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1&1 taking me to court over £0.60
Since December 2011 I have been getting flooded with letters and emails from 1&1 asking me to pay an invoice of £8 although I ordered their email for £0.60 + 20% VAT and they are wanting me to pay £8, so I am refusing to pay for it because at checkout it said £0.72, which they decided to add another few pounds to the fee (not like I cant afford it, I'm just not going to pay hidden fees), they now have their lawyers involved and will be taking legal action against me for £0.72(incl. vat) which they thought it would be a great idea to boost the price up to £26.99,
The warning letter they sent me follows,
Creditor: 1&1 Internet Limited
Reference: REDACTED
Client Reference: REDACTED
Total Balance: £ 26.99
Dear Tom McLoughlin,
As previous correspondence has informed you arvato has been instructed by out client 1&1 Internet Limited to recover the overdue amount of £26.99 owed to them by you.
Failure to resolve this situation may result in further action commencing against you without any further notification.
We trust that no further action will be necessary and request that payment is made in full directly to arvato no later than seven days from the date of this letter.
Payment can be made as follows
Debit Card: Call us on 0870-1258809
BACS Transfer: Account Number: REDACTED, Sort-Code: REDACTED, Payment Ref: REDACTED
Cheque: Made payment to arvato Limited (sent to PO Box address listed above)
If you have recently made payment to this account, or there is any issue that needs to be brought to our attention then you must contact us immediately on 0870-1258809 quoting reference REVOKED.
Yours sincerely,
arvato limited
Derp derp epic lol
That isn't them taking you to court.... it's just 1&1's usual scare policy, how does £0.60 go to £26?
Pay them 0.72 pounds and tell them to fuck off. And if the don't deliver the service you ordered after you pay them the 0.72 - complain to the consumer protection bureau or whatever it is in the UK.
Ignore it. They won't pursue you over this amount.
Get a lawyer friend to help you draft a fake "counter-sue" letter back to 1&1. Two can play that "scare tactic" game.
Send them 27p in 1 penny coins in a padded envelope, but don't put enough postage on it - it'll cost them at least £1.20 to collect it from the post office
i love this idea.
I'll do it. :>
@TommehM do it. I'd do it. @deanclinton legend.
Lmao. What a joke!
1&1 may be the most Shameless Host to date, I may have to do something about that. They have been pulling this stunt for years now and its really starting to get old
disclaimer: I'm not a legal professional.
It looks like 1&1 have sold your debt onto a collection agency? You do want to get these guys off your back.
You should inform both parties in writing that you dispute the original bill and ask them to refer the issue back to 1&1. At this point the collection agency are required by law to do so and leave you alone.
Make it clear that you are aware of this and tell the agency you would regard any further demands from them as harassment and that you will pass them on to relavent regulators (google them, can't recall exact names) - you need to show them you understand your rights, otherwise they will keep hassling you until you get fed up and pay.
The important thing is to get the debt collectors off your back, they will hassle you and as long as its with them, disputing the amount will be completely fruitless.
+1 what tehdan said
tis gunna b gud
Who wants free popcorn?

doesn't make sense at all. no collection agency would buy anything as small as this
1and1 at it again. Time to do something about them.
Are they hurting that bad that trolling $1 or so?
@TommehM didn't want to worry you, and I do encourage you to stand up to 1&1, but collection agencies are just corporate thugs who will do anything they can to get you to pay up.
I've been in a similar situation with an even smaller amount - when I moved house once, a mobile phone contract I was just coming off got my new address wrong. A final and unexpected bill was sent to the wrong address, and 2 years later I started getting letters just like yours.
If you do decide to settle it (I did..), don't beat yourself up, its a small amount of money for which they will happily cause you a lot of hassle - that's how they work, and yes its basically extortion. Insist that you get confirmation in writing of 'full and final payment'. Probably best to send a cheque with the request in writing. Also a cheque will likely cost them the most to process
The reason you want that bit of paper is that its not unknown for the same debt to mysteriously pop up again due to an 'administrative error'. Without written evidence of having paid it once, you will have to go through it all again. I'm sure they have a lot less 'administrative errors' in the other direction...
Good luck and keep us posted!
Got a letter from them for ~9 + $15 collection fee. Quick BBB complaint and they "fixed their error" the next day.
Want to ask about 1&1 and don't wanna start a new thread, so I'll post here.
Are they always that lame? I wanted to get single .info domain and they had an offer for $0.99 first year, so I've registered with them. Now reading all this I'm thinking this was such a good idea lol :P
Or they'll be acceptable if I'll keep just that single domain with them? At least it works now.
Ofc their panel is terribly lame with all this magic you have to do before being able to set your own NS...
And they've sent me a invoice with VAT listed for my country... but my country is outside of EU and have no VAT at all or any tax on international services.
I've also set up PayPal as my payment method but they still didn't charged me for domain. Invoice doesn't have any payment links and as I've setup a PayPal agreement with them I assume they'll charge it automatically later.
BTW, at least they weren't that as which I find is probably the worst domain reg ever. They didn't registered my domain due to some technical bugs, I wrote a tech support and they didn't replied at all.