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Anyway, @cociu is your man.
Is 1245v5 very important? Soyoustart has a E3-SSD-4 that's pretty close to your request.
We are Local Hosting provider and my client ask for 1245v5
You can ask @cociu for servers located in Romania.
Thanks i will do that
We have few such similar servers:
Intel Xeon E3-1240
2x120 GB SSD
Unmetered Bandwidth
1Gbps Port Speed
Price: $165/mo
Location: Ukraine
Intel Xeon E3-1240v5
Unmetered Bandwidth (Fair Usage)
100Mbps Port (I know its not 1Gbps)
Price: $237/mo
Location: Hong Kong
I have the above two offers for you. Let me know if you are interested.
Note to staff: If posting offers is not allowed then please delete my reply. I apologize for it.
Can any help me to close the Topic.
Thanks for your offer may i know which DC you are offering for Saudi Arabia VPS
Thanks guys for mention. Yes i can provide this but right now we do some big change to our network (some upgrades) so i prefere stay away from selling this days and focus in perform some improvements.
Are you still adding Voxility protection in the future?
We have 1240v5 in London, UK with DDoS protection.
Can install cPanel free, you will need to source license.
What location are you looking for? We can do this in London, UK - Either 1245v5 or 1270v5, with SSD/HDD from 1bay > 8 bay chassis; pretty much whatever configuration you want.
All servers include dual diverse uplinks and DDoS Protection, we can also offer you the cPanel license as an extra.
Find out more on our UK Dedicated Server page (configurator is on the page after) & Software Licenses on our main site.
Yeah but he needs DMCA ignored?
I could...but seems there's still a lot of good info being posted...
Correct, DMCA is a US based law and we are a UK company, not US.
There are however other law's in the UK that can achieve similar results but they are not DMCA as such.
@quadhost, NashirNet
What is your budget?
You provide ignore dmca server? Or dmca ignored depend on budget? ;p
They're Dutch, DMCA isn't a thing there.
1,5 blowjobs.
Pretty sure OP also think about BREIN free
You got a point there :P
We do not have DMCA here, but we will forward any copyright infringements and ask you to remove it within 24 hours.