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BradBrad Member
edited February 2016 in Offers

XENStorage - 100G


2 CPU Cores


100GB Disk

512GB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

$20 anually

Dallas, Texas (Incero)


XENStorage - 200G


4 CPU Cores

2048MB RAM

200GB Disk

1024GB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

$7/month or $48 anually

Dallas, Texas (Incero)




1 CPU Core

128 MB RAM


256GB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

1 IPv4

€1.5/monthly or €15 annually

2 months free if you prepay for the year.

Stockholm, Sweden




2 CPU Cores

256 MB RAM


512GB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

1 IPv4

€2.5/monthly or €30 annually

Stockholm, Sweden




2 CPU Cores

512 MB RAM


1TB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

1 IPv4

€3/monthly or €36 annually

Stockholm, Sweden




3 CPU Cores

1024 MB RAM


1TB Traffic

1 Gbps Port Speed

1 IPv4


Stockholm, Sweden


Q: Do you offer refunds?

A: We offer a 30-day refund period for your first service with us.

Q: Can I run X or Y?

A: Check out our AUP.

Q: Test IP?

A: Submit a ticket and we will gladly provide you with one.

Q: What payment methods do you accept?

A: We accept payments via PayPal, BitPay, 2Checkout.

Q: Can you make me a custom deal?

A: Of course! We know everyone has their own needs and are ready to accommodate to yours the best we can. Just submit a ticket to our sales department and it will be taken care of in a timely manner.
Q: Are orders instantly set up?

A: All VPS products, with the exception of VikingLayer, are manually set up by our staff. The usual setup time is 12 hours on weekdays.

Some words from our clients and fellow LET members:

Feel free to submit a ticket, reply directly to this thread, or even PM if you have a question, concern, or inquiries.

Thanked by 2aglodek vimalware


  • Please provide singapore location :D

  • BharatBBharatB Member, Patron Provider

    @hawkjohn7 said:
    Please provide singapore location :D

    We'll look into it :)

    Thanked by 1Faizi
  • Best Provider I had so far..

    Thanked by 3Brad Radi Qovic_Bharat
  • !Please provide singapore location !

  • edited February 2016

    @BharatB said:
    We'll look into it :)

    Thread hijacking, seriously? Pretty sure you're not a DrServer rep.

    Whatever, your tone sucks when you're replying. At least shown yourself to be rude. Lmao.

  • theroyalstudent said: Thread hijacking, seriously? Pretty sure you're not a DrServer rep.

    He is.

  • BharatBBharatB Member, Patron Provider

    Do your homework before you talk.

    Thanked by 1evilghaleon
  • RadiRadi Host Rep, Veteran

    Guys, what plans are you interested in to see in Singapore? :)

  • @BharatB said:

    None of your threads or sig says so in the title. Can't be bothered to give a damn about doing any detailed research. Added to my "no-longer-giving-a-fuck-unless-he-fucks-up" list. Don't give me that tone, lmao.

    Also, you've just lost a potential customer who would probably be looking for more servers out there in the coming months. At least I know that I just decreased the chance of meeting another jerk when I open a support tickets at hosts.

    @Frecyboy Thank you for replying in a decent manner.

  • I'm not seeing the tone issue. Was there a ninja edit?

    Anyway, nice storage offers from a great provider. Shockingly nice guy support.

    The rare provider who takes responsibility even when acts of God screw up things.

    Thanked by 1Brad
  • BharatBBharatB Member, Patron Provider
    edited February 2016

    @vimalware said:
    I'm not seeing the tone issue. Was there a ninja edit?

    I wonder where I was being harsh :P I told do you homework before you talk , god knows... whats up with him :)

    Apologies if I sounded harsh in any manner , I consider it plain sentence though.

  • His tone could have been better, but you aren't exactly Miss Manners yourself.

    Back on subject though, drServer is fantastic, would recommend.

    Thanked by 3BharatB Brad Junkless
  • +1 for drserver in SG or HK

    Thanked by 1BharatB
  • Do you support BGP peering/announce BYOIP space in Dallas? Any other locations?

    +1 for Singapore or HK location, BTW ;)

    Thanked by 1BharatB
  • BharatBBharatB Member, Patron Provider

    @aglodek said:
    Do you support BGP peering/announce BYOIP space in Dallas? Any other locations?

    Open a ticket and we'll get back to you , post consultation with our DC

    Thanked by 1aglodek
  • humm is the XENStorage - 100G gone already? kinda looked like a good chance to try out dr server...

  • @fiend said:
    humm is the XENStorage - 100G gone already? kinda looked like a good chance to try out dr server...

    Added some stock :)

    Thanked by 1fiend
  • thanks @Brad :)

    Thanked by 1Brad
  • @Brad said:

    Are these dedicated resource? In terms of CPU and RAM?

  • @TheOnlyDK said:
    Are these dedicated resource? In terms of CPU and RAM?

    RAM is guaranteed. CPU, no.

  • @Brad said:
    RAM is guaranteed. CPU, no.

    Before I go read the long AUP stuff, how much CPU allowed for an extended period of time?

  • @TheOnlyDK said:
    Before I go read the long AUP stuff, how much CPU allowed for an extended period of time?

    We're very relaxed and flexible. Generally, we will allow up to 6-8 hours of intensive usage before taking action. What are you planning to host?

  • allow up to 6-8 hours of intensive usage? So others will suffer in a mean time?

  • @tenpera said:
    allow up to 6-8 hours of intensive usage? So others will suffer in a mean time?

    Most of our users use their server for backups. If you need to quickly pull data for a few hours, we understand that. The CPU usage is usually very low on the host node, which allows for some flexibility. Of course, if you are causing a massive load, we will kindly ask you to stop.

  • @Brad said:

    Nothing CPU intensive, but just wanted to make sure.

    Thanked by 1Brad
  • Anyone with a disk test speed for those XEN plans?

  • fbcpckfbcpck Member
    edited February 2016


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