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Cheap tiny ddos protected vps
VZ Type: Not too picky, prefer Xen/KVM/VMware/real virt
Number of Cores: 1
RAM: 96-128 MB
Disk Space: 1-3 GB
Disk Type: Any
Bandwidth: 300GB+
Port Speed: Any
DDoS Protection: Yes, small attacks only
Number of IPs: 1 per vm (Nat is OK too)
IPv6: optional, not needed
Location: Mostly anywhere, no canada or uk/de/fr/nl. Prefer US West or Eastern Europe. Willing to take 1 in buffalo if cheap enough. I already have quadranet and psychz LA. I already have spartanhost WA.
Budget: as low as possible, preferably <$1.5/m. If $6-8/yr can pay yearly.
Billing period: Monthly / quarterly. Can do BTC for small amounts monthly for lower fees. Can do credit card or PP.
Usage: I don't file stupid tickets or get abuse reports. No illegal content. Yes I know this is probably asking a lot. Looking to pick up a total of 6-7 of these to act as a bunch of reverse proxies that also cache static assets for use in a geodns cdn, basically.
LES Italy ( @AnthonySmith ) has some ddos protection iirc. I think Italy does not allow adult content.
I already have a LES, but I kind of would feel bad if my stuff impacted other users too lol
Not hosting any adult/warez/etc.
Last time I contacted @AnthonySmith he said it will be a while until their LES plans are restocked giving an est. of ~Spring 2017
UK would be a better option, I will be restocking early 2017 I expect.
I have pretty much all of western europe covered already in any case, looking for weirder providers elsewhere primarily
Virmach Buffalo, $5/year? :
Only 250Gb transfer btw.
Correct link
Yeah Just noticed. Sorry about that
256MB in Dallas for $12/yr?
sounds like a nice little project - good luck with your search!
Are you flexible if its OpenVZ?
And could the price the lowest $1.99/month work for you?
Only flexible on OVZ if it's less than $6/yr. This is because it's a huge pain in the ass to deal with and all of my containerization/devops tools do not work and it has to be treated like a special case and managed individually.
KVM/etc gets one-line deployed, public/private key VPN setup, mounts secrets via fuse over the VPN with ssl certs/private keys, etc. (I use
OVZ is ass.
VirMach - 256MB/15GB/1TB DDoS Protected KVM VPS for $1.4 (leb30) in Buffalo