All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active. - Rootserver & Dedicated Server - Incl. DDoS-Mitigation (Frankfurt, Germany)
** **provides ddos protected hosting solutions since 2012, including KVM Rootserver, Dedicated Server and Webhosting.
Generally, we`re using only branded server hardware from vendors like HP Enterprise and Supermicro. Our whole infrastructure is based on several 10GE / 40GE hardware routers, multiple 10Gbit connected switches and also our self developed ddos protection which is able to mitigate attacks on Layer 3 to Layer 7 (also including http / https) up to 250Gbit / 370mpps. We have our own network and server equipment colocated in two datacenter locations within Frankfurt, Germany.
Shared Webhosting from Web 10G (10GB Disk, 10 FTP Accounts, 10 MySQL Databases, Layer7 DDoS Protection, 10Gbit Uplink):
KVM Rootserver from Root 1G - 1 CPU Core / 1024MB Ram / 60GB Storage (4,50€ / Month):
Dedicated Server:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team via Skype (, by e-Mail ([email protected]) and also by ticket (for customers only in our manager).
I've used them in the past and can't say anything bad about them, they are pretty solid.
Where is your defintion of "Fair Use"? :P
This is our definition:
If your traffic usage reaches 2TB per month, the available uplink bandwith will be limited to 10Mbit/s. More traffic can be ordered for only 6€ per Terabyte.
Hey @Kabeldamagement:
Prices on dedicated servers are not too exceed $49 USD per month.
The server is worth at the time of posting ~54 USD.
Rootserver is a vps right?
Yep, as stated on our website, it's based on KVM Virtualization ;-)
See "Our Root Servers are based on the powerful KVM virtualization environment. All ressources are fully reserved and dedicated to your server at any time."
Aight^^ Thanks
Great offers!
Please read the rules here.
For currency other than USD, use the foreign exchange on the day of posting to verify the cost fits the requirement and post the exchange rate of that day.
Dedicated must not exceed USD$49/month recurring on monthly billing, with no setup fee.
What does read mean?
I thought the motto was:
Register an account, post your offer, ignore everyone, ignore the rules, make your millions, deadpool, start the process again.
Yes, still making "millions" with lowendtalk - you know the game very well
Please list the plans and prices that fit within the limits, not just the links
I bought a server with them waiting for the arrival, the support was very great helped me with my problem (ddos).
The arrival of my dedicated server take a few days (more than expected), but I can say that the experience is very good for now I will post a review soon.
Keep in mind that the servers are located at interwerk. maybe the cheapest "dc" in germany with the worst reviews. no tier or any iso certification. just google for interwerk...
We have a part of our servers located at Interwerk since 2014, we cant say any negative actually. Air condition is working better as in some other iso certified datacenters in Frankfurt, physical security to our racks is given through multiple doors and keys, power didnt fail since we are at the datacenter (we also have ups power) and generally, Interwerk operates well for us with no downtime so far
There is a difference between Interwerk Tower Area and Interwerk Rack Area where our servers are located. Their tower area doesnt have any UPS, physical security is lower and it looks a bit disordered.
Can you link me a review?(I searched on google but not found)
The site itself is dynamically generated, if we have some specially offers available (depends if they are already ordered), they will show up mostly with a cheaper price. If a customer orders one of them, the offer isnt visible anymore. (power cut) (outage) (reachable)
all in german
Your opinion was two years ago complete different ^^
You: "Sorry, but interwerk isn't an enterprice dc..."
i know datacenters, which can call thereself enterprise dc, but not interwerk with their problems and outages. "
"... if in frankfurt the power fails again, the servers will be offline there."
Many things can change within 2 years and Interwerk does a really good job in this time..
Well i found only some complains from 2016 about a maintenance / offline in february
If i'm not mistaken, there was a partial failure of power in the tower area, the rackrooms were not affected.
ok i'll believe you (dein wort in gottes ohr) :P maybe a mod can cleanup the thread
According to their tower area, I think you picked an old post on which was related to a provider which was doing marketing with his tower servers? :-)
Dont mix two topics which are based on different technical circumstances, Interwerk is not Interwerk in every case - it depends in which area area your servers are located
My kms vps has excellent ping to other Frankfurt and european hosted vps.
Too bad its HDD , so just plan accordingly
Observed minimal jitter in 2 weeks of monitoring.
Network capacity is excellent : 1.5Gbit to Europe DCs is not uncommon when checking occasionally .
Solarflare FTW
edit paste:
`wget -O /dev/null
--2016-07-11 06:14:05--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1048576000 (1000M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘/dev/null’
100%[===========================================================>] 1,048,576,000 180MB/s in 5.6s
2016-07-11 06:14:11 (178 MB/s) - ‘/dev/null’ saved [1048576000/1048576000]`
We have already plans to introduce SSDs in the future ;-)
Very solid provider. I do not know about their ddos protection yet, because have't received any ddos attack yet. But their VPS'es very fast always, and no any downtime's after using them for around 2-3 months. German quality. Really nice.
Got my dedicated server i'll post a review soon
In your next offer post, You should point out the ipv6 allocation
(Full /48 according to my kms manager panel)
Only /64 within a /48 ;-)