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CloudLinux support for php 4.4?
Anyone here with CloudLinux can check if there's php 4.4 available in their php selector?
This is due to a client of mine that has a script that only runs in php 4.4 with no errors...
I'm tired of this. Advised the client that our php programmer could rewrite their whole shit for a fee but they do not have budget.
Your client has had what... 10 years? 10 years to deal with their old software.
Also, yes, CL supports 44.
Correct. 10 damn years.
Can you recommend me a host with CloudLinux to test this for a day? Other than BuyVM @Francisco's brother Aldryc banned me from their services :P
Why do I get the feeling that was for a reason?
Opinions about Frantech and Aldryc got pissed, but that's not what I want to talk about here
Your issue is that you went on some complainy rant about some extra payment you made. In the end Aldryic refunded your payment and closed your account.
I think I told you in that very same thread to please not be a pain in the butt to your next provider.
I've been a loyal client to many providers. Getting my arse banned from BuyVM doesn't hurt me that much TBH :P. There are many VPS providers and many Shared/Reseller hosting providers. I like you. It's the main factor there. No hard feelings torwards Aldryc.
You brought it up.
Usually, the first suggestion is BuyVM (I've recommended BuyVM a numerous of times too), so I had to mention that BuyVM isn't an option, and inquired for another option.
Had to go searching since I didn't see php4.4, and it's not supported on CL 7
EDIT: I spoke too soon
Go for afreecloud, $3.65 a year will get you on buyshared without Aldyric.
Have php4.4 on CL7, but only in Charlotte
Will check, thank you so much!
What are your packages?
You can try to bribe Aldryic with some hard liquor and a truck load of vodka
Already emailed him, he didn't reply, so, I moved on :P
I just got the app running but will check your packages since I need to run a few more tests. Thank you for your help! :-)
php 4.4 is outdated. Vulnerable.
Why not looking for php v5, v6?