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Where's the mad Easter thread?

in General
I didn't spot any crazy Easter deals anticipation thread yet so just wondering, did I miss anything? LET seems to be a bit tame lately.
I'm sure I can be tempted to buy another server I don't need this weekend so looking forward for deals by our top providers. While we're at it, anything good planned in real life this Easter?
Thanked by 1imok
The Easter deals last year were really good.
@trewq is slacking :P. C'mon - it's time to get schwifty again!
Yeah, I just renewed everything I ordered last year in advance. My servers @davidgestiondbi are still going strong!
I confirm, servers are still going strong, even my neck is not
Looking forward to capture a server this Easter..... Only Time4vps 50% offer seems to be catching my attention right now....
Lol. Got any plans for Easter?
Maybe he's just gonna enjoy a quiet Friday before going ballistic on Saturday.
And thr Fools' Day thread maybe.
Easter? I must have missed that one last year, do people actually 'celebrate' it in 2018?
OK i will bite:
Coupon code: YK0EHQJ2M7
Price €6.00 p/month
FREE Second IP (on request) for orders placed up to midnight Sunday (plan above only).
happy chocolate egg day?
Easter falling on April Fools day this year does complicate things.
will came no worry
Nice to know at least Will will get a happy ending this Easter.
For @cociu, it's probably Orthodox Easter that counts, which is on 08 April this year.
I don't know about the UK but here in the Netherlands it comes close to Christmas. Food/drinking wise that is. The extra payed day off helps as well
true . but most people in this forum is catolic (at least is my opinion ) so we will make a offer sunday .
Sweet. Thanks!
Although I suspect that netcup has fallen from grace on LET, they will do an "Easter egg hunt" starting on Sunday: (in German)
Not sure how this will work in practice, but one will have to hunt for eggs on their site.
half this forum is probably more of the godless heathen type
They did the same last year. There were egg pictures on various pages of their website linking to different offers.
We're denizens of the low end.
Good to know -- I missed it last year.
Just curious: do you still have bargain servers available from your offer earlier this week?
i just put some of them in stock right now
we still have arrownd 400 to rent but we plan to let the offer time to time to not stuck us.
Ohhh. Somehow I missed that offer. Great deal!
Just wondering, do you guys also offer colocation?
come on, someone post a sweet deal.. KVM with SSD or NVME & ddos protection in the U.S.
As requested
@Saragoldfarb @MasonR