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Need about 5 dedicated servers
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Need about 5 dedicated servers

have needs for about 4 to 5 dedicated servers and 4 /24 if anyone can assist with ipv4 space and dedicated servers with specs of 16 core 32gb ram 1tb hd 1gbps port. i am not doing anything shady, just some web hosting and retail purchasing that requires unique ip address for each item secured. no email sending, no ticketmaster. was running with swiftnode and lost ip space and servers 4 days ago.



  • Jenzo said: retail purchasing that requires unique ip address for each item secured

    Jenzo said: not doing anything shady

    So you wanna bypass a limit per customer with other people's IPs?

  • pbgbenpbgben Member, Host Rep
    edited September 2016

    Thats clever. There are VPN services that can do this.

    I will take your money.

    Thanked by 1dedicados
  • I have customers I purchase for and charge a fee to secure. I'm not voilating any laws. Please come down off your moral high horse. Sheesh

  • I need what I need. I'm willing to take a block on port 25. in fact I will provide a list of white listed domains if you like. I have been running like this for 2 years and have done well.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    Hit me up :)

    Thanked by 1SCAM_AlphaRacks
  • BrianHarrisonBrianHarrison Member, Patron Provider

    We wouldn't be able to immediately offer 4x /24s to a new customer, but you might find our recent server offerings of interest:

  • bacloudbacloud Member, Patron Provider

    We can offer 4 x /24 with out E3v3 servers.

  • dearroydearroy Member, Host Rep
    edited September 2016

    Jenzo said: was running with swiftnode and lost ip space and servers 4 days ago.

    If you were within these IP ranges:


    I would be possible to get your blocks running as before, it's ColoMX resources and I just got then back from ARIN, after a dispute with Chris Gotzmann/Swift Internet LLC.

  • We charge $0.99/IP. If that's in budget, drop me a message.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @dearroy said:

    Jenzo said: was running with swiftnode and lost ip space and servers 4 days ago.

    If you were within these IP ranges:


    I would be possible to get your blocks running as before, it's ColoMX resources and I just got then back from ARIN, after a dispute with Chris Gotzmann/Swift Internet LLC.

    So he lost his space or?


  • dearroydearroy Member, Host Rep

    Francisco said: So he lost his space or?

    That's MINE space, not his.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @dearroy said:

    Francisco said: So he lost his space or?

    That's MINE space, not his.

    Hey hey, no need to get angry, there's a lot of confusion about IP address ownership when it comes to The Chris G operations. Did he get that space from you then? I hope it wasn't hijacked from you.


  • RapidDediRapidDedi Member, Patron Provider
    edited September 2016

    If you do not mind having port 25 blocked, I can provide an E3, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD and 10TB @ 1 Gbps port including /24 per server at $210/mo per node.

    Sorry I missed the 16 core 32GB RAM part, I can do an E5 2620v4 ,32GB RAM including /24 at $320/mo per node.

    Let me know if interested.

  • A simple proxy with many IPs through which you can make purchase orders does not require a 16 core dedicated server. In fact it might not require a dedicated server at all, a VPS could suffice. Granted 256 IPs on a VPS would be a stretch, but still it can be made to work.

  • jorgemichaelsjorgemichaels Member
    edited September 2016

    @Francisco said:

    @dearroy said:

    Francisco said: So he lost his space or?

    That's MINE space, not his.

    Hey hey, no need to get angry, there's a lot of confusion about IP address ownership when it comes to The Chris G operations. Did he get that space from you then? I hope it wasn't hijacked from you.


    interesting, considering there was a massive iot botnet hosted on your network for 2+ months that you were informed multiple times about, but did nothing citing privacy concerns. why are you trying to take the moral high ground here? you're in the same boat

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jorgemichaels said:
    interesting, considering there was a massive iot botnet hosted on your network for 2+ months that you were informed multiple times about, but did nothing citing privacy concerns. why are you trying to take the moral high ground here? you're in the same boat

    One steals IP ranges, sells to spammers, and beats up his girlfriend ending in the slammer, the other refuses to sift through a users service w/o a court order. Obviously the same :P If it's there you should have no problem getting someone to knock on my door.


  • jorgemichaelsjorgemichaels Member
    edited September 2016

    @Francisco said:

    @jorgemichaels said:
    interesting, considering there was a massive iot botnet hosted on your network for 2+ months that you were informed multiple times about, but did nothing citing privacy concerns. why are you trying to take the moral high ground here? you're in the same boat

    One steals IP ranges, sells to spammers, and beats up his girlfriend ending in the slammer, the other refuses to sift through a users service w/o a court order. Obviously the same :P If it's there you should have no problem getting someone to knock on my door.


    you know just as well as everyone else that lea is notoriously incapable of dealing with any kind of advanced cybercrime. for the same reason gotzman and friends did not get any court orders for stealing / hijacking you did not receive anything for the cnc hosted on your network.

    as far as sifting through customer data - simply opening up telnet to port 23 would have given you proof. nobody was asking you to even go into their files and check.

    that vps was owned by an individual who goes on HF under the alias spencer, and you knowingly hosted the iot malware used by remaiten and his butt buddies (apple j4ck, just got arrested, proxseas, and stackoverflowin)

    there are logs of them attacking everything from to turkish government websites to game servers, all hosted out of your network. and you don't give a damn

    if you ask me, that's much more sketchy than things like spamming from ips - one causes millions of dollars in collateral damage, another gets spam delivered to people's... spambox? malwaremustdie has all of the binaries now that were hosted on your network, and is reverse engineering them.

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    Get a court order, if it's that obvious then tell the feds or call the Victoria PD and they'll come visit me. It's really that simple.

    I don't go sifting through customer stuff, port scanning or otherwise without a court order or their permission.


  • jorgemichaelsjorgemichaels Member
    edited September 2016

    @Francisco said:
    Get a court order, if it's that obvious then tell the feds or call the Victoria PD and they'll come visit me. It's really that simple.

    I don't go sifting through customer stuff, port scanning or otherwise without a court order or their permission.


    now you just sound like the very hosts you drag through the mud. stop talking about swiftnode when your network hosts much worse than his

  • He said, she said, he said, she said.

    If there are serious issues with a provider, the feds or other institutions will raise their concerns, I'm sure.

    No need for the bickering.

  • jorgemichaelsjorgemichaels Member
    edited September 2016

    @VortexMagnus said:
    He said, she said, he said, she said.

    If there are serious issues with a provider, the feds or other institutions will raise their concerns, I'm sure.

    No need for the bickering.

    the post that started this all was francisco trying to knock off chris gotzmann's chip

  • @jorgemichaels said:

    @VortexMagnus said:
    He said, she said, he said, she said.

    If there are serious issues with a provider, the feds or other institutions will raise their concerns, I'm sure.

    No need for the bickering.

    the post that started this all was francisco trying to knock off chris gotzmann's chip

    No matter what you have to say or no matter what Fran might be hosting, I don't think he'll ever be in the same category as Chris.

    Ultimately, I'm sure if the feds or some copyright holder complained to Francisco about any content.. it'll be taking down.

    Chris Gotzmann is an entirely different fuckup. Does business under many aliases and doesn't care who he screws over on the way. Very different.

    Thanked by 1kspll7
  • francisco shut up - guess he learned his place

  • @dearroy said:

    Jenzo said: was running with swiftnode and lost ip space and servers 4 days ago.

    If you were within these IP ranges:


    I would be possible to get your blocks running as before, it's ColoMX resources and I just got then back from ARIN, after a dispute with Chris Gotzmann/Swift Internet LLC.

    @dearroy said:

    Francisco said: So he lost his space or?

    That's MINE space, not his.

    Do tell. What happened now?

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jorgemichaels said:
    francisco shut up - guess he learned his place

    Not quite, i'm still here, just I have customers to assist ;)


  • jorgemichaelsjorgemichaels Member
    edited September 2016

    @Francisco said:

    @jorgemichaels said:
    francisco shut up - guess he learned his place

    Not quite, i'm still here, just I have customers to assist ;)


    sounds like you just got a lot more customers to help ;)

    jokes aside, dont mess with the underworld francisco or it will harm your business

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @jorgemichaels said:

    @Francisco said:

    @jorgemichaels said:
    francisco shut up - guess he learned his place

    Not quite, i'm still here, just I have customers to assist ;)


    sounds like you just got a lot more customers to help ;)

    jokes aside, dont mess with the underworld francisco or it will harm your business

    Oh I see, you're part of a competing group trying to get the same turf.


    Thanked by 1Lee
  • I like memes

  • @jorgemichaels said:
    francisco shut up - guess he learned his place

    Voteban to ban @jorgemichaels
    @jarland @Amitz @Ishaq

    Thanked by 2myhken kspll7
  • why? i joined this community because i have been a long time lurker, and i thought this would be a good time to get involved. just because someone's feathers got rustled, you're going to vote to ban me?

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