

    Something not made up by the Government and (((powerful))).

    This is getting off-topic, and I would be banned if commented, but I meant truth as the epistemic meaning. I would like how your race historically defined truth.

    Go ahead, I will be banned anyways and you shouldn't be punished. Lets say I forced you to do that.

  • loayloay Member
    edited December 2023


    Thanked by 1Mustafa
  • MustafaMustafa Member
    edited December 2023

    @loay said:

    @Mustafa said: Go ahead, I will be banned anyways and you shouldn't be punished. Lets say I forced you to do that.

    You just forced me to say that I just would not consider trolling (semantic mediterranean deception) on a web forum for hosting providers an honorable way of life for someone of your own race, or even for someone over 30 for that matter. I like your posts and I think they are necessary here, but I think there are better ways to speak truth without using those methods.

    I have no intention on making myself look good here. Appreciate your input.

  • @c1vhosting said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    most lowend providers are good enough for staging.

    Some providers are not good even for staging
    as they provide “unmatched” network performance

    Speed will go from 100 mbps to dial up speed at random times.

    It has happened on multiple occasions in last 96 hours.

    c1v is a new provider. you cant be taking them seriously until a year or two passes uneventfully.

    @c1vhosting vps works great, when it is working. It is reliability part that is not upto the mark, especially the random disconnect and random turtle speed mode

    We're getting better! We want to improve only to have your positive feedback. It will be a good challenge.

    Look at this picture
    Both the VPS are in the idle state (except connected to RDPclient),
    both have same cpu Xeon [email protected] and 2 vCores assigned
    one VPS cpu utilization is around 10-15%
    other one is just 2-3%

    Can you guess, which VPS is yours?

  • it is easy to guess which VPS passed this "youtube video at 480p" test

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @ehhthing said:
    LET providers really do well when it comes to portable, high compute and high RAM workloads. If you need compute, RAM or even a (second or third) storage server for backups, LET pricing is great! The problem is mostly that the chance of deadpool is high and you really have no recourse for it.

    "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM" is now "Nobody gets fired for using AWS". Sure you can find other providers with lower pricing but if the company disappears or goes bankrupt, you will be on the line for that decision.

    The good news is that if your service is just a frontend to a database (like most web services are), just set up some docker containers and use Ansible to deploy. Put your database server on a DO/Vultr/Linode/AWS/GCP/Azure/Oracle Cloud cluster nearby and you have saved a few thousand dollars a month!

    Modern horizontal scaling patterns have made it really easy to work with less reliable hardware (or in this case, providers) without much risk for downtime if something goes wrong. Use DNS load balancing between multiple providers and your customers won't even notice when something goes down.

    Seeing more and more large and sophisticated companies moving away from aws to something more opex friendly. Even a return to Capex heavy implementations. Very interesting to watch this development.

  • @c1vhosting said:

    @Ne0x said:

    @cybertech said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    most lowend providers are good enough for staging.

    Some providers are not good even for staging
    as they provide “unmatched” network performance

    Speed will go from 100 mbps to dial up speed at random times.

    It has happened on multiple occasions in last 96 hours.

    c1v is a new provider. you cant be taking them seriously until a year or two passes uneventfully.

    @c1vhosting vps works great, when it is working. It is reliability part that is not upto the mark, especially the random disconnect and random turtle speed mode

    We're getting better! We want to improve only to have your positive feedback. It will be a good challenge.

    looking forward to that.

    It's been a month since I paid for a service but the account registration did not go through after making the payment and ended up with no service and no refund. I doubt we can take them seriously even after 2 years.

    write me in DM your service id please. We'll get it sorted out now.

    The thing is there is no service/transaction ID or invoice whatsoever because the account did not get registered.

  • Maybe no low-end hosts, but: php-friends/avoro for production environment, Hetzner for backup.

  • @Ne0x said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @Ne0x said:

    @cybertech said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    @dev_vps said:

    @cybertech said:

    most lowend providers are good enough for staging.

    Some providers are not good even for staging
    as they provide “unmatched” network performance

    Speed will go from 100 mbps to dial up speed at random times.

    It has happened on multiple occasions in last 96 hours.

    c1v is a new provider. you cant be taking them seriously until a year or two passes uneventfully.

    @c1vhosting vps works great, when it is working. It is reliability part that is not upto the mark, especially the random disconnect and random turtle speed mode

    We're getting better! We want to improve only to have your positive feedback. It will be a good challenge.

    looking forward to that.

    It's been a month since I paid for a service but the account registration did not go through after making the payment and ended up with no service and no refund. I doubt we can take them seriously even after 2 years.

    write me in DM your service id please. We'll get it sorted out now.

    The thing is there is no service/transaction ID or invoice whatsoever because the account did not get registered.

    Oh. That's weird. Send me more details (in DM)

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