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Looking For 10Gbps vps/rdp

in Requests
VZ Type: KVM
Number of Cores:6
RAM: 16 -32
Disk Space: 100GB
Disk Type: ANY
Bandwidth: unmeterd
Port Speed: 10Gbps
DDoS Protection: NO
Number of IPs: 3
Location: USA , NL , South USA
Budget: $50/month
Billing period: Monthly
i hope you are joking with your budget, i understand this is LOW end Talk , but definetly is not low and stupid ...
my offer for your needs is arrownd 1500 eur/mo
You can get 2TB @ 10 Gbps from KMS-Hosting for 45 EUR with 4 Cores, 16 GB RAM and 1 TB Disk:
Location is Frankfurt, Germany though.
the op need UNMETERED
10Gbps unmetered for $50/mo?
$0.005/Mbps - not happening.
Gimme 10gbit/s direct china traffic for 7/month.
Yes, I read that. But I think we both agree that this requirement is more than ridiculous, so I gave him an alternative :-P there Amsterdam location have 10Gbps uplinks
I would love to know the genius idea behind this 'need'
Unmetered 10Gbps is unrealistic for that budget. May be you can grab one of these.
6 core 16-32GB RAM KVM vps itself will go above $50 per month, let alone bandwidth.
Sorry I don't know about the prices for unmerited
but Np I need 1-4 TB @10 Gbps let me know the offers here
Kind of regards ..
Sorry I wrong About the price -_- just 1-5 TB @10gbps
Why do you need a 10 Gbps port for just 1-5 TB?
@NabellAljabery maybe you have interest on this one, please check:
What do you do with 10 Gbit/s connection speed?
If you need 10 or 20 Gbps unmetered for cheap, try feralhosting VPS. £20+ per month for shared port.
So How much i'll find this
Intel Xeon E3-1230
8x 3.20GHz
10Gbps Full Duplex Port
per month
With this budget? Not on this world.
There's few providers who provide RDP Service with 10Gbps Network but those are shared network or over crowded for sure. But still it's not that bad ... try searching google sometimes , there's lot of providers available , most of them provide a demo before you purchase anything. So you can test the network before purchasing and can pay using PayPal too.
10Gbps RDP -
HOSTDZIRE is good which @mtsbatalha already mentioned.
Just let me know your price Bro
Thanks Bro for helping me
10 Gbit/s unmetered ? Increase your budget some 50 times and you will start getting some serious offers
2.6 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 - 8 CPU Core(s), 12288 MB RAM, 120 GB of Storage, 10 TB of Bandwidth, 10 Gbit/s port.
Location: Switzerland. Price: $45
10 Gbps Netherlands VPS:
OpenVZ 10Gbps VPS - Amsterdam, NL:
firest time Idk the prices for it but now I don't want unmeterd BW ...
I think if you tell us what you want to do with it guys here will be able to help you better
I need it to run Programs for Transfer usernames via using Instagram API and Twttier API
But the programs need High Ram Etc..
Why do you need 10gpbs for that?
@Kabeldamagement has a 10G network on the rootserver nodes in Frankfurt, but I don't know if the higher plans have higher FUP limits for transfer.
You can expect to be able to use 1Gbit when you need it , that's it.
from :
It's 2TB fair-use traffic for the 1GB KVM rootserver IIRC.
Dunno about the 16GB rootserver.
better than 1Gbps speed ..