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ipv6 now working inside openvz vps
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ipv6 now working inside openvz vps

foxpantherfoxpanther Member
edited September 2016 in General

ipv6 pings fine inside the openvz server but not inside the vps
ifup eth0 and ifdown eth0 show errors

ndsend: Error in sendto(): Cannot assign requested address

ifup-local WARNING: arpsend -c 1 -w 1 -U -i 2607:****:****:5060:0:100:****:604e -e 2607:****:****:5060:0:100:***:604e eth0 FAILED

In the above message please note the digits 5060. The actual address should be .0506..
This should be the reason,but what changes should I make in the files accordingly or what commands?


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