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[India] - OVZ /KVM- 1GB RAM - 500GB Transfer - 100 mbps port - $7/month or $48/year - Page 2
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[India] - OVZ /KVM- 1GB RAM - 500GB Transfer - 100 mbps port - $7/month or $48/year



  • @leapswitch The ordering page doesn't have the option to choose OS at all. Also i am unable to find the available OS list elsewhere. Can you please give us the available OS list. Thanks.

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @peppr said:
    leapswitch The ordering page doesn't have the option to choose OS at all. Also i am unable to find the available OS list elsewhere. Can you please give us the available OS list. Thanks.

    By default VPS is setup with CentOS 6 64 bit. You can change OS in SolusVM -

    Following OS options are available -

    CentOS 5/6
    Debian 5/6
    Ubuntu 10/12

    We can add more as required.

  • Nice offer.Do you have any ETA for being multi-homed ?

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    @imperio said:
    Nice offer.Do you have any ETA for being multi-homed ?

    We are working on commercials with other ISPs , however this is within TATA DC and this is the datacenter bandwidth so it is has a multiple ring/fully redundant architecture. Further ISP additions would only be for better routes/latency.

    We are estimating end of this quarter for another ISP addition

  • u guys remind me of Rocket Singh ;)

    waiting for your KVM.

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @madfish said:

    u guys remind me of Rocket Singh ;)

    waiting for your KVM.

    :D . Thank you. KVM coming soon. Hopefully LET rules will allow us to post the offer immediately (14 day gap :()

  • @leapswitch said:
    I will be speaking with TATA regarding this in the morning and will get back to you with an update.

    great! Thanks for the nice service man

  • ping from raichur karnataka using BSNL BB

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 81ms, Maximum = 83ms, Average = 81ms

  • C:>tracert

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 38 ms 38 ms 38 ms
    3 38 ms 38 ms 39 ms
    4 128 ms 130 ms 129 ms [115.11
    5 80 ms 81 ms 101 ms
    6 89 ms 90 ms 92 ms
    7 101 ms 100 ms 110 ms
    8 81 ms 81 ms 80 ms []

    9 134 ms 136 ms 136 ms []

    Trace complete.

  • rahulksrahulks Member
    edited July 2013


    I have a Wired broadband at home from Asianet.see

    for traceroute.

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @rahulks said:

    I have a Wired broadband at home from Asianet.see

    for traceroute.

    Seems to be fine as your pc to your ISP is 20ms

  • @leapswitch said:
    :D . Thank you. KVM coming soon. Hopefully LET rules will allow us to post the offer immediately (14 day gap :()

    You can always update this thread in meantime ;-)

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • Great speeds to Western Canada (cable conn.)! Gets up to 1MB/s and it was around 450KB/s for the lowest speed, which is amazing considering the distance!

    Great stuff, hope it stays this way!

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • krokro Member

    Great offer guys. Finally an provider in India. Looking much better than mountspot (last known leb i think - dead now)

    I absolutely love those pictures, man that must of been fun as hell!!!!!

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • StarryStarry Member, Host Rep
    edited July 2013

    Why poor speed to China- -
    Reply from bytes=32 time=640ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=636ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=652ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=640ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=652ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=633ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=639ms TTL=230

    1 41 ms 7 ms 5 ms 2 5 ms 8 ms 4 ms 3 7 ms 8 ms 11 ms 4 43 ms 29 ms 11 ms 5 10 ms 8 ms 10 ms 6 26 ms 6 ms 8 ms 7 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms 8 26 ms 11 ms 6 ms 9 276 ms 309 ms 185 ms [129.25 0.9.169] 10 221 ms 233 ms 234 ms [ 03] 11 217 ms 217 ms 216 ms [ 15] 12 425 ms 404 ms 215 ms [ 7] 13 214 ms 212 ms 215 ms [203.131. 241.158] 14 * * * Request timed out. 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 620 ms 651 ms 638 ms

  • @leapswitch said:
    I am Ishan Talathi from Leapswitch Networks. We recently received a large shipment of Haswell E3-v3 servers and would like to present our first Mind-Blowing Indian VPS offer.

    **1GB** Guaranteed RAM
    **512 MB** OpenVZ VSwap
    **1** CPU Core of E3-1230v3 
    **50GB** **RAID10** SATA3 HDD Space
    **500GB** Data transfer on shared **100 mbps** port*
    1 IPv4 Address
    **$7/month** - COUPON -  INOVZVPS1GB  (Standard $19/month - **65% discount**)
    **$48/year** - COUPON - INOVZVPS1GB48 - (Standard $190/year - **75% discount**)

    Order here

    512 MB Guaranteed RAM
    512 MB OpenVZ VSwap
    1 CPU Core of E3-1230v3
    20GB RAID10 SATA3 HDD Space
    500GB Data transfer on shared 100 mbps port
    1 IPv4 Address

    **$5/month** - COUPON -  INOVZVPS512MB  (Standard $10/month - **50% discount**)
    **$36/year** - COUPON - INOVZVPS512MB48 - (Standard $100/year - **64% discount**)

    Order here

    **Node Configuration - **
    32GB DDR3 RAM
    4x1TB Enterprise HDD in RAID10 (Software)
    100 mbps shared port

    Photos -

    **Server Location - **
    Pune, India - TATA IDC Tier III
    **Test IP -**  (own Leapswitch ASN 132335)
    **Speedtest -** - Shared 100 mbps speed test.

    Payment methods -

    Major Credit Cards (via 2Checkout)
    Payza (Formerly Alertpay)
    Skrill (Moneybookers)
    Credit cards/Debit Cards/Net Banking (Indians, via EBS)
    Check / Cash / NEFT (HDFC, PNB, Kotak Mahindra)

    Why Leapswitch Networks -

    #1 Company in Pune (top 15 in India) according to number of domains hosted. - 25000+
    Registered Pvt Ltd. firm - 7th year in business
    24x7 Live Technical Support and Monitoring - 30 minutes response guarantee.
    Fully Owned Hardware - Servers, Power, Network Equipment and IPs - We do not Resell
    Brand Name Genuine SuperMicro Hardware
    Payment in INR - Save on exchange fees
    Located in SAS70 Type II and SSAE certified Datacenters
    100 mbps to 1 GBPS dedicated connectivity to all our cabinets.
    Connectivity to 15 top bandwidth providers for redundancy
    UPS and Generator backup to each cabinet with 30 days of Fuel in stock.
    19 Worldwide hosting locations in USA, EU and India

    We have KVM coming soon. Nodes are ready and under testing right now.

    Can you please provide me KVM plan order link, I am from Mumbai and currently using some VPSs in USA.

    I am interested in KVM 512MB.

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @Spirit said:
    You can always update this thread in meantime ;-)

    Will do so. Overnight testing is complete and KVM should be available in next few hours.

    @365Networks said:
    Great speeds to Western Canada (cable conn.)! Gets up to 1MB/s and it was around 450KB/s for the lowest speed, which is amazing considering the distance!

    Great stuff, hope it stays this way!

    Thank you :) We have tons of bandwidth available :)

    @Liam said:
    Congrats on the launch. I may use your post in the new rules we are writing up as an example of how to properly write an offer ;-) If you would like to appear on, please message me or email me ([email protected]).

    Thank you Liam. I still need to format it better :( . I will email you once KVM is ready so that both can be posted to

    @kro said:
    Great offer guys. Finally an provider in India. Looking much better than mountspot (last known leb i think - dead now)

    I absolutely love those pictures, man that must of been fun as hell!!!!!

    Thank you. We are in our 7th year of business and still going strong :)
    Owned servers and colocation is real fun. We had to stay up all night racking and testing those servers.

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @Jylee said:
    Why poor speed to China- -
    Reply from bytes=32 time=640ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=636ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=652ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=640ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=652ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=633ms TTL=230 Reply from bytes=32 time=639ms TTL=230

    1 41 ms 7 ms 5 ms 2 5 ms 8 ms 4 ms 3 7 ms 8 ms 11 ms 4 43 ms 29 ms 11 ms 5 10 ms 8 ms 10 ms 6 26 ms 6 ms 8 ms 7 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms 8 26 ms 11 ms 6 ms 9 276 ms 309 ms 185 ms [129.25 0.9.169] 10 221 ms 233 ms 234 ms [ 03] 11 217 ms 217 ms 216 ms [ 15] 12 425 ms 404 ms 215 ms [ 7] 13 214 ms 212 ms 215 ms [203.131. 241.158] 14 * * * Request timed out. 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 620 ms 651 ms 638 ms

    Mainland China has really poor routing to India. We have seen this since past 1-2 years when we started India location.

    @manddar said:
    I am interested in KVM 512MB.

    These will be ready in next few hours. Stay tuned.

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran

    @leapswitch do you have any estimate when you will offer IPv6?

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @rm_ said:
    leapswitch do you have any estimate when you will offer IPv6?

    This will be in Q3.

  • krokro Member

    @leapswitch said:
    Owned servers and colocation is real fun. We had to stay up all night racking and testing those servers.

    OH stop it you. You're just teasing now!!

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    We are pleased to announce availability of KVM VPS -


    512 MB RAM

    512 MB SWAP

    500GB Data transfer

    100 mbps port

    20GB HDD RAID10

    1 IP Address

    Pune, India location

    $7/month or $48/year

    $7/month - COUPON - INKVMVPS512MB (Standard $12/month - 42% discount)

    $48/year - COUPON - INKVMVPS512MB48 - (Standard $120/year - 60% discount)

    Order here

    1GB and 2GB RAM is also available at slightly higher prices, message me or email [email protected] for links and coupons. I am not sure whether VPSes above $7 are allowed on LET.

  • for how long the $5/month - COUPON - INOVZVPS512MB will be valid?

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @rahulks said:
    for how long the $5/month - COUPON - INOVZVPS512MB will be valid?

    As long as stocks last. We filled 1 OpenVZ node last night and are on course to fill up another soon. We have only 10 nodes total (OpenVZ and KVM) so I am expecting them to get over by July end.

  • @leapswitch: 1) Is the yearly discount pricing a recurring discount? i.e your next invoice won't be higher.

    2) How many CPU cores commit for KVM plans(also curious about 1gb kvm)?

    3) Do the KVMs have SolusVM with custom boot ISO/on request?
    (I use LVM LUKS everywhere)

    I will email you soon.

  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @opskode said:
    leapswitch: 1) Is the yearly discount pricing a recurring discount? i.e your next invoice won't be higher.

    Yes it is recurring .

    2) How many CPU cores commit for KVM plans(also curious about 1gb kvm)?

    1 CPU core for 512 and 1GB. 1.5GB and 2GB have 2 cores.

    3) Do the KVMs have SolusVM with custom boot ISO/on request?
    (I use LVM LUKS everywhere)


  • Longtime lurker here.

    Signed up to post my UnixBench results for my 512KVM from Leapswitch.
    Pretty impressive.

    Waiting to see how it will change once all the nodes reach capacity.

    System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 23718697.1 2032.5 Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 3521.9 640.3 Execl Throughput 43.0 6977.8 1622.7 File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1002930.1 2532.7 File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 258419.9 1561.4 File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 2827964.4 4875.8 Pipe Throughput 12440.0 1468191.8 1180.2 Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 361592.0 904.0 Process Creation 126.0 22961.0 1822.3 Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 10828.9 2554.0 Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 1405.2 2341.9 System Call Overhead 15000.0 1251422.7 834.3 ======== System Benchmarks Index Score 1645.8

  • I thought they would be a little cheaper than they are, for example in US can get a 512 KVM or OpenVZ for $18-$25 vs $48. Atleast the location is unique and interesting!

  • rm_rm_ IPv6 Advocate, Veteran
    edited July 2013

    I thought they would be a little cheaper than they are, for example in US can get a 512 KVM or OpenVZ for $18-$25 vs $48.

    You must be kidding, really. First, I doubt you often see 512MB KVM even in the US for $18/year from a reputable provider, or even for $25. Second, $48 per year (that's $4 per month) in India, with 500 GB bandwidth at those awesome transfer speeds posted above, is an extremely good deal, mind-blowing as the first post correctly says. :)
    Also the provider leaves a very good impression, serious and knowledgeable, much better than what you commonly see on LEB/LET even from the usual EU/US hosts.

    Atleast the location is unique and interesting!

    It's not "at least", that's like saying to a Tour De France winner, "well at least you got here on a bicycle, could have just used a car or something".

    Thanked by 1leapswitch
  • leapswitchleapswitch Patron Provider, Veteran

    @vimalware said:
    Longtime lurker here.

    Signed up to post my UnixBench results for my 512KVM from Leapswitch.
    Pretty impressive.

    Waiting to see how it will change once all the nodes reach capacity.

    Thank you Vimal. The node you are on is about 30% full. This result might lower a bit once it is full.

    @asterisk14 said:
    I thought they would be a little cheaper than they are, for example in US can get a 512 KVM or OpenVZ for $18-$25 vs $48. Atleast the location is unique and interesting!

    It is all about the location. In India bandwidth pricing is 5 times that of USA and there is no such thing as cheaper Cogent bandwidth and premium Level3 bandwidth. There are only 3 main ISPs TATA Airtel and Reliance all of whom have similar rates. Reliance might be lower but their service is only 80% online.

    @rm_ said:

    Very true. We are serious about our business and not a kiddy host who will not be there by the time your yearly VPS is up for renewal.

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