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How to get SolusVM V2 ?
Hello There,
I was investigating about any other SolusVM license reseller excluding BuycPanel and found this website with awesome design:
There was few screenshots about SolusVM V2, so i was wondering if it's possible to get SolusVM V2 as it looks greater than current version. I took deep look on SolusVM official website but i didn't found how to get V2, if anyone know then please let me know.
It is not out yet
wait for a few years...
fixed. the S is of the outmost importance here
At this moment, SolusVM v2 can only be considered as vaporware.
Only 4 large hosts currently have access to version 2 and only the EndUser parts/API's at that.
@SolusVM Any possibille date for releasing date for everyone ?
Well first you have to convince the demented OnApp leaders that you won't give 10% of your revenue to their Solus replacement project...just ask @DETio and he'll be glad to tell you all about it...
@bryan_gestionDBI thanks
@AbuRayhan ETA coming soon in 2017
Could you name the hosts?
GoodHosting, GreenValueHost,, and TinyTunnel_Tom?
Why do you need SolusVM? What does it give you, that you don't already have?
exactly like a new phone.
Quite odd (and misleading) that they're advertising screenshots of a control panel which isn't yet available.
i don't think, they will tell :P
No one cares unless we have access imo
Who care about front end? How about back end
I'm guessing there's a lot of junk in the trunk.
I can't wait to test this out after a Half-Life 3 playthrough.
Just after I setup native IPv6 on my buffalo server, aight?
Half Life 3 will be ipv6 only. Even on localhost.
No connections from
Maybe they are closer: and HostBill developed their v2 module
No. HB is the update of the v1 module. Nothing to do with SolusVM v2.
I remember seeing that several months ago, nothing has changed on there.
They've been mentioning it since 2012. I've written an article about this a short while ago. SolusVM v2 is damaging SolusVM right now and it's so unnecessary.
I wouldn't really say it's damaging because there's no real competitor, MG proxmox module is just as buggy (if not more) than Virtualizor for example.
That said OnApp also has lot of recent negative comments regarding lack of updates/fixes:
So I understand correctly;
You visited SousVM's website, found no mention of V2 being on sale, and you thought you still might be able to find a reseller here?
Questionable thought processes seem to be 'a thing' on LET today.
Link please?
He visited our website which has previews of it there instead of the v1 screenshots because it is on the way out.... We do have a notice on the page stating it's v2 previews which isn't out yet.
The issue I have with a few people, ok it was announced in 2012, however SolusVM had to improve v1 (have a full security audit in 2013 before WHMCS's exploits because of one issue released by, before continuing v2 as they was a small team.
Following me yet? OnApp bought SolusVM out in 2014, 2 years after development.
There is now a bigger team for SolusVM and a dedicated team in that for v2, they work on v2 constantly and they design and develop just v2. To pass the time they have released some v2 features for v1 to improve it even more whilst you wait for it to be released.
So it's in development why can't you have it now? Now this is my opinion I don't know the facts personally but if you got it right now, and it was buggy, crashed, caused issues.... you would all be here complaining about it.
If it's not that and there was hardly any features whilst they are working on it, you again would complain about it.
So they are working to ensure it's fully stable and ready for the market (you and me). They have 4 big customers trying it out and helping pass opinions. Then when ready it will be in beta or released where we can try it.
Look at his forum signature.