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Colocate at Microtronix DC (Ohio) - Free DDoS Protection - Unmetered BW up to 100G!
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Colocate at Microtronix DC (Ohio) - Free DDoS Protection - Unmetered BW up to 100G!

jfreak53jfreak53 Member, Patron Provider

Colo your servers at the Microtronix Datacenter in Ohio!! VPS, Shared, Dedis, Colo space, whole rooms available for colo!! Want custom? Drop us a line and we'll quote custom rack space and power options.

Our Website

We just added 2G bonded lines on our order form for all colo orders!!

Our DC Includes:

  • Dual inbound 100G DDoS Protection on all traffic
  • Micro DC runs 250G upstream available traffic to the DC!
  • Full Fiber Rack-to-Rack Datacenter, no bottlenecks!
  • Direct Fiber up to 100G per connection available! (1G, 2G Bonded, 3G, 10G, 40G, 100G)
  • 100% Owned equipment and racks
  • Rent our IPs or announce your own range!
  • rDNS available
  • IPv6 /48 Free!
  • Internal network available free
  • Up to 40A power!! Need more? Quote custom.
  • 120V & 240V Power drops available
  • A+B Redundant Drops available
  • Free Cross-Connect for full racks!!
  • Fair-Usage External KVM Access
  • IPMI access (its your equipment!)
  • Free rack and stack!
  • All racks are under lock and key
  • Full-rack colo = 24x7 coded access to your rack!
  • Power and Network cables included up to 10U (if bringing your own router you must provide your own network cables)
  • Spare parts storage space included, or we can sell you new parts as needed
  • Free reboots (fair warning, we power cycle the port)

Mid-Tower Colo - $50 /month/starting

Full-Tower Colo - $70 /month/starting

  • 1G, 2G, 3G, 10G Speeds (Unmetered)
  • 2A power

1-5U Colo - $55 /month/starting

10U Colo - $285 /month/starting

  • 1G, 2G, 3G, 10G Speeds (Unmetered)
  • 10A power

21U Colo - $640 /month/starting

  • 1G, 2G, 3G, 10G, 40G, 100G Speeds (Unmetered)
  • 10A power

42U Full-Cabinet Colo - $800 /month/starting + $600 /setup

  • 1G, 2G, 3G, 10G, 40G, 100G Speeds (Unmetered)
  • 20A power (Up to 40A!)
  • Free Cross-Connect

Order here


  • Can anyone vouch for these guys?

  • Cheap VPS, Good IP, however the datacenter is in the garage?

  • @BigBigWolf said:
    Cheap VPS, Good IP, however the datacenter is in the garage?

    It's not a standard facility, I think it's a converted retail space or something similar. It's probably fine if you wanted a VPS or a dedi, but idk if I'd send colo there,

  • jfreak53jfreak53 Member, Patron Provider

    @BigBigWolf said:
    Cheap VPS, Good IP, however the datacenter is in the garage?

    Old township warehouse, converted actually :smile:

    @fluffernutter said: but idk if I'd send colo there

    Give us a try, you'd be surprised :wink: There are quite a few that use our facility for colo actually @SmartHost is one, working on @crunchbits now but he's a tough cookie to crack :wink:

    @anbelevebel said: Can anyone vouch for these guys?

    Send us a message, I'd be glad to send you some pictures of the inside, you can check the outside from Google maps. We've been in business since 2001, and in the hosting industry specifically for 16 of those years, so we aren't going anywhere :smile:

  • @anbelevebel said:
    Can anyone vouch for these guys?

    Yeah, had a vps with them a while ago, it works, nice guys :)

    Thanked by 1jfreak53
  • @jfreak53 said: Give us a try, you'd be surprised

    What about colocation for mini pcs? Is that an option? Gigabyte brix, asrock 4x4, etc. I would need 1 amp at 120 volt, 20 tb/month of bandwidth.

  • jfreak53jfreak53 Member, Patron Provider

    @eezcloud said:

    @jfreak53 said: Give us a try, you'd be surprised

    What about colocation for mini pcs? Is that an option? Gigabyte brix, asrock 4x4, etc. I would need 1 amp at 120 volt, 20 tb/month of bandwidth.

    Yes, we have Colo for micro servers, I just don't have pricing up yet. Shoot me a DM and we can discuss your needs and I can get you a price.

  • ketchupketchup Member

    @jfreak53 said:
    Host at the Microtronix Datacenter in Ohio!! VPS, Shared, Dedis, Colo space, whole rooms available for colo!! Want custom? Drop us a line and we'll quote custom rack space and power options!

    Now offering up to a full /24 IPv4 right on the order form for all Dedicated and Colocation orders!

    Custom, private, colo suit available!! View below for more info!

    Where is the order form for one of these colo suits? I will wear it to Sinclair and provide 'nearly local' advertisement for you. :)

    I've configured a colocation service via your transparent and up front pricing from your billing manager. You are the most awesome provider for allowing customers to get a quote without sending you email after email and begging for you to tell them the prices. That also drives up prices and wastes your time and mine. It's a shame so many providers on LET don't understand that and quite frankly don't care about customer service. Because of this policy alone, you might be the only provider on this forum that I would seriously recommend, although I haven't even used or purchased any services from you ... yet.

    Anyway, I still have a couple of questions and maybe you can 'fix' your site wording to clarify the answers.

    The configured service is the following:

    Rack Space 1-5U Colocation Colocation
    Rack Space 1-5U Colocation $55.00 USD
    » IPv4: 1 Usable (/30) $0.00 USD
    » IPv6: /48 Subnet $0.00 USD
    » Network: 1Gbps Dedicated Port (Unmetered) $0.00 USD
    » Network Drops: 1x Per Server $0.00 USD
    » Power: Single 2A per U Circuit - 120v $0.00 USD
    » Network Type: Copper $0.00 USD
    » Internal Network: 0 $0.00 USD
    » Space: 2U $10.00 USD
    » How Many Servers in this Space: 1 $0.00 USD
    » External Network Device: None $0.00 USD
    *+ 2A on 120V $20.00 USD
    Setup Fees: $0.00 USD
    Monthly: $85.00 USD
    $85.00 USD Total Due Today

    First, I am confused about the available power options.
    I estimate that I need 662W for a 2U server that has dual 800W PSUs.
    I don't necessarily need dual plugs or redundancy, but don't think it's wise to operate a server without them.
    Can you please clarify these 2 options?
    Single 2A per U Circuit - 120v
    Double 2A per U - 120v and 1A per U 240V
    Does this mean you get a single or double plugs, does it mean double the amps, does it mean both double plugs and double amps, does it mean something else?
    If I select the double option above, does it mean I get 8A total (2U server) with dual plug redundancy, or just double amps and still have to select double plugs from the options below, and/or do I already get double plugs with the 2U (1 server) option?
    Can you fix the wording to clarify what the actual total plugs and amps will be with each option?

    Second, I am confused after seeing your KnowledgeBase article about NO SMTP from ANY IP that you own.
    I want to be able to send legitimate business email, registration forms, invoices, or forum email from each IP with my colocated server.
    Does this policy apply for the IPs that are included when I select a IPv4/25 subnet for my colocated server, or even the IPv4/32 address with the colocated server?
    Do I need to lease an IPv4/24 from someone else to comply with your NO SMTP policy, without any tickets begging for permission for SMTP for each IP and server?
    Can you add the NO SMTP policy to your order form and to this thread so that the NO SMTP policy is transparent like your colocation pricing?


  • ketchupketchup Member

    Haha Wrong thread.

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