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This is a question for @miTgiB
Tim replied to my ticket and said no on linked IRC servers.. but would still like to know user experience with torrenting there? reliable? etc
No one cares if you torrent unless you:
A. Abuse resources
B. Get caught violating copyright laws
No exception to that will be found at Hostigation.
@jarland some providers prohibit torrents full stop. I'm okay with A. and B. I only torrent legal content that i own the copyright for/or open source linux distros
Well the reason why some providers prohibit (to my understanding) is that torrenting is also a huge I/O drain.
You won't find a problem with Tim then. His torrent policy is the same as his biggest policy: "don't be a dick."
Well that is okay for Hostigation, provided you abide by Tim's rule:
Also as the Pie Lord said:
If it causes problems on Hostigations nodes and neighbours are affected etc., it won't be allowed, that's part of Tim's "don't be a dick" clause.
I love Tim's "Don't be a dick" clause. Such a blanket rule that applies to... well... everything.
I wouldn't recommend using hostigation. go w ovh, or someone who doesn't care
Limiting seeding to 5MB seems to be the key to not get caught in the Don't be a Dick rule
OVH is not the end all be all for everyone, some may like the fact of a East/West Coast US location or something more than an Atom or other low grade POS box.
I'm guessing that doesn't stand for Pre-Owned Supercomputer.
We had torrenters doing 800+ mbps and didnt abuse disk (but were asked to throttle due to network abuse) while others did 100 and were caught in the alarms.
Probably some clients do not defragment the files downloaded and this generates a lot of seek instead of getting the chunk in one go.
I am not using torrents more than an occasional distro when I dont want to hammer mirrors and seems to be pretty light on disk, but it might be different in case of low BW and multiple sources which get aggregated and the resulting file is a huge puzzle.
Pre allocation.
That is all you need
for torrenting? i dont think the cpu matters that much
ps -Af | grep torrent | awk '{print $2}' | xargs ionice -c idle