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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More - Page 195
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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More



  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    TYOC029 is facing some CPU lockups. I'm going to send an email, apply a fix, and boot into BIOS quickly and apply a final fix and then reboot. I'll try to give you guys some further warning than just an immediate shutdown as it seems like it's recovering from the soft lockups and the server is still functional.

    Thanked by 2FrankZ tototo
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider
    edited May 2022

    @JabJab said:
    I must say you ballsy to allow migration with data, for 5$. You will get hundreds of tickets: IT WORKED BEFORE MIGRATION, IT DOES NOT WORK AFTER, PLEASE FIX.

    Especially that people are running Debian 6 there or even older OS that won't even work with Ryzen... :D

    Funny enough, it seems like all the old templates work just fine on at least 3000 series CPU setups because we've already done it with some of our oldest servers PHXKVM1 and PHXKVM2 to Ryzen, a long time ago.

    I think it just doesn't work with new installs because of new versions of libvirt and QEMU maybe.

    Thanked by 2FrankZ tototo
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    **Los Angeles* -- I have IPMI set up now, setting up servers now.

    NYC Metro - Most of the maintenance adding in new non-XPG SSDs was successful. Setting up more servers now.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @tr1cky said: Is it still today in your country?

    The fix for this is complete, I'm not sure if it will work for you if you already migrated while it was broken. I'm also not sure if the fix was successful, I'll have to check with our developer and ensure he tested it.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @skorous said:

    @VirMach said:
    We're getting a quite high number of these requests, to pay to migrate with data to Ryzen. Should we switch over migrations to Ryzen and allow them for the regular $5 rate for anyone ineligible or who don't want to wait? We'll eventually have to do this anyway for migrations as we phase out older nodes or otherwise we have to close off paid migration service for a while.

    Let me know what you guys thing.

    Sorry if I'm asking something dumb, but does this mean for $5 I can migrate whatever rando BF specials I have to Ryzen with data right now?

    No, because BF specials aren't eligible for migration with data for $5. Maybe we'll add that in, or maybe we already added in, I'm just going based off our old official policy for these.

  • msattmsatt Member

    @VirMach Just to update as I beleive you were manually going to fix this.
    Migrated (without data) my "MIGRATION SPECIAL" in Amsterdam to Amsterdam 3 days ago.
    New IP has been allocated but nothing else has happened.
    No tickets or panic - thanks.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @ben47955 said:

    @skorous said: Sorry if I'm asking something dumb, but does this mean for $5 I can migrate whatever rando BF specials I have to Ryzen with data right now?

    Yeah, but most likely don't worth it. Assuming most of migration will be in few weeks.

    Yeah for most people it won't be worth it. If I was in the customers' shoes I'd wait but again we are after all VirMach so who knows how many other problems and unexpected delays we'll run into at this point, it might be a good option for anyone not willing to be indefinitely patient.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @noaman said:
    Hey guys!

    I haven't been following up on this thread.

    I just pressed the migrate to Ryzen button without data. The location i selected is Amsterdam.

    So what's the next step? I don't think my VM has been upgraded yet.

    I have got the IP assigned though. Do I need to reinstall the VPS?

    Also if i select non-amsterdam vps to migrate to Amsterdam , will this request be fulfilled?

    Looks like it's still broken then, I'll let our developer know.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @kingpin said:
    The way VirMach set up their transactions with CoinPayments is a joke. Paying my invoice via CoinPayments was unsuccessful because Bitcoin transaction was not confirmed within 8 hours limit set by either merchant or CoinPayments.

    VirMach billing department is slow to respond and is useless.

    Stick with some other payment method or you will lose your money.

    But I just gave up on this host. Will give my business to RamNode, DigitalOcean, Vultr instead or any other host I've had more success with.


    Edit: add word limit.

    Sorry, we originally had everything set up with Coinbase but Coinbase just fully ended their product and re-launched it as another product and in that time we switched to Coinpayments. We didn't like how Coinpayments did it either, it's not really how we set it up, it's all default settings on Coinpayments and a lot of this stuff they don't actually allow us to change.

    I definitely don't like how Coinpayments just keeps the money hostage without automatically forwarding it to us. I'm sure they're going to have some lawsuit in the future for this.

    It's a complicated process, usually if we contact their support it takes a lot of back and forth to actually get it processed still. That's why these get put up in batches and then we communicate it with them in bulk, but a lot of times it still just gets stuck in limbo. That's why it's really important to follow the initial instructions exactly and ensure you send it with high enough fee for it to arrive within that timeframe. I'll check again and see if they've since added any settings for us that we can tune further to avoid situations such as this one.

    I do have these tickets in a queue right now. I do know it's taken much longer than it usually would as we're absolutely swamped with tickets.

    Thanked by 1kingpin
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @VirMach Please take a look at the network issues related to Node SJKVM10 on page 194 to avoid more tickets.

    Thanked by 156warmers
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @noaman said:

    @kingpin said:
    The way VirMach set up their transactions with CoinPayments is a joke. Paying my invoice via CoinPayments was unsuccessful because Bitcoin transaction was not confirmed within 8 hours limit set by either merchant or CoinPayments.

    VirMach billing department is slow to respond and is useless.

    Stick with some other payment method or you will lose your money.

    But I just gave up on this host. Will give my business to RamNode, DigitalOcean, Vultr instead or any other host I've had more success with.


    Edit: add word limit.

    I just spinned up a DO droplet for 1GB AMD ryzen and to be honest I am not impressed by the performance.

    With how our existing contract work, we actually save money on Ryzen and for the non-special plans the way we have pricing and disk set up, we're actually barely overselling anything relative to E5 nodes so I do suspect we'll essentially be better than almost any other provider.

    For example, if a normal node fills up with just NVMe2G packages, once it's "full" we expect somewhere around 60-90GB out of total 128GB RAM usage, and maybe 70% total CPU usage. This is based on existing data, and of course it may change as customers shift to using more CPU or RAM. Disk usage on most nodes is also relatively low which means you should be able to burst a lot to near full speeds once they calm down, and bandwidth usage is also very low compared to our total commits.

    The catch is though, we will be overselling a little more, but based on benchmark scores, it should still be relatively good performance and no real CPU bottleneck. But we never know how it's actually going to turn out once everyone is migrated, especially if a lot of specials are re-sold and the new people using the VMs decide to use it for something that has higher CPU usage.

    For Tokyo, to make the same pricing work when colocation costs like let's say 5x more than the "average" other location, we definitely do need to fill them further though so that location is probably always going to be less performance. I think this is still better than charging 2-3x higher price to maintain the same level of emptiness as other locations.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @axnow said:

    @JabJab said:

    @axnow said: it still not can be connect, i can login use WEB VNC, but i can not connect from outside. the VPS is still not work correctly, it has been 10 days...

    If you can login via web vnc then you can check your logs, network and other stuff to see where is the problem? Maybe it's yours (or VirMach) network problem? Maybe you are not running sshd at all? Maybe it's not on default port? Have you tried to test/debug anything? Can you reach from VPS via curl? Can you update packages? Can you ping gateway? Anything?

    in vnc, it looks the ip is ok, but i can not ping to the gateway. so i can reach outside, or i can not visit the server from internet.

    someone has reply my ticket and CLOSE!!!! it...until now it has not be fixxed

    This may not be a bug, you may have reserved an IP in San Jose. We haven't decided what to do with these Ryzen to Ryzen IP reservations yet, but no need to make a ticket, we'll automatically handle it.

    Soheil G.

    Create a ticket, don't mention migration. Do connection issue department.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @vincentwenad said:

    @vincentwenad said:
    Hello Boss! I've submitted a ticket 9 days ago and request disk or whole VPS rebuild. Could you take a look if you are available. My ticket number is #263665. Thanks a lot.

    After a little bit discussion on LET, I've created #263665 to request a rebuild my VPS disk on TYOC039.
    But after you helped me rebuilding on TYOC040, the VPS still doesn't boot either.
    I've tried clicking "boot", "reinstall" on the billing panel or even rescue mode. None of these could boot the VPS. Since the existed ticket cannot be reopened, I've open another ticket #607155. Could you give some help?

    Just make sure new ticket you opened is in outage department, priority.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @pdd said:

    @VirMach said:
    We're getting a quite high number of these requests, to pay to migrate with data to Ryzen. Should we switch over migrations to Ryzen and allow them for the regular $5 rate for anyone ineligible or who don't want to wait? We'll eventually have to do this anyway for migrations as we phase out older nodes or otherwise we have to close off paid migration service for a while.

    Let me know what you guys thing.

    I think if you allow those crazy specials to pay $5 to migrate “without” data to Ryzen immediately, many people will be willing to spend the money, after all it will be well worth it, you can give it a try!

    Without data option for that doesn't work for specials. It only works for regular plans right now. I also don't know if it can work with Ryzen, I'm speaking with our developer.

    It may be possible to take our new code from the new Ryzen migrate button and morph them together, and allow free without data with available, and if not available, do it for $3, and do with data for $5. Might also end up being a lot less confusing.

    Thanked by 3FrankZ fan pdd
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @jinwyp said:

    @tototo said:

    @jinwyp said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @jinwyp said:

    Could you check this ticket ?

    The SJKVM10 networking is too slow. Only 3k/s, can't install anythings on the server .

    Could you migrate two server ( and ) to another node?

    Thank you for contacting LowEndHelpDesk

    In regards to your request to migrate VPS at IPv4 and These VPS are on Colo-Crossing nodes and are most likely not eligible for migration at this time. At some point in the future these VPS will be migrated when the rest of the node is migrated. I do not have a specific date that this will happen, but you will receive an email notification from VirMach some time before the migration happens.

    In regard your slow network speed, from my testing this may be an issue with the current configuration of your VPS, as I am showing no packet loss or slow speeds until I get to your IP. I could try to help you correct this, but it would probably be faster for you to correct it by taking backups of your VPS, then reinstalling from a template, and then checking the network speed from your end before changing anything after the install.

    If your network speed improves after the reinstall you should close your ticket tid=961792&c=PmjUEeLf

    I have reinstalled os centos7 using VPS control panel, but network speed still very slow.
    I have backup all data on these two server.

    Could you help me to reinstall os and check what's the problem of network on these two servers? When I used curl or wget command, the download speed only 3k/s

    FrankZ is great but he is an unofficial supporter and unrelated to VirMach.
    What is the download speed of this command? curl -o /dev/null
    Also, does installing an OS other than CentOS improve the speed? (Almalinux, Ubuntu, ...)

    pls check the pic to show the network speed, and the speed is also very slow on other os (Ubuntu ). BTW there is no option to install "Almalinux" on SJKVM10

    SJKVM10 has been broken for some time. These are going to be migrated in the next batch of planned maintenance, and you're probably going to get several months of free service as an apology.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @FrankZ said: EDIT2: After seeing what @56warmers said below this not just you and would seem that there may be a problem with Node SJKVM10 that @VirMach will need to fix.

    This has an issue with bonding and CC had a brain drain after Jon sold the company and Alex Vial left. A lot of these servers were set up by an actual networking engineer, and now it's difficult to try to communicate anything with the existing staff since they don't know how it works.

    Maybe I'm wrong though, that's just how I remember our attempts of fixing the node went and we decided to just migrate to Ryzen as the fix instead. But then Ryzen migration kept getting delayed.

  • kingpinkingpin Member

    @VirMach said:

    Sorry, we originally had everything set up with Coinbase but Coinbase just fully ended their product and re-launched it as another product and in that time we switched to Coinpayments. We didn't like how Coinpayments did it either, it's not really how we set it up, it's all default settings on Coinpayments and a lot of this stuff they don't actually allow us to change.

    I definitely don't like how Coinpayments just keeps the money hostage without automatically forwarding it to us. I'm sure they're going to have some lawsuit in the future for this.

    I'd rather have no cryptocurrency options at all then. Fishy companies like will turn away a number of good customers from you.

  • sorawubsorawub Member

    @VirMach Something wrong with TYOC30?The speed is so bad

    Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed
    | | |
    Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | 143 Mbits/sec | 19.1 Mbits/sec | Paris, FR (10G) | 68.1 Mbits/sec | 27.6 Mbits/sec
    Hybula | The Netherlands (40G) | busy | 34.6 Mbits/sec
    Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | 119 Mbits/sec | 27.2 Mbits/sec
    Velocity Online | Tallahassee, FL, US (10G) | 10.9 Mbits/sec | 11.2 Mbits/sec
    Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 115 Mbits/sec | 13.0 Mbits/sec

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited May 2022

    @jinwyp @56warmers In case you missed it here was VirMach's answer to your SJKVM10 slow network problem..

    VirMach said: SJKVM10 has been broken for some time. These are going to be migrated in the next batch of planned maintenance, and you're probably going to get several months of free service as an apology.

    VirMach said: This has an issue with bonding and CC had a brain drain after Jon sold the company and Alex Vial left. A lot of these servers were set up by an actual networking engineer, and now it's difficult to try to communicate anything with the existing staff since they don't know how it works.

    Maybe I'm wrong though, that's just how I remember our attempts of fixing the node went and we decided to just migrate to Ryzen as the fix instead. But then Ryzen migration kept getting delayed.

  • totototototo Member

    I checked @vincentwenad's VPS (TYOC040) for 2 hours and the problem has not been solved even after reinstalling the Almalinux 8 template. I'm a little tired, but VirMach will be even more tired because they handles a lot of tickets...

    Thanked by 2FrankZ skorous
  • @vincentwenad said:

    @tototo said:

    @vincentwenad said:

    @tototo said:

    @vincentwenad said:
    By the way, Ping and SSH connection from outside China is OK, but SSH password always shows wrong. I just copied the SSH password showed while reinstalling, but it doesn't work.

    My friend had a problem with wrong password, but he solved it by typing from the keyboard instead of copy-pasting B)

    IP address I used on TYOC039 is not blocked, but IP on TYOC040 is not worked since it was allocated to my VPS. Can I get a free change chance?

    I wasn't sure what you were asking, but if you are asking for a free IP change, this would be the answer.

    Thank you for your kindness. I did not express the situation I encountered clearly.

    I understand what you are saying, but I have a few concerns.

    1) After rebuilding, my VPS node moved to TYOC40 from TYOC39. No matter I clicked "boot", "reboot" and "reinstalling", it remained in offline. I've already wait maybe 10-15 minutes for each operation.

    It is important to say "I reinstalled (OS name)" not "I reinstalled". For VirMach's Ryzen node, it is known that installing Almalinux 8 template at first solves some problems. Of course, if you have already tried Almalinux 8 template, you can say it that way.
    (This is a simplified explanation. It may not be technically accurate.)

    2) The SSH port is accessible from server outside China. But I cannot login with password typing or copying.

    If you can PM me your VPS IP address and password, I can try it personally. However, you do so at your own risk, as I am not related with VirMach.

    3)My IP in TYOC039 is accessible from China. But IP changed with this rebuilding on TYOC040.That's why I want to ask for a free IP change. If possible, the orginal IP on TYOC039 would be appreciated too.

    I understand your case now, but VirMach does not guarantee a connection to China, so I guess a requesting free replacement IP would be denied.

    1) I've tried AlmaLinux 8 & Ubuntu 20, either of them worked.
    2) Since the billing panel and control panel show offline at the same time, I think the password might not be the key of this problem.
    3) I understand the service protocol of VirMach. So, if he deny my request, it is reasonable for me.

    With @tototo help, we’ve tried the following actions. But none of them worked.

    Checked boot order and ISO mount settings

    Installed Almalinux template from SolusVM panel and waited more than 15 minutes

    Installed Almalinux template from billing panel and waited more than 15 minutes

    After enabling rescue mode and waiting for a while, I logged in via SSH and entered with showed password, but it was "Access denied"

    Even after executing each of these one by one, VPS status is still offline, but SSH client shows login prompt and I cannot login

    ** Execute "Shutdown" from SolusVM panel
    ** Execute "Power Off" from SolusVM panel
    ** Execute "Shutdown" from billing panel

    Remaining bandwidth is decreasing little by little


  • @vincentwenad said:

    @vincentwenad said:

    @tototo said:

    @vincentwenad said:

    @tototo said:

    @vincentwenad said:
    By the way, Ping and SSH connection from outside China is OK, but SSH password always shows wrong. I just copied the SSH password showed while reinstalling, but it doesn't work.

    My friend had a problem with wrong password, but he solved it by typing from the keyboard instead of copy-pasting B)

    IP address I used on TYOC039 is not blocked, but IP on TYOC040 is not worked since it was allocated to my VPS. Can I get a free change chance?

    I wasn't sure what you were asking, but if you are asking for a free IP change, this would be the answer.

    Thank you for your kindness. I did not express the situation I encountered clearly.

    I understand what you are saying, but I have a few concerns.

    1) After rebuilding, my VPS node moved to TYOC40 from TYOC39. No matter I clicked "boot", "reboot" and "reinstalling", it remained in offline. I've already wait maybe 10-15 minutes for each operation.

    It is important to say "I reinstalled (OS name)" not "I reinstalled". For VirMach's Ryzen node, it is known that installing Almalinux 8 template at first solves some problems. Of course, if you have already tried Almalinux 8 template, you can say it that way.
    (This is a simplified explanation. It may not be technically accurate.)

    2) The SSH port is accessible from server outside China. But I cannot login with password typing or copying.

    If you can PM me your VPS IP address and password, I can try it personally. However, you do so at your own risk, as I am not related with VirMach.

    3)My IP in TYOC039 is accessible from China. But IP changed with this rebuilding on TYOC040.That's why I want to ask for a free IP change. If possible, the orginal IP on TYOC039 would be appreciated too.

    I understand your case now, but VirMach does not guarantee a connection to China, so I guess a requesting free replacement IP would be denied.

    1) I've tried AlmaLinux 8 & Ubuntu 20, either of them worked.
    2) Since the billing panel and control panel show offline at the same time, I think the password might not be the key of this problem.
    3) I understand the service protocol of VirMach. So, if he deny my request, it is reasonable for me.

    With @tototo help, we’ve tried the following actions. But none of them worked.

    Checked boot order and ISO mount settings

    Installed Almalinux template from SolusVM panel and waited more than 15 minutes

    Installed Almalinux template from billing panel and waited more than 15 minutes

    After enabling rescue mode and waiting for a while, I logged in via SSH and entered with showed password, but it was "Access denied"

    Even after executing each of these one by one, VPS status is still offline, but SSH client shows login prompt and I cannot login

    ** Execute "Shutdown" from SolusVM panel
    ** Execute "Power Off" from SolusVM panel
    ** Execute "Shutdown" from billing panel

    Remaining bandwidth is decreasing little by little


    New ticket is opened on outage priority. #660458

  • guokeguoke Member
    edited May 2022

    @VirMach Japan moved to San Jose before, I want to move back to Japan now。#446486

  • @FrankZ said:
    @jinwyp @56warmers In case you missed it here was VirMach's answer to your SJKVM10 slow network problem..

    VirMach said: SJKVM10 has been broken for some time. These are going to be migrated in the next batch of planned maintenance, and you're probably going to get several months of free service as an apology.

    VirMach said: This has an issue with bonding and CC had a brain drain after Jon sold the company and Alex Vial left. A lot of these servers were set up by an actual networking engineer, and now it's difficult to try to communicate anything with the existing staff since they don't know how it works.

    Maybe I'm wrong though, that's just how I remember our attempts of fixing the node went and we decided to just migrate to Ryzen as the fix instead. But then Ryzen migration kept getting delayed.

    I appreciate for u for your help.
    Maybe we will wait for a while.
    Anyway, it's so kind of u.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • JabJabJabJab Member

    @guoke said: @VirMach Japan moved to San Jose before, I want to move back to Japan now。#446486

    This is not how it works, Japan is disable for migration for now. Maybe it will be enable for later, maybe not. Maybe soon, maybe in a year.

    Also that ticket probably lost you all migrations in future :-)

  • elliotcelliotc Member

    Recently, I start to think, over time ryzen has been "premium" change to "normal" product line. Ryzen are still excellent especially with the virmach price point, and will work for many years, just no rush.

  • guokeguoke Member

    @JabJab said:

    @guoke said: @VirMach Japan moved to San Jose before, I want to move back to Japan now。#446486

    This is not how it works, Japan is disable for migration for now. Maybe it will be enable for later, maybe not. Maybe soon, maybe in a year.

    Also that ticket probably lost you all migrations in future :-)

    what I can also offer is activations on San Jose instead, use ticket title "Switch Tokyo to San Jose" and if you do this you can reply back to the same ticket after a month and have a delayed free migration to Tokyo plus 1 month additional term as an apology. Just if you do this make sure you close all your other tickets. You should make this in the priority department.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @kingpin said:

    @VirMach said:

    Sorry, we originally had everything set up with Coinbase but Coinbase just fully ended their product and re-launched it as another product and in that time we switched to Coinpayments. We didn't like how Coinpayments did it either, it's not really how we set it up, it's all default settings on Coinpayments and a lot of this stuff they don't actually allow us to change.

    I definitely don't like how Coinpayments just keeps the money hostage without automatically forwarding it to us. I'm sure they're going to have some lawsuit in the future for this.

    I'd rather have no cryptocurrency options at all then. Fishy companies like will turn away a number of good customers from you.

    To be fair to them, these cases are still the minority.

    It's difficult to integrate anything else that allows as many options as Coinpayments right now. For example, Coinbase will not allow XRP and there's a good number of people that prefer using that due to the fast transaction time and small fee. That's the main reason we kept it and just also added Coinbase back in the new version of their module they released. It generally has less problems but it will be a little more limited.

    I'll try to get to the Coinpayments queue today and get it resolved with them, and apologize for the wait.

    @56warmers said:

    @FrankZ said:
    @jinwyp @56warmers In case you missed it here was VirMach's answer to your SJKVM10 slow network problem..

    VirMach said: SJKVM10 has been broken for some time. These are going to be migrated in the next batch of planned maintenance, and you're probably going to get several months of free service as an apology.

    VirMach said: This has an issue with bonding and CC had a brain drain after Jon sold the company and Alex Vial left. A lot of these servers were set up by an actual networking engineer, and now it's difficult to try to communicate anything with the existing staff since they don't know how it works.

    Maybe I'm wrong though, that's just how I remember our attempts of fixing the node went and we decided to just migrate to Ryzen as the fix instead. But then Ryzen migration kept getting delayed.

    I appreciate for u for your help.
    Maybe we will wait for a while.
    Anyway, it's so kind of u.

    @tototo said:
    I checked @vincentwenad's VPS (TYOC040) for 2 hours and the problem has not been solved even after reinstalling the Almalinux 8 template. I'm a little tired, but VirMach will be even more tired because they handles a lot of tickets...

    I always appreciate people helping eachother out, especially when we're backlogged with a lot of tickets. In this case it sounds like it could just fully be broken in which case customer can use the outage report button in priority department and I'll ensure the LVM exists or re-create it if it doesn't.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @JabJab said:

    @guoke said: @VirMach Japan moved to San Jose before, I want to move back to Japan now。#446486

    This is not how it works, Japan is disable for migration for now. Maybe it will be enable for later, maybe not. Maybe soon, maybe in a year.

    Also that ticket probably lost you all migrations in future :-)

    I did offer some people special temporary migrations to San Jose and I'll still move these back for free but the problem is a lot of people are abusing this to pretend like they were part of it. I'll have to check if he was part of the offered migration.

  • JabJabJabJab Member

    @guoke said:
    what I can also offer is activations on San Jose instead, use ticket title "Switch Tokyo to San Jose" and if you do this you can reply back to the same ticket after a month and have a delayed free migration to Tokyo plus 1 month additional term as an apology. Just if you do this make sure you close all your other tickets. You should make this in the priority department.

    Have you even read what you are poorly quoting?

This discussion has been closed.