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VPS Backup Self Restore Beta
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VPS Backup Self Restore Beta

Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep
edited March 2013 in General

I am looking for two people to help me test out a new feature at Fliphost, backup self restore.

In case you were not aware, at Fliphost we take full BMR backups of each VPS node (with the exception of storage servers) every 6 hours. Before, if you wanted to restore a full backup, a specific file or folder you had to open a ticket for us to restore it for you. Now, with this feature you will be able to choose a backup and restore the files as you wish.

I am looking for two people to help me test it out.

Each person will get our SSD1 plan free for a month. Once the month is over you may either choose to keep the server at a discount, or cancel it.

SSD1 includes:

RAM: 512mb
Cores: 2
Storage: 10GB (RAID 10)
Bandwidth: 1000GB @ 1Gbps

Each beta tester will be expected to test the backup and restore system strongly. Testing full image restores, folder restores as well as specific files.

I would like all feedback either posted in this thread, via pm or ticket.

It is my hope that this feature will be bug free in less than a month, but I will need your help to get it there. If you want to be one of these two people comment on this thread say that you do. Two people will be chosen later tonight to give everyone a chance.

Some Screenshots:


  • You can count me in. Are you still working on the screenshots?

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    @DStrout Mistakenly hit post instead of save draft. Screenshots are now added.

  • This would be extremely useful for me because I'm always losing files due to sheer laziness. Don't have time to test it unfortunately but it looks a very promising feature.

  • @Fliphost said: Mistakenly hit post instead of save draft

    Oh, I hate that, it's so awful :-)

  • Looks like a cool deal but I think I am in too late :)

  • In case there is still a spot open, I'd love to have a chance to check it out.

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    @zhuanyi I am going to choose two people randomly later tonight. Figured I would give people who are not aware now a chance as well.

  • Reminds me of some time back I accidentally hit mv /* .. and had to reinstall everything from scratch.

    Interested in doing the test.

  • matthewvzmatthewvz Member, Host Rep

    I would love to help. How much will it be after the test if you don't mind me asking?

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    @matthewvz free with every vps we offer. Except storage servers

  • So, correct me if I'm wrong, its basically like Digitalocean where you can load a snapshot of your server, except this one, you can select which files to restore?

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep


    I have personally never used Digitalocean so I can only speak by what you have told me. If I understand correctly yes.

  • aiuraiur Member

    Could you count me in too?

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    Chosen people have been pmed

  • @FlipHost you keep bringing interesting features to the VPS market. Keep it up!

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep


    I just hired another developer, so I have more coming soon hopefully.

    Have a long list of ideas I am working my way through as funds allow. Glad to hear the features are being appreciated.

  • Yay! I'm in on the trial.

  • This sounds like a total NEW and GREAT feature.
    Nobody offers this, period.

    Ok, probably a couple of providers offer backup/restore, but doesn't have the feature of "restore individual files"

    What about the possibility of downloading one of your snapshots?
    I think several people has been looking for this, so they can "try" to get another provider and restore his image.

  • jcalebjcaleb Member
    edited March 2013

    I see a pattern here, you implement awesome features one at a time. First the storage VPS, then offloaded SQL, then this.

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    @yomero I will look Into allowing the download of a snapshot.

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep


    It's all part of "The List" , more to come ;)

  • @Fliphost said: It's all part of "The List" , more to come ;)

    You are silently planning to rule over the world sir.

  • Awmusic12635Awmusic12635 Member, Host Rep

    @jcaleb sssshhhhh

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